
Mass MediaYB 6th block/7th 10/18

MASS MEDIA-6th block only
Create an ad list. Loucite Michel to check before you submit to sub.

Copy upside down triangle from board before lunch.

After lunch, you must list the following:

Renewals: At least 10 businesses who advertised last year and all of their contact info including address and phone numbers.

Friends and Family: At least 10 friends, family members or friends of family members or family member's friends who own a business, have a child graduating or would benefit somehow from taking out an ad. List their names, their relationship to you and why you think they might be interested in an ad.

Places you and your parents spend money:
List 30 businesses in which you or your parents spend your money.

Vendors List at least 10 businesses which the Parker uses for supplies, sports, clubs, etc.

Have Loucite check your list before submitting to see you've followed the above directions. When finished turn your list into Ms. Gore with this handout.

7th block/Advanced Yearbook
Before submitting your 300 word story which is due today, do all of the following:
-Write at the top, if you haven't included this, how many words total are in your story. Do not count the title or any word not in your actual story. If you do not have at least 350 words, I will not accept it. I told you to write the rough draft with too many words. Keep and fix if not at least 350 words.

Circle all planned and effective repetition which sounds poetic to the ear. If you do not have any. Keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Make sure your beginning/hook and end are circular and connect to each other. If not, Keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Label each quote from your interviewee with a Q. If you do not have a couple of quotes from your subject which are short and powerful,keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Underline all descriptive words or phrases. If you do not have enough description, keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Label where your shift in tense occurs. Like in "After the Sky Fell" it starts in the present, shifts to past, then goes back to present. If you didn't shift the tenses at least once,keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Put an asterisk * next to all facts and details. If you do not have enough, keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

At the top of your paper, tell me which plot you used when writing this story and what universal feeling/emotion everyone can relate to

Label any occasionally breaks in traditional English rules for poetic sound. Ex: Fragments

Finally, have someone proof your story and make sure you labelled everything correctly. Have them write any suggestions for improvement in the margin. Turn in the essay to Ms. Gore if you followed all of the guidelines.

If you have a lot of mistakes, please pay closer attention when editors are teaching how to do things, use your time more efficiently, refer back to your copy section to the model 300 word stories and remember to fix asap as the deadline for the rough draft was today.