
11/4 A-11/7B

Independent Reading-20 minutes. R16-R18 Connections-80%
Due 11/8 A-11/9 B

Turn in Exit 12.

When finished work on independent assignment R19-Women's Rights. Holt pg 159-160. Go through the speech and identify any persuasive technique used by Elizabeth Cady Stanton as Logical or Emotional and explain why. Turn in to basket.

Teacher returns all R19 assignments.Class review R19 pg 159. Ms. Batten displays her chart. For example on pg 159, the author quotes the Declaration of Independence which is logos. It cannot be disputed that this historical document exists or that it was created to establish equal rights. It is also pathos because the author purposely placed the word women in the speech to stir up emotion in the audience.

Ms. Batten stops the review on p160 2nd paragraph. Now with your group finish, going through the speech together. Look at what you did individually, see what you should combine, add or take away from your group chart. From the 3rd paragraph on pg 160 on, your group is to record everything that appeals to logical and/or emotional appeal and explain why. Staple the individual assignment to the group assignment and be prepared for me to ask questions of all group members about why you labelled something as logical or emotional. Turn in.

Last 10 minutes-Review Author's Purpose Post Test with student example. Students told that this is an 80% assessment grade and if they didn't get a passing score, to come in after school or during lunch for tutoring so they can retest.