
11/10 A-11/14 B English III

Copy Exit 13: 1)What was MLK Jr's purpose in writing "Letter from Birmingham.."? (Answer in a complete sentence)2. Contrast "Declaration of Sentiments with "Letter from Birmingham." Which one uses more logic? Which one uses more emotion?? Explain why each author uses more of this type of persuasion in their writing? (consider audience)

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections Due 11/21 A-11/22 B-80%

Turn in Exit 12 if you haven't already. Exit 12 returned to some students for corrections.

Finish R19-Women's Rights with your group. Turn in by stapling the individual assignments to the group assignment.

Start R23-Letter to Birmingham- First, read pg 286 paradox and Reading Focus: logos, ethos, pathos. Class reviews the types of persuasion together.

Then read p276 MLK Jr. short Biography. Read to learn why he wrote this letter from jail in the first place.

Then read p280 Rhetorical question-Class discussed that when using rhetorical questions the author is most likely appealing to someones logic.

Setup a chart like the last one you did for R19, but this time add Ethos/Ethics.

R23-Letter to Birminham-Document on the chart all persuasive devices used and if these devices are logos/logic, pathos/emotion, or ethos/ethics or more than one. Provide an explanation for each of your choices. Due the next class.

Class given compare/contrast essay model for W4-Performance Task-past due. Student told that they can redo their essay if they do not like their score. If they never turned in an essay, they should use the model to help them, as the essay is 100 points and 80% of their grade. If they don't turn it in, they cannot pass.

Class given persuasive topics to choose from for their Unit 2-Performance Task-Present a persuasive speech on a social conflict-80%-100 points.