
10/14 A-10/17 B English III

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R13-15-Inferences-Due 10/24 A-10/25 B-80 percent

Groups-Compare and Contrast American Idol with X Factor using a Venn Diagram. Class reviews all differences and similarities between these shows. Check off the items your group had on their diagram and add anything you didn't have. Now write a paragraph using the alternating comparison/contrast style. This means, you must choose one element of both shows, rather than including all of them. For example, your paragraph may be about the rules, the judges or the setup of the show. Use the comparison/contrast transitions and submit to the basket your group diagram and paragraph. Both assignments can be on the same sheet. Make sure all group members' names are on assignment. Transition sheet distributed to students. Teacher explains to keep this handout for the comparison/contrast essay and future essays.

Student reading entry explained to class for inferences. Teacher explains what not to do when infering-do not report what is directly stated and put I predict, I guess, I think, I infer in front of it. Inferences are only when you guess or predict something not directly stated. Use appropriate key words. Only use I predict when actually predicting something will happen in the book.

Student work returned-progress reports issued.

Oct 14-Deadline-All Unit 1 assignments must be submitted by this date.