
4/7B-4/10B English II Honors

Monday/Tuesday-No Journal-Instead do a back map of Embedded Assessment 2, Unit 3 on PG 188-189. Do it individually. Remember, you should know how to do this by now.

Bring Things Fall Apart to class daily, as we aren't finished with it yet.

NWEA Testing 4/8-4/11
Copy Information from Board:
Due 4/14 A
4/15 B
PG 177-180 (workbook assignments)
pg 184-Add transitions using editing marks
pf 185- letter

R#45- 3 column notes on your chosen theme from TFA. Example is on pg 187.
What characters/say/do/book quote deeper meaning/commentary PG#/CH

Dramatic Irony: When a character or speaker says something that has different meanings from what he/she thinks it means, though the implications of the speech or action maybe fully understood by the audience or other characters

How does the District Commissioner's final comments on Okonkwo represent dramatic irony? Look at TFA PG 208-209 to answer.


B- Monday A-Thursday- If you missed either of these days this week, you must do the following on your own

-Class back mapped together Embedded Assessment 2
-Defined Theme as class
-Brainstormed all of the possible themes in Things Fall Apart
-Chose a Theme to write about for EA2
-Each student Brainstormed their chosen theme to discover a thesis statement. Example was provided on the board by Ms. Batten
-Each student wrote their thesis. Checked by Ms. Batten.