

Turn in W4-Performance Task Unit 1-final essay 100 pt/80%. Attach rubric, venn diagram and outline if applicable.

Finish and turn in exit 10 if you haven't already

Copy exit 11Exit 11: What is a connection? What are the 3 types of connections? Explain each-from previous lesson

Ra Ta Ta-Connections reading entry explained in detail. For each entry, you only need to find 2 connections. You should put in extra what type of connection it is you found. Key words you can use to show you are connecting with the book are I remember, I recall, This reminds me of, I can relate, I connect, etc.

are when you can associate to the book because you find similarities to your life, something you've read or in the world around you. The three types of connections reviewed as a class: text-to-self (when you personally relate to whats in the book because something similar happened to you), text-to-text (when you relate the book to another book, movie or tv show), text-to-world (When the book reminds you of something going on in the world around you, such as current events.)

Example of each:
Text-to-self: I can relate because my grandmas also doesn't let people sit on her furniture.
Text-to-text: This reminds me of the National Lampoon movies because of the Griswald's evil cousins who are also hyper and rude.
Text-to-world: I can connect this to the presidential elections going on now, because they also use negative campaigns against each other.

Review Author's Purpose-Test the next class.
When taking a test on author's purpose, eliminate the purposes you know the passage is definately not.

If you have an information text, you could eliminate any key words in front of answers which mean to persuade or entertain.