
9/8-9/9 English III

Copy Exit 4 1)How much of your English grade is reading notes with an independent reading book worth? 2) Describe in detail how to complete a reading entry. 3) Name 3 rules or requirements for each set of entries. 4) When is R2-R4 due for your class?

Teacher reviews in detail how to do the reading entries, which are 80 percent of student's grade in this class. See English blog from 9/6-9/7 for how to complete reading entries in detail.

Students reminded by teacher to turn in Exit 3 from last class. If not there for teacher explanation, you can answer this exit slip on your own after reading "Coming Into the Country."

Students reminded to turn in W2-Vocab 1 Foldable

Independent reading time given for students to start R2-R4-Visualizing.
25 minutes given.

W3-Writing Tips-Take detailed notes from lecture.
1. Spell things out. Ex: N-E-ways, bcuz, I am in KLPEE
2. Don't start with Well, Like, But, And, Or, Because
3. Don't talk to the reader unless directed to. Ex: In the next few paragraphs I will tell you all about myself.
4. Speaking in fragments and run-ons sounds horrible. Ex: What I expect from a teacher. (fragment) I play basektball and baseball but also I play football and I watch tv too. (run-on)
5. Don't write like you speak. Avoid slang. Ex: um, oh, well, like
6. Write more and Elaborate. Avoid Listing and instead put concrete details.
Ex: Instead Of: I like science because its fun. Write: My Biology Honors class taught by Mrs. Wait intrigues me. We conduct interesting labs, such as measuring the properties of light with a spectrometer.
7. a lot is two words
8. Watch usage of words. Ex: to, too, two their, there, they're
9. Subject and verb should agree. Ex: The people who hang with me is.. (people is plural but is is singular) the students is nice. (students is plural but is is singular) She like to take me to Chili's every Friday night. (Singular 3rd person subject means an s at the end of your verb). They likes to take me to Chili's every Friday night. (plural 3rd person subject means no s at the end of your verb)
10. An before vowel sounds
A before consonant sounds
Ex: An egg, An oboe, An honorable discharge, an honest error
A bowling ball, A cat, A game

W1-Bio Sketch returned. Everyone who turned it in received 25 points for participation. Now, you must edit and revise it into a final draft.

You and a peer must review for the following:
Did you engage the reader:
Do you have elaborate details instead of list like support?
Did you use transitions and do you have an organizational pattern?
Did you make any of the mistakes from W3-Writing Tip notes.

You and the peer reviewer must make editing notes to your draft. The peer reviewer must sign their name. If you do not submit a rough draft with editing marks, you will lose 15 points on the final draft. Final draft is 80 percent of grade. Do not turn in a paper that looks just like your original. Even if by some miracle, you don't find anything wrong with your essay, you must find things to revise and fix.

W1-Final-Bio Essay/RD/Sketch-Due 9/14 A and 9/15 B. 80 percent

Turn in exit slip 4