
10/12 A-10/13 B English III

Copy Exit 10 1)Which organization system will you use for your performance task and why? 2)What example was used in class today to teach students how to write comparison/contrast essays? 3)Write 4 sentences comparing and contrasting 2 objects (ex pen and pencil). Use transitions, obviously.

Do not turn in this exit slip today. You will turn it in the next class.

Work on R13-15 Inferences-Independently read for 20 minutes. (Group in charge of reading books, don't forget to organize bookshelf after reading.)

Take out Holt books. Label a piece of paper W4-Performance Task-Unit 1-Venn Diagram
With your groups, look at all 3 stories read for Unit 1 (p10 R1-Coming Into the Country, p1294 R5 Our Mother's Garden, 1310 R9 Straw Into Gold). Decide which two stories you think are the most alike, then complete a venn diagram. Think of at least 4 similarities and 4 differences for the two stories you choose. Remember the similarities go on the inside of the diagram, where the circles join. Each of you should have a copy of this diagram. Turn diagram into the basket when finished, but make sure you have 4 similarities and differences. (see board for one example-which you can include on your diagram).

Remember you will be writing a comparison/contrast essay for your performance task for unit 1. This assignment will be worth 100 points and is an 80% assessment grade. Use your time effectively. The essay is due on 10/20 A-10/21 B

If you finish before others, discuss with your group the similarities and differences between the shows American Idol and X Factor. You will have to complete an assignment comparing these two shows, the next clsas.