
10/31A-11/3 B English III

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R16-18 Connections- Due 11/8 A-11/9 B-80 percent. 20 minutes.

Turn in W4-Performance Task-Compare/Contrast essay-100 pts/80% if turning in late. Remember 10 points is deducted each day its late.

Finish W5-Vocab 2 foldable and turn in to basket. Turn to p158 and read about emotional and logical argument.

Logical/Logos: facts, statistics, not to be disputed, or appeals to someones reasoning and ability to make sense

Emotional/Pathos: anything chosen on purpose to trigger emotions, such as diction, word choice

PowerPoint/examples shown to students.

Make the chart from p158 with Arguments on the left and the type of argument on the right. On the right, you must put whether the argument is Logical/Emotional or Both and you must you explain.

Read the speech from 159-160 including the background of the author Elizabeth Cady Stanton and complete this chart.

2nd day- Ms. Batten reviews p159 with students and how she would document on the chart. Students continue working. Work on independent reading if you finish before others.

on p159 where Stanton quotes the Declaration of Independence she uses both logos and pathos. Its logos because she is quoting a historical document. It cannot be disputed that this document exists or that is says this. Its also logic because referring to a document which was created with the rights of mankind in mind should appeal to the reasoning of those who say women shouldn't vote. Why have a document establishing equal rights and exclude one group of society? That doesn't seem to make much sense. Its also pathos because she purposely placed the word women into her excerpt from the historical document. This was probably done to make women feel like they aren't being excluded any more.

You really need to understand logos (logic) and pathos (emotion) because for your Unit 2-Performance Task you will have to present on a social conflict using both types of argument.