
Mass Media/Journalism 8/22A-8/25 B

8/22 A-8/23 B
Pick up 2 index cards and Welcome Handout upon entering room. Fill out index cards, while using the directions on the Welcome Handout.

Class Procedures Reviewed and Option to get schedule changed if in applicant class. Choice also given to apply if wanting to stay.

Article: Commercials.

Read as a class or group.

Commercial Project Given to class. Each group to produce a yearbook commercial, film and direct and submit to class.

YB commercial specifications:
-Choose a specific target audience and be prepared to discuss how this target audience played into your commerical idea.
-Brainstorm at least 3 commercial ideas after viewing commericals in class or researching ideas online.
-Choose an idea with your group and determine, who will do what, how will we do that, is it possible to do this by the deadline. In detail, plan your commercial and how you will meet your deadline.

Filming/Finalizing Commercial: A 8/26-8/30 B-8/29, 8/31.

Project Due: 9/1 A, 9/2 B- Present commercial to class.