

Exit 31:
1)What line or quote stands out to you? Explain why. 2)What is use word you didn't know? Write the word in context and explain what you think the word means. 3)Explain the change Hurston went through at 13? 4)Find 2 examples of figurative language, label each device used and explain why each is that device. Ex: Life is like a box of chocolates. Simile because comparison between life and chocolates, using the word like. 5)After reading, How do you think Hurston would respond to the following quote "Racial discrimination is the reason a lot of African Americans weren't successful in Hurston's time."

1)Finish Zora Presentations/Exit 30 if needed. Turn in.
2)Reminder R42-44-this term-80% 10 points off late. Nor more Explorer/Retake test this week.
3)Read SB p289-92 (0n your own) Mark the following:
? any quotes that stand out/trigger questions
*words you don't know
H-anything Historical/time period
squiggly line- figurative devices and label m, s, p for metaphor, simile, personification
Ha-Humor used
box-transition or signal words
4)Complete above exit slip 31.