

Exit 34-1. Name 3 ways Joe Starks improves Eatonville.
2. What does Joe do at the store opening that makes Janie feel cold and unloved?
3. Name two reasons the town starts to resent Joe Starks.
4. Why does Janie get upset when the men tease the mule?
5. After Joe and Janie fight about pigs feet in the store, why does she start to question her marriage?

Copy Exit 34 and answer while or after reading. Turn in R45-Major Works Data Sheet, ch 1-4 Summaries, Quotes, characters, and info filled out by class. R45 returned the same class.

Review Ch 3-4 how to mark the text with teacher. Ra Ta Ta performed with example on board. Class reviews all of 3 and 4.

Read Ch 5-6 and mark the text or complete R48-Ch 5-6 Notes -80 percent. When reading Ch 6 skip over the folktale part on p63 "Maybe Sam" to p70 "I god"

Fill out Major Works Data Sheet for 5-6, complete exit slip, Review Chapters as a class and discuss.

A15-Ch5-6 Quiz-80 percent Quiz split into two parts so students take the quiz right after the review for each chapter. If you miss the 2nd part, you can make it up by the Thursday following your absence in A101.

Turn in R48/R45-Major Works for Ch 5-6.

Start reading R49 Ch 7-9 Mark text/reading notes. Due 5/17. Quiz 5/17. Audio and time given to mark 5/12-5/13.