
12/8 A-12/15 B

J#28 "You don't get harmony when everyone sings the same note." Doug Floyd

J#29 "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." Malcom S. Forbes

Mark persuasive essay using the persuasive essay key from the board. See Ms. Batten if you need a copy.

J#30 "When we see men of contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves." Confucius

Have four classmates read and grade your essay. Make sure they include their name, their score and an explanation for the score.

J#31 "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit." Aristotle

Exit slip 7
1)What is the highest writing score (6 point scale) you've received on a writing assessment this year? 2)What scores were you given on your persuasive essay about TV censorship? 3)What is your goalscore for the next writing assessment? 4)What do you plan to do to achieve this goal?

Finish peer grading of Persuasive essay rewrite and fill out exit slip 7.

FCAT explorer- catch up/makeup day


12/4 A- 12/7 B

BY TODAY: You should be finished with, and your next explorer grade will be for: completing all skill seminar lessons, 10th graders completing post-test, if sent to you, at least 40 questions of the timeline and then their challenge list corrections, and 9th graders completing their challenge list, then 30 more questions of their timeline.


1. Login to www.fcatexplorer.com

2. Login is your last name followed by first initial ex: smithj and password is the number 16 followed by the first 4 letters of your last name, and then the month and date you were born ex: 16smit0322

3. After you have taken the pretest or completed at least 40 questions of the timeline, complete all skill seminar lessons. You will be graded on your completion of each lesson. Try to do well on each as a score is assigned to you for each lesson you complete.

4. If you finish skill seminar lessons today (9th graders have to click on airplane to get to it) start, or continue the reading timeline

5. If you already started the timeline, do not continue until you go to your challenge list and correct each wrong answer. If your challenge list doesn't show, click on any passage, until main menu becomes visible, click on main menu and the challenge list should pop up.


12/2 A 12/3 B

No journal

1. Login to www.fcatexplorer.com

2. Login is your last name followed by first initial ex: smithj and password is the number 16 followed by the first 4 letters of your last name, and then the month and date you were born ex: 16smit0322

3. After you have taken the pretest or completed at least 40 questions of the timeline, complete all skill seminar lessons. You will be graded on your completion of each lesson. Try to do well on each as a score is assigned to you for each lesson you complete.

4. If you finish skill seminar lessons today (9th graders have to click on airplane to get to it) start, or continue the reading timeline

5. If you already started the timeline, do not continue until you go to your challenge list and correct each wrong answer. If your challenge list doesn't show, click on any passage, until main menu becomes visible, click on main menu and the challenge list should pop up.


Creative writing

J27 "every generation laughs at the old trend but follows religiously the new." Henry David Thoreau

Think pair share and discuss

-w8 my improvements
-W9 persuasive essay edited first draft and rewrite
- exit slip 6

Conferences finished


11/19 A-11/24 B

Creative Writing


Essential Question/Exit Slip 6-What was my initial score in FCAT explorer? What skill seminar lessons have I completed so far? What strands/skills do I need to work on according to Explorer?

Journal, Think, Pair Share or Study for Vocab Test

Mini-lesson: Teacher conferences explained. Meeting about writing improvements and FCAT explorer progress.
-Gallery walk; foldable explained; Vocab Test Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving break

Work Period: W8-My Improvements: Due
Corrections to be made for wrong answers

W10-Vocab 1-Write definitions, draw a picture and write a sentence- foldable

11/23-11/24 -W11 Vocab Test 1
(absurd, maddening, foliage, laborious, inferior)
-Write a story using all five words properly. Be sure to
add context clues, so that I know, that you know the meaning of each word. The story must make coherent sense.

W9- Persuasive Essay rewrite
Peer Edit- Have at least one person review, edit and sign their name. Then do a rewrite. Staple old version to new version
W-9-Persuasive Essay Prompt: Should television be censored for youth? Write to convince your reader whether youth should have censored TV.

Assessment: Exit slip, Persuasive Essay rewrite, edited first draft/W8 -DUE

Homework: Continue Explorer Skill Seminar and Timeline
Study for Vocab Test M 11/23 A, T 11/24 B


11/17A-11/18 B

J#24 "Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?" -George Wallace

Think, Pair, Share and Discuss

Exit Slip 5: What is a counter-argument? What was/will be your counter-argument for today's essay topic on censorship?

Mini-Lesson: Review parts of the persuasive essay and W7 Notes
1) w8-My Improvements: Choose an assignment based on your area of need. Make sure you read the lesson before the exercises, because ANY wrong items will be corrected by you.
2) Write W9-persuasive essay: due today in basket
Prompt: Should television be censored for youth? Write to convince your reader whether youth should have censored TV

Assessment: Exit Slip/Persuasive Essay/W8


Reminder: Faculty contacts due 11/20; Ads or call slips due 11/24 (reminder of each and importance and impact on grade)

Reference section of manual reviewed in detail

Class Duties performed

Marketing Project:
-Detailed Plan with group returned with my notes (5)
-Implementation- You performing your plan and putting it into action in stages 1,2,3 (20 points)


Both days: Groups split up articles from copy section and list all of the questions the reporter had to ask to write the story. They are to label each set of questions with a title.

Creative Writing/Yearbook 11/13 A-11/16 B


J#23 "Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in the best light." Jennie Jerome Churchill

Think, pair, share and discuss

Portfolio check (10 points)

Exit Slip 4- What is the main difference between persuasive and expository writing? What items must be in persuasive writing that you don't have to have in expository? (Due before end of class)

Mini-Lesson Discussion of the differences between expository verses persuasive writing. Counter arguement discussed and examples given.

Work Period
Vocabulary Word Wall- Choose a word from the word wall, write the name at the top of your paper. Define the word with your group in student friendly language and put the part of speech. Draw a picture which illustrates the meaning of the word, then write a sentence, using context clues, that uses the word.

Read Expository/Persuasive Essays in class (6.0 congress essay, If You Assign My Book Don't Censor It). Parts of the persuasive essay discussed in detail and counter-arguement discussed again

W7-Persuasive/Expository- take notes from board-with Writer's Choice book
If time, start W8- My Improvements
Choose one of the assignments below, based on your area of need.
-Sentence Combining: p 360-366
-Fragments 557-558 Do Excer 23, 24
-Run-ons: 559-561 Do Excer 25,26
-Tense: 589-591 Do Excer 3,4,5
-Usage: 691-695 Do Excer 1,2
-S/v Disagree: pg 613-615, Do Excer 1,2,3
-Transitions: pg 74, Do: Choose 3 groups of transitions and write 3 paragraphs, using one group of transitions per paragraph-see Ms. Batten for further instructions
-Spelling: pg 828-834 Do Excer 1,2
OR Choose your own assignment with Ms. Batten's approval

Assessment: Exit slip due

YB/6th- J#26
Staff Organization section reviewed in class. Ladder assignment given to groups and checked off as a grade.

Reminder: Faculty contacts due 11/20; Ads or 10 call slips due 11/24

Journals checked the last class; turn in if not graded

Marketing Plans returned to groups to start implementing plans.

7th- Interviews past due-revise if needed. Copy section reviewed of manual


11/10A-11/12 B

Creative Writing
J#22 "The illiterate of the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who are not able to learn, unlearn and relearn." Alvin Toffler

Think, pair share, discuss with class

Word wall illustration-group assignment. Choose a word from the word wall and illustrate it as shown on the board.

Exit slip 4- Essential Questions: How is expository different than persuasive writing? What must you have in persuasive that you do not have to have in expository?

W7-Expository/Persuasive notes.


11/5 B-11/9 B

Yearbook/6th 11/5
-New seats
-Faculty contacts due; if not turned in, 2nd conference with teacher about this assignment mandatory
-Fix captions, turn in, staple caption notes and old captions
-Review manual sections, starting with captions
-Start listening more, talking less
-Follow the Rules
-Journal check 2 (10 points)

Creative Writing

J#21 "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Theresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein." -H. Jackson Brown

Think Pair share, record examples from group members, share with class

Work Period:

-Finish Group work, if not finished (20 questions)
-Staple new version to old version and to your individual questions
-FCAT explorer- Pretest or Timeline (40 questions-9th graders)
-Do as many skill seminar lessons as possible. Start with your weak strands (see R6 notes)
-Portfolio check-next class
-Go back to classroom, next class. Make sure you get your portfolio there for the check.


11/4 A-11/5 B

Creative Writing

J#20 "I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work" -Thomas Edison

Exit slip 3/essential questions: What are the four FCAT strands in FCAT reading? What strands am I weak in, and what do those strands mean or reqire me to do?

Mini-Lesson: Reteach-Group Assignment, FCAT explorer demonstration

Work Period:
-Group work returned, fix, finish, turn back in
-10th, 11th grade-finish fcat explorer pre-test if not done (must be finished by next class)
-All- R6-FCAT strands/skills
FCAT explorer-work on skills seminar for all of your weak strands

R6-FCAT strands/skills notes
Words/phrases: meaning from context, inference
Comparison Contrast, Cause and Effect- All same strand
Main Idea: relevant details, methods of development, author's purpose, author's point of view, methods of appeal/persuasion, elements of plot, conflict and resolution, literary elements
Reference and Research: obtaining information, valid/reliable information, synthesizing information

Assessment: Exit slip 3, FCAT explorer pre-test or benchmark (40 items), Revised group questions

11/3 Yearbook

6th block

Faculty contacts due Nov. 5
Ad deadline 1- Nov 24 ($250 or 10 contacts made call slip)

Caption notes finished
Do journal after lunch
Copy new yearbook information
Type captions for pg 9 wkbk pic: one identification, one basic, and one expanded-Due today
Lead in checked by teacher-beginning of class


11/2A-11/3 B

Creative Writing
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." -Woodrow Wilson

Think, pair, share, record examples of your group members, discuss as a class

Turn in exit slip from conferences-if you haven't already
Turn in exit slip about writing improvements-if you haven't already

HW check: Ms. Batten checks individual questions, 5 from your strongest strand, 5 from your weakest strand about the article R5 "Does Modern Society Make Us Fat"

Group work finished: Proofread questions from everyone in your group and choose the 5 best questions from each strand. For example, for reference and research you may choose one question from one group member, two from another group member, and two from your own paper. Once you've decided on the five best questions for each strand, type the questions and answers with your group. This means your group should have 20 typed questions and answers (five from each of the four strands. You can split the typed assignment up into separate documents, so you can all work on a part of it, but make sure you staple it all together and write all of your names. Before turning in the group work, you all must proofread everyone's work which you are turning in. For example, if one person in your group mispelled something or made a grammatical error, the rest of the group should catch it and fix it before printing and submitting the final document. Points will be deducted for poorly phrased, grammatically incorrect, or mispelled questions or answers.

Assessment: TURN IN Group work (20 questions organized by strand)stapled to individual questons from each group member.

Homework: Finish FCAT explorer pre-test if you haven't finished it yet


10/29 A-10/30 B

Creative Writing
J#18 "Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something." Plato (429-347 BC)

Think, Pair, Share, Discuss- 3rd block record group members names and examples, due to not following teacher directions. Continue to do it this way from now on. Teacher will call on you to share group members' examples.

Exit Slip Question recorded: Have I made improvement in writing from the first writing assessment with my English teacher? What is my data that shows me?

Mini-Lesson: Ms. Batten reteaches choosing weakest and strongest strand, reviews FCAT strand packet, reviews article "Does Modern Society Make us Fat", jigsaws students by strengths and weaknesses

Work Period: Turn in exit slip from conferences (last class), conference with teacher if you haven't already, finish individual questions (10 Questions, 5 weakest strand, 5 strongest), jigsaw into groups by strengths, proofread all questions and narrow it down to the 5 best questions for each strand, type questions, answer questions, sort by strand, work on FCAT explorer timeline if time

Assessment: exit slip, FCAT questions (10 per person), Group typed questions (20 questions sorted by strand)- turn in together

Homework: Explorer pretest if not finished, individual questions if not finished


6th J#20, 11/5 new faculty contacts due, finish conferences with teacher regarding faculty contacts and ads. Ad deadline 1- 10 contacts or $250 contracted by Nov 24.

Caption notes started, pg 9, write a Lead In for the picture, due by the next class.

7th-Write an identification, basic and expanded caption for the displayed picture. Ad conferences with Ms Batten finished. Ad Deadline 1- $250 or 10 contacts made by Nov 24. Start reviewing copy section, manual.

10/28 Yearbook

YB 6th-

Finish theme/fix theme assignment
1)word lists

Conference with Ms. Batten about faculty contacts and ad contacts- 4 given that you have to contact (7th block too)

Caption writing- pg 9 wkbk- Take notes (7th block if needed)

Ad Deadline 1- 10 contacts or $250 contracted by Nov 24, (7th too)


10/27 A- 10/28 B

Creative Writing

"I will not condemn you for what you did yesterday, if you do it right today." Sheldon S. Maye

Think, pair, share, discuss as a class

Reminder: Conferences
To Discuss: where you were in reading and writing at the beginning of the year, where you are now, data collection sheet needed, what writing tips you need to start working on, W5 and W6

While Ms. Batten is conferencing you should work on one of two things:

1) R5 Does Society Make Us Fat?
Write 10 questions, 5 from your strongest FCAT strand and 5 from your weakest FCAT strand,
about the article. Use the packet of FCAT stems and information to assist you with your
questions. Make sure the quesitons are clear about what they are asking, so if someone was
answering your questions, they'd be able to answer them without feeling confused about what you are asking.

2) Login to FCAT explorer and take the pretest.

Login information given in class, go to FCATexplorer.com. Finish pretest before the next class.


Basic Caption due

Expanded caption-written in class- due beginning of next class


10/22 A-10/23 B

J#16 Creative Writing

"Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own." -Chinese proverb

w6-add conclusion to your notes

Example conclusion:

(restate thesis-different words than intro)In conclusion, it would be a dream come true to spend the day with Ms. Winfrey because she is successful, and I could show her how much she means to me. I won't ever forget the first episode I watched of her show, and I will never forget how much she has inspired me. Perhaps, one day, I will get to meet her. (At end, relate conclusion back to how you hooked the reader and end with a general statement)

Teacher teaches conclusion. Class asked to identify the parts.

Review of introduction: engage the reader and thesis and support

Turn in W5 rewrite/stapled to old one. Due today. Add on a conclusion to your rewritten introduction and support. If you never turned in the first version, turn that in today, so I can get it back to you for the rewrite. Both grades will be on your report card.

Conferences with teacher: Bring your writing section and data collection sheet. You will discuss: where you were in reading and writing at the beginning of the year. Where you are now. What writing tips do you need to start working on (w3)? W5/W6 - Questioned about expository essay parts, such as why you didn't engage the reader?

Exit slip: Copy the questions below and answer them after you writing conference; turn in on the day you have your conference with me
Essential Questions to answer: What do I need to do to improve my writing? What level was on on FCAT writes? What level am I at now? What are my strong and weak areas in FCAT reading?


10/21 B Yearbook (6th)


Faculty Liaison due Friday-reminder given with an example how to do the assignment in class
  1. Smith-10/22 Hexarts show 6:30 Auditorium
  2. Reynolds-nothing at this time
  3. Maynes-Doing a lab 10/20 1st, 2nd, 4th (-2 points because assignment turned in to late to take these pictures)
  4. Parker-Roots and Shoots service project, 10/25 at 6 p.m. at the school
  5. Baker-nothing at this time
  6. Bradford-Baseball scholarship presented on 10/23 at 9 am in conference room
  7. Adams- never responded to my emails

Assignment due Friday/ to go on Report card:

Word spin offs

  1. Exclusive synonyms: list all the words and phrases that mean almost the same ex: Private, secret
  2. List spin off phrases and words for EX and I, excuses, excellent, I am brave, I play, Who am I?

Then- Design

Design using pgs 3-4 of your wkbk, Remember we are going for a magazine look

Turn in: word spin-offs, wkbk, notes from the last class


10/20 A- 10/21 B

J#15-Creative Writing

"One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down." -Proverb from Romania and Russia

Think, pair, share, discuss as a class

W6-FCAT Writes-Tips (copy below or from board)

Example Intro:

(Engage the reader)One day, as I laid in bed sick with the flu, my mother turned on a talk show I had never seen before. On the episode, they split their audience by eye color and treated the blue-eyed people poorly. The host of the show didn't really hate blue-eyed people, but she was trying to teach them a lesson about what discrimination felt like. After that episode, I watched her show religiously. (End with thesis: what you will write about or your stance on an issue and your reasons why or which you will discuss. Should be one to two sentences maximum). So, If I could spend the day with anyone in the world, it would be Oprah Winfrey, because she defines success by living it, she teaches valuable lessons and I would show her how much I appreciate her.


Bare: I like science because I enjoy it. (1,2)

Extended: I like science class because we do interesting experiments. (3)

Layered. In Biology class, we do fun experiments, such as dissecting frogs and measuring the properties of light. (4)

It is always an enlightening experience when I step into Mr. Robinson's Biology Honors class. Although my classmates moan when they receive a textbook assignment, the sounds are quite different when he announces lab work. He always plans innovative and creative experiments. For example, once we dissected Leopard frogs delicately. Another time we used a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to measure the properties of light. In my opinion, the realistic lab experience in Mr. Robinson's class is extremely interesting and worthwhile. (5,6)

Work period:

Journal/Think,Pair, Share

W6-FCAT Writes Tips-Take notes, see above

Upon receiving W5 Expository back, rewrite your introduction and support only. Make sure you've engaged the reader, have a proper thesis, and elaborate support.

Conference: Next Class- Bring all writing assignments and data collection sheets

Progress Report 2 issued and signed for in class

Discuss Theme throughout book



10/14- PSAT testing. 3rd block- take this time to makeup work that you are missing in my class

10/14 B-
J#13 discussed from last class. Add to your journal if you didn't the last class. Take your portfolio out of the room with you until we are relocated back to our room. You are responsible for bringing it to class daily.

Reminder from Ms. Batten on past due work such as Group packet-marking assignment, W5-Expository essay assignment.

Essays 2-6 read aloud and parts discussed in class. Students called upon to point out where model papers engaged the reader, used a thesis, had supporting reasons, etc.

10/15 A-10/19 B

J#14 "When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other." -Eric Hoffer

Discuss Journal Entry

Reminder of past due work from last week, group packet marking, and individual essay, marking and scoring.

Hook handouts taken out for review: Popcorn reading and brief discussion of the 5 ways to engage the reader on the handout.

MAP Test-makeups

Ms. Batten reads engaging beginnings from novels as examples and asks the class to identify each as one of the five ways to engage the reader, from handout.

Students find examples of engaging the reader in books. Use library or books provided. Share with the rest of the class.

Movie beginnings- Class views the beginnings of movies and/or tv shows and discusses how the director engaged the viewer.

Connection is made between engaging the viewer and engaging the reader.


10/12 A-10/13 B

Creative Writing
"Never look down on anybody unless your helping them up." Jesse Jackson

Give Ms. Batten your academy name. (1st, 2nd, 3rd block only)

Reminder from Ms. Batten/READ:
The last class you were supposed to turn in your group FCAT packet, with all of your names, and with a key (see board). You were supposed to use your group key to mark the different parts of the FCAT essay standard, such as engaging the reader, the thesis, etc. Your group key should be recorded on your packet somewhere. Groups should have marked the 2 through the 6 essays. Packets returned today in class.

Then, you were supposed to take your individual essay, W5-Expository, and come up with another key. It can be the same one you used with your group or your own. Using the key, you were supposed to mark your essay and turn it into the basket. Essays returned today in class to add on new part.
Now, you will take W5-Expository, the essay you wrote about someone you would like to spend the day with, which you've already marked using your key which you've also recorded somewhere on your essay, you will now comment on your essay in the following areas: Focus, Organization, Support, Conventions. Then give your paper a score on the 6 point scale. Turn essay back in. Directions also on board.

*If you receive the W4-American Idol assignment back, fix it according to the following directions and turn back in. Directions also on board.
  • After you've scored and commented in each of the four areas, in the margin write: right score or real score and record the score given to you as the actual score the audition should receive. Put a check next to your score if it matches the real/right score. If it doesn't match, in the margin, write a note why the right/real score is more accurate than your score.

Work Period Students:

  • Respond to journal 5 minutes, Discuss as a class
  • Read the reminder from Ms. Batten
  • Take MAP exam, turn in
  • Work on W5 essay (see directions above) or an assignment you haven't finished yet.
  • Portfolios past due.


YB 9/29-10/9

  • add to journals until J#13- free response
  • Faculty contacts due before October 9
  • Ad contact sheets back in
  • Ad test
  • 2 Posters due-get checked off
  • Progress reports-fix anything missing
  • Class Duties
  • Photo workshop
  • call slips, corporate letter distributed
  • underclass picture delivery, help with underclass pictures.
  • ad grade coming soon

9/28 A-10/9 B

Creative Writing
9/28 A-9/29 B


R4-Fossil Fuels completed. Fill out identifying strengths chart. Turn in.

American Idol Rubric Distributed-explained. One to two auditions shown. If absent, look up American Idol auditions on Youtube and grade at least 6 auditions using W4 directions below.

W4-American Idol Auditions

Write each person's name and make comments on each one in the following areas: Focus, Organization, Support, Conventions. Then give them a score.

Reading Conferences with Ms. Batten finished

9/30 A-10/1B

Finish idol audition grading. Discuss with group members. Try to agree on grades/scores for each contestant.

Teacher checks portfolios for content and offers suggestions before grading on 10/6 A 10/7 B.

Gallery walk-standards based bulletin board explained to groups.

10/2 A- 10/5 B
J11-“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

Take out W4 and record the right scores in the margin next to your grade. Do not replace your score. If you got the score right, put a check. If you didn't get it right, put a note why you think you were off in scoring.

W5-Expository Essay- 45 minutes

Respond to the following prompt in 45 minutes.

Situation: Imagine you could spend the day with anyone in the world, from any time period.
Prompt: Write about who you could spend the day with and why.

10/6 A-10/7 B
J#12 "Every exit is an entrance somewhere." Tom Sheppherd

R4-Fossil Fuels reviewed. Check short responses of peers. Fill out charts. Turn in.

Hook handout- reviewed. Discussion about engaging reader.

FCAT packet-Essays 1-6 distributed. Groups to write on only one handout. Put all of your names and come up with a key for marking the following:

-Engaging the reader
-Develops a controlling idea/thesis
-Organization/reasons per paragraph
-Support, details, examples, description, definitions, illustrations, elaboration

Ms. Batten models the 1 essay and how to mark/highlight the above items with whole class. Groups are to finish the 2-6 on their owns.

turn in.

Homework-Come up with a key, for writing standard above, and or mark your W5 essay. The key does not have to be the same as the one used in your group. Due the next class


9/18 A-9/21 B
J#7 "An angry man opens his mouth and shuts up his eyes." Anonymous
think-pair-share with group and write for each group member an example under your journal entry

Turn in W1 or W2 rewrite-homework

With group finish your group rewrite of the W1 Myself student paper which was typed. Remember to attach you individual proofreading corrections to the worksheet to your group paper. Due today.

Journalism-6th- J#7
Ad contact sheet started in class and ad contracts reviewed; complete class duty;

Journalism-7th- Ad contact sheet explained and started.

9/22 A-9/23 B
Review Journals 1-7 to make sure they look like you've responsed for five minutes, you have a summary, and you have examples elaborated which relate to the quote.

Group work returned to redo. Students are supposed to fix W1-myself worksheet as if they were the student who wrote it. As a a group they should eliminate the 15 common writing mistakes discussed in W3 and in class. Redo and turn back in.

Group rubric. Taking the 6 Expository essays, 1-6, come up with a group rubric for each level of the fcat writing test. In the four areas of focus, organization, support and conventions tell what a student needs to do in order to achieve each score. Turn in.

Conferences- Teacher conferences about FCAT reading practices with each student.

9/24 A-9/25 B

J#8 "The harder you fall, the higher you bounce." -Raffiki, The Lion King
Think pair share, and discuss as a class.

Group rubric returned. Individual FCAT Writes rubrics distributed. Class marks level 6 on the FCAT writes rubric by the 4 categories you are graded on: 1)Focus 2)Organization 3)Support 4)Conventions. Then they underline and discuss key words in each section that indicate how well you are supposed to do in each area. For example, for Focus, we underlined focused, purposeful, and reflects insight. Finish the rest of the rubric on your own. Then meet back with group and compare the FCAT rubric to your group rubric. Add anything your group is missing but in student friendly language.

Turn in.

Continue conferences with teacher. Progress reports distributed.

Proofreading symbols/Writing Tips checked
Photo workshop
Ad contracts distributed
Rewrite due-attach old to new
Ad contacts due- finish and turn in
Class Duty
Magazine Hw- last chance for partial credit
Ad manual distributed

Ad manual distributed - told to read through for test on Thursday
Ad to ad contact sheet for more credit


9/14 A-9/17 B

9/14A -9/15 B Creative Writing

J#5 "When all think alike, no one is thinking very clearly." -Walter Lippmann

Think-pair-share journals and restate a group member's journal

Take out Baggy clothes, answer sheet distributed. Discussion of how to earn participation points. Use the response frames and label the parts. (see a group member or Ms. Batten for example) Fill out identifying strengths chart. Turn in FCAT article, answers, and strengths chart.

Turn in rewrite homework. The old one should be stapled to the new version.

Class Procedures Test, handed back and reviewed.

Groups rearranged, so one strong listener is present in each group.

W3-finished the notes

FCAT strands reviewed for Learning Target part on strengths chart.

9/15- Journalism/Yearbook (6th)
J#5 Free Response.
Tshirt reminder- due Wednesday
-Proofreading Writing Tips, take notes and rewrite Myself or What I expect- next class
-Time given in class to work on class duty or finish an assignment that should have been turned in in another class
-Remember Theme group assignment and skit idea in detail, group assignment were turned in the last class.
-Manual check
-Ms. Vandigriff, ad presenter. Take notes on ad prices and on how to sell ads.

Photo presentation, tryouts
Ad presentation, take notes

9/16 A-9/17 B

J#6 "The only think we have to fear is fear itself." -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Think-pair-share. Restate what a group member said.

Baggy clothes article, answers, and chart returned with the opportunity to fix any mistakes before turning in for a grade.

Class reviews answers to Baggy clothes and fill out the strengths and data collection charts.
Exchange papers and grade, short and extended. Fill out charts, and turn in article, answers and charts to the basket.

W3- notes reviewed

Group Work explained- Take the sample student worksheet which you made proofreading corrections and jigsaw the corrections as a group. Decide what needs to be rewritten and fixed and rewrite the student work on one piece of paper. Turn in individual proofing correction worksheets and the group rewrite stapled together. To finish the next class.

W1 or W2 rewrite returned.
HW- rewrite the assignment you didn't the first time, or rewrite the rewrite, if you still have mistakes. Due the next class

7th block skinny/YB

I terms- lists
Download pictures, Photoshop, editing workshop, Take notes.
Discuss dress code, school vs real world photo appropriate behaviors, be careful about what you say about others and the yearbook when out of class, Photographer expectations
Editors meeting reminder, parking lot reminder, ads materials due.


9/8 A-9/11B

Creative Writing


J#3 "There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and to not give others absurd, maddening claims upon it." -Christopher Darlington Morley

Think pair share journals. Share in class. Teacher provides feedback

Review FCAT R2-China- answers on overhead; models given of short and extended response, fill out identifying strength chart while answers are given

Exchange papers and grade each other's short and extended response. Return, finish filling out identifying strengths chart. Then fill out the data collection chart. Turn in R2 and both charts to the basket.

W1 and W2 returned. Homework assignment coming to rewrite one of these.

W3-Proofreading Marks/Writing Mistakes
Copy down the chart from the Writer's Choice Book, in full.


J#4 "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." Anatole France
Discuss as a class.

R2 and charts returned with a participation grade. Explanation is given of the grade given and how grades will be given in the future, such as you must use the short and extended response frame.

R3 "Baggy Pants"- mark the text; adjust how you mark according to this text. Keep for next class.

After marking, take sample student writing W1 and using proofreading marks, correct it. Keep for next class.

W3-add to notes
1)Spell things out
2)Don't refer to people as things
3)Don't start sentences with Well, Like, And, Or, Because, But
4)Don't use words that aren't needed
5)Don't speak to the reader unless directed.
6)Write complete thoughts.
7)Write more and elaborate.
8)Use appropriate transitions to introduce and connect ideas.
9)Avoid slang and writing how you speak
10)Say no to run-ons

Each writing tip explained with examples from student writing.

Journalism period 6-
9/9 B
J#3 free response, take theme notes, then go through the 2009 book and tell me how theme is portrayed in each section both verbally and visually

Class Duties assigned and explained.

ID pictures taken

9/11 B

J#4 free response
20 minutes- skit ideas; choose one as a group and write it out in detail
Class duty-complete your classroom duty if possible
Finish yearbook theme papers from the last class
Manual check


9//3 A- 9/4 B

Creative Writing

"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open." -Sir Dewer, Scientist
(5 min)

Think Pair Share; Share with class; Teacher provides feedback

Study for test 10 min.

R1-marking/responding- take out and add to notes, FCAT stands
2)main idea/plot/purpose
3)compare/contrast and cause/effect

The following handouts explained in detail:

short/extended response rubric and checklist
short/extended response frame
identifying strengths chart

Class Procedures Test taken in class

After test, answer R2-China. Record answers on the China worksheet, while filling out Identifying strengths chart. Finish for homework. Must have information in next class.

Yearbook/6th block
J#2-Free Response

1)Procedures/Rules/Questions/Manual Check- discussion about procedures and rules with teacher
2)Banners outside
3)Posters-4 each
4)Windows take down old and put up correct info

By Wednesday, should have manual.
Wed Sept 9 ID pics taken

Yearbook/7th block

Hang posters, banners and clean up


9/1 A-9/2 B

Creative Writing

J#1-"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years, to destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."-Sir Winston Churchill
1)Copy Quote
2)Summarize in Own Words
3)Give specific examples

Teacher explains how to complete journal and how to label journals. Class think-pair-share with group members and decides one journal entry to read to the class. Model journal read from teacher illustrating how to elaborate in specific detail the examples.

R1-Marking/responding redistributed to students. Come up with a key for marking the text. You can use Ms. Batten's system or come up with your own. You should not mark things all of the same way. Add key to your chart.

Also on R1, make a category for the things you must include on short and extended response to get full credit.
-Begin with a topic sentence that addresses the question
-Answer every part of the question
-Provide details from the text to support your answer
-Elaborate how the details relate to the answer
-Use transitions
-End with a concluding sentence

Keep R1 in your portfolio to use the next class

3 FCAT reading handouts distributed: FCAT short/extended rubric, FCAT short/extended Framework, Data Collection Form. Students are to place handouts in the front, back pocket, or the beginning of their reading section.

Pick up the China article and mark the text and questions only. Do not answer the questions yet. Only mark the text using the marking system you came up with.

Portfolios checked-due by today.

Review class procedures, group procedures. Remember test coming next class.

Journalism 1-2
J#1-Free Response- write until the bell. Journal procedures explained.

After lunch, Mike Taylor, Marvin Mayer, Stephen Williams here from Taylor Publishing. Marketing discussion and plan discussed with class. Goal of 530 books to sell is established. Mr. Taylor offers IPods if we meet our goal to auction off to yb staff members. Groups established and marketing ideas explored.

Next class, to make banners for key areas. No test, if all students can answer questions regarding the class procedures and rules.

Yearbook-7th-skinny- Deliver senior letter; Come up with 15 ways to get students or parents more interested in buying a book. Turn in.


8/24 A-8/31 B Journalism 1-2

8/24 A-8/31 B- Journalism I-II/6Th

8/25 B-
Welcome Handout- fill out 2 index cards according to the directions on the handout.

Myself-Write 2 paragraphs about yourself

Class Procedures Handout reviewed in class.

8/27 B-
Class Procedures Handout given to each person. Reviewed again. Class Duty handout distributed and each person specifies which duty they would prefer.

8/31 B-

Class Procedures Handout finished and reviewed. Group Rules and Procedures reviewed. Yearbook rules reviewed. Manuals due by the next class. Yearbook ordering information given. Students must take notes. Each person is to start making 4 posters.

8/24 A-8/31 B

Creative Writing

8/24 A-8/25 B

Welcome Handout- Fill out 2 index cards, according to the directions on the Welcome Handout.

Complete Assignment W1-Myself- Write 2 paragraphs about yourself.

Class Procedures Handout/Rules distributed and reviewed in detail. Portfolio is due in class next week, at the beginning of the week. The Class Procedures Test is at the end of next week.

8/26 A-8/27 B

Students review class procedures and rules

W2-What I expect from a teacher- Write 3 detailed paragraphs about what you expect from a teacher. You can use examples of positive things teachers did and negative things, if you'd like.

Jigsaw-Groups split up group procedures and rules and present the right and wrong way of following them for the class.

Review Procedures and Rules again. Portfolio due date-reminder. Class Procedures Test-reminder.

8/28 A-8/31 B

Portfolio check-B Day classes

Take out a sheet of paper and label it R1-marking/responding

Group rules/procedures handout distributed and given to groups to review. Class stopped, popcorn reading of group rules and procedures as a class. Teacher explains group rules and procedures in detail. Group rules and procedures to be on the Class Procedures Test.

Group Work: Handout given to groups: "China". On R1, each group is to list what items should be marked when reading FCAT passages, such as "China." When finished with list, one at a time, groups will write items on the board. When finished, Ms. Batten writes The Things You Should Mark on FCAT passages. Students are asked to come up with a key for marking each items. Ms. Batten suggests a key, but tells students they should come up with their own system. Students talk about why they cannot mark everything the same. Example is provided of what a marked article and questions look like.

Review Procedures for test. Portfolios due 8/31 B 9/1 A.


5/6 A-5/7 B
No Journal or Reading Entry- Guidance Scheduling
Do pg 267 in wkbk.
Class reads Romeo and Juliet excerpt and completes pg 266. Also do pg 268.

5/8 A- 5/11 B
J#44- Get with your group members and look online for at least 2 laws from other countries that differ from the laws here in the United States

Review-Literary Analysis Paper TFA-due next class. Reminder to use the Guide when writing and the models. Reminder of what will be turned in.

266-268 checked in wkbk for completion

Class discusses journal entries then completes wkbk pg 269-270. Pages checked for completion. Begin Michael Fay pg 271 and read Michael Fay Controversy-Background Information.

Split up articles to be read for the next class.

5/12 A-5/13 B
What would Michael Fay's punishment have been if convicted in the United States today?
R#45 multiple

Michael Fay Case- Finish pg 271, with your group read the 2 Michael Fay Articles. Split up the articles so half of you read one and half read the other. While reading the articles, look for clue words that indicate how the journalist feels about the caning of Fay. With your group, do the chart on pg 276. Make sure you take detailed notes in the chart and are sure whether each article reflects a pro/con choice on the caning.

Writing Scores given

EA6-TFA Analysis Paper Due
Final Draft Typed
Conclusion and Conclusion Editing Sheet
Any part of the paper which you did not already turn in for credit

5/14 A-5/15 B
"Defeat isn't bitter if you don't swallow it." -Helen Keller
R#46- multiple

Do wkbk pg 278, split up chart on 279, jigsaw together and fill out the chart after reading the story on pg 280-284

Discuss 285, Read 286


4/14 A- 4/15 B

English II
Compare and Contract Okonkwo to Uchendu using textual support.


Read Ch 21-22-HW due the next class (mark in your book)

Portfolio grade returned

Groups present first set of pages. 1B-left off with pink group. Review.

J#21-Free Response

Copy handouts distributed- 5 handouts

A12-Writing interesting copy- make two columns, one do and one don't, fill out the chart as we discuss interesting and boring stories in class

3 articles-Brady Dennis- read in class and discussed in detail as models. HW assignment, take home Man in the Mask and One hour at Time and label it the way I did with After the Sky Fell. Due the next class.

SB4 Quiz- next class.

Deadline 5 and proofs due Frida



3/26 A- 4/13 B


1a- character tableau- TFA
1b- review Bend it Like Beckham worksheets, models and handouts. Organize portfolios for check coming up after spring break.

Mass Media

J#18-List all of the Parker clubs you can think of with your group.

Newspaper assignment- group- Pretend like you are the editors of the Smoke Signals newspaper and decide which clubs you would feature if you only had two pages to do so. Present propaganda posters to class, as if you are doing a real commercial. Turn posters in. Then explain your choice to feature the clubs you did.

YEARBOOK- work on deadlines

4/7 A- 4/8 B
J#35- Describe the relationship Ezinma and Ekwefi have. Use textual support.
R#35- Write TFA Ch 19-20- HW due 4/14 A- 4/15 B

Bend it Like Beckham-paper reminder/review

EA#6- TFA Literary Analysis mapped out as a class- Place in front of your portfolio

Page numbers distributed for Ch 8-18 to groups. Choose 5 things from each set of pages, total of 10, to share with the rest of the class.

Mass Media
J#19-free- write whatever you want
Yearbook workbooks distributed- caption pg 8 done and turned in for grade
A11-caption notes- take notes during presentation

Yearbook- Monday- don't have to stay after, instead stay after this week for 3 hours, or during SOS if you are behind on any deadlines-required
-Mondays will continue until all proofs are in

4/10 A- 4/13 B
Describe some of the wedding/courting rituals in the Ibo culture. Use textual support.
R#36- TFA Ch 19-20

EA5- Bend It paper due. Rubric, Final Draft, Rough Draft, Outline, Brainstorm

Portfolios checked in class- due for 100 points.

Mass Media

J#20-Free response

A11- caption notes finished
1B-copy started


Monday- 2:30-4:30 staying after

Work on group TFA review assignment or reading TFA.


3/20 A -3/25 B

3/20 A- 3/23 B


Each person in group gives Ms. Batten a rubric

While each group presents, take notes on the method they use to present, making sure to record thier names or group color. Then after the presentations, write a reflective paragraph, mentioning specific things about how effective different groups were in the methods they chose.

TFA HW-Refer to calendar- Ch 12-13 Homework- add TFA- when anything starts to fall apart in the Ibo community

J#16- What is propaganda? Define it, talk about it, then write one paragraph about what you feel it means.

A10-TV shows that changed TV- finished
Groups answer 4 together

Add to A10 notes about why the TV show really changed TV- from Ms. Batten's lecture

Photo Scavenger Hunts checked again

Deadline 4 Due
16 pages of Ads cut
today after school
Grades aren't given for spreads unless they are completed, all editors have signed off on the checklist, and he envelope has been placed in the deadline box

3/24 A- 3/25 B

No Journals until after Spring break

EA5-Bend it Like Beckham Paper discussed in detail. Numerous handouts, including rubric, outline, model outline, model papers, etc given to each student. Paper is due April 9-A or April 10-B

HW ch 14-18 over Spring Break- don't forget to add TFA

Finish Bend it Like Beckham-the movie- pg 110- part 4 notes

J#17-Take notes on the following propaganda terms from teacher lecture. If absent, copy from a group member.
  1. Testimonial
  2. Plain Folks
  3. Bandwagon
  4. Transfer
  5. Card Stacking
  6. Glittering Generalities
  7. Name calling

A10- notes from teacher lecture finished and turned in for credit

Propaganda Group work- Choose any product to sell to the class: cell phone, shoes, yearbook, etc. Then choose two propaganda techniques. Make a poster for each technique on the product you've chosen. To be presented the next class


work on deadline 5




3/16 A-3/19 B

each person's 2 sources, brought in for homework, checked for grade

students who did not bring in research were moved out of group

Review for Chapters 8-11 Quiz; Take Ch 8-11 Quiz in class

Brief review of Egwugwu scene in reading.

Bend it Like Beckham- Part 2 completed- B day
Bend it Like Beckham-Part 3 completed-A day

Work on group comparing communities project

Mass Media
J# What are your favorite tv shows? What are the favorite shows of your family members? Why do you both enjoy the shows you watch?
A7-Analyzing Photography
  1. What is this picture of? (be descriptive)
  2. What is the reality or real story behind this picture?
  3. Why do you think the photographer took this picture?
  4. Give it a creative title.

Answer the above questions for the four pictures shown in class, or if absent, go to jeromeliebling.com and click on pictures. Choose four pictures to analyze by answering the questions above about each.


No more faculty/staff contact info due

Deadline 2-3 last chance to turn in late on Wednesday

3/18 A- 3/19 B


B- Finish Part 3- BIB

All- Work on group projects due the next class

Mass Media

A10-shows that changed TV

  1. Name of Show
  2. Notes of each clip
  3. Why you think this show changed TV
  4. After talking with group, why they think this show changed TV

J#Think about all the tv shows you've heard of, past or present, that have won awards, changed tv, or had a mass following of fans. List them in your journal.


Work on Deadlines. Wednesday last day for late Deadline 2 or 3.


3/10 A-3/13 B


Review of EA-4-Comparing Communities Group work assignment. For description look at wkbk pages 163-164.

Time given in class to work on group assignment.

On Mon-A, Tues-B each group member must bring in 2 sources for their topic, if not they are kicked out of their group and either have to work alone or find group members in the same situation.

Presentations due Friday, March 20 A, Monday March 23 B

Photo Scavenger hunt due-time given in class to finish
A-can turn in the next class


March 13- Deadline pages due
March 18-Last chance to submit late pages for deadline 2 or 3
March 20-Deadline 4 Due
April 9- Deadline 5 Due

See calendar for due dates.


3/6 A- 3/9 B

English II Honors

Guest Speaker
FCAT 6, 7, 8- completed in class. Results given. Tally scores and finish filling out charts at home. Turn in all charts and 6,7, 8 the next class.

Pg 163-164- Workbook- Review Comparing Communities group assignment. Choose your groups topic and come up with a plan of what you will research. If you do not have your 2 sources on Monday-A, Tuesday- B of next week, you will be moved to a new group. You will have 2 class days to work on the project.

March/April Calendar distributed with due dates for assignments.

Rubric distributed to 1B for Group Project

J#13- take notes on each of the following
  1. extreme long shot
  2. long shot
  3. medium shot
  4. close-up
  5. extreme close-up
  6. high angle
  7. low angle
  8. oblique/canted angle
  9. birds-eye view
  10. dolly shot

Assignment 9- Photo Scavenger Hunt distributed- HW for 2B- due Friday

A6- newspaper parts reviewed

A8- newspaper parts quiz


  • Brief look at calendar distributed to you
  • NHS- pics Monday during 3rd
  • Superlative pics Monday, after school
  • Breaking the rules- needs to stop- 3 detentions=referral
  • Monday everyone stays after school
  • become self-motivated to do your job and help others, I shouldn't have to go around herding you like cattle
  • no time to socialize at computers
  • use helpers- be prepared for them
  • Destiny deposit


3/4 A - 3/5 B


FCAT#5- Oranges- mark the text as we discussed for poems. Answers reviewed in class, charts filled out, turned in.

Ch 10-11 Checked. No TFA Homework tonight.

BIB- Part 3- pg 108

J#12- Take notes on the following Photo Terms
  1. Anticipate the Moment
  2. Use unique angles
  3. Look for Emotion
  4. Use Leading Lines
  5. Find Repetition
  6. Fill the Frame
  7. Tell a Story
  8. Use rule of thirds
  9. Stop Action using panning
  10. Stop Action using tilt
  11. Use Framing

Bring a digital camera to class on 3/10. One per group is acceptable.


Work on Deadlines


Club spreads rearranged- reassigned


2/26 A-3/3B



Ch 7 marking the text-checked as homework

Ch 8-9 Homework due next class. Mark text as usual. See chart on board.

Ch 2-7 split up amongst groups. Pick the 5 most important things from each set of page numbers.

A-Ch 4 Quiz
B-Ch 1-3 Quiz

J#9-Do you read the newspaper? If so what section do you read? Why? Who do you think most likely reads the newspaper? Why?

J#10- If you were the editor of Terry Parker's paper. Would you publish the following? Write each situation with an explanation.
1)A student was assaulted in the restroom
2)An article containing profane language
3)An article rating teachers from best to worst
4)An advertisement for cigarettes
5)A student suspended for drinking at Prom

Discuss in groups and look for someone to represent you as a debater.

Class Debate- Fishbowl. Points awarded for debate points. Winning group gets 20 extra credit points.

Homework A-5- Radio Analysis due next class
SB2 Quiz due the next class



Homework check Ch 8-9

Ch 10-11 Homework due the next class.

Finish review Chapters 1-7. Groups share

A-Ch 5-6 Quiz
B-Ch 4 Quiz


J#11- Respond to the following quote for 5 minutes:These days it seems that physical “truth” can easily be rearranged, rethought, or re-created outright. Any image can be made pristine, all the warts can be removed.But returning to the source of a thing–the real source–means the photographer has to watch, dig, listen for voices, sniff the smells, and have many doubts.My life in photography has been lived as a skeptic.–Jerome Liebling, The People, Yes, 1995

A6-newspaper parts- finish for homework. Label the parts of the newspaper using the chart. Turn both the chart and newspaper into the basket.

A5- Radio Analysis homework Due

SB2 Quiz, study for 10 minutes before taking quiz. Turn in SB2 Notes.

Radio Analysis Group Work-
  1. What overall subjects keep appearing in the songs played?
  2. What do the keywords/lyrics say about your generation? (1 paragraph)
  3. What message are artists, producers, radio stations sending to youth? (1 paragraph)

Discussed in class


-Journals past due

-faculty contact due next Mon

-Myspace due 3/13 artwork/money

-continue lists from Ms. Batten

-Clubs reporters stay 3/3 after school

-copies-club slips- photo schedule pics update

-proofs in by Friday

-checklists must be completed

-Sports/Epps see me

-Baseball Varsity-individual pics




2/20-2/23 A/B

A- Part 2 BIB
Quiz CH 4
Ch 4 checked for homework
Finished FA 9 review and charts

Ch 5-6 HW
continue to mark as Ch 4 directions stated

B- sub present- lesson plan not completed
Ch 5-6 HW on board

Mass Media
J#8- hard news, soft news, infotainment, tabloid journalism- take notes (if absent copy classmates notes)

Class discusses the difference between news sources. Group work given. Identify what type of news each article is and be able to explain why you feel this way.

Radio shows finished. CDs past due. SB1 Quiz taken and returned

J#8 see above
nothing, sub didn't do lesson plan

Work on deadlines and selling myspace ads for ad credit

2/24 A - 2/25 B

English II

B- Pg 148 proverbs discussed in detail, Ch 1 reviewed in detail as a class; Ch 1-4 Quizzes- next class

A- only- Ch 2-4 split up among groups for discussion. Pick 5 things from each set of pages to share with clsas.

Make a culture wheel with your group using the glossary words on pg 151 and the diagram on 152. Due in basket with all of your names.

Family Tree-pg 158- On one piece of paper with all of your names, chart Okonkwo's family tree. Due in basket. If not finished, finish for homework

Ch 7-TFA- HW- continue marking the same as Ch 4, 5, 6

Mass Media

Both- Complete 8 articles, identifying types of news

A#5-Radio Analysis-Due on or before 3/2 A, 3/3 B
Copy- SB2 Quiz 3/2 A- 3/3 B
1. Never use the year within the current year, nor for the preceding or coming year unless there would be confusion.Use: December 12, last May 5, Next June NOT: This year, the football team...
2. Always use numerals for ages, dimensions, money, percentages, days of the month, degrees, hours of the day, scores, room numbers, page or chapter numbers and street numbers. Except for those in the preceding rule, spell ou numbers one through nine, and use numbers for 10 and greater.EX: $5 Not: Five dollarsEX: She had two donuts NOT: She had 2 donuts
3. For money under $1, use numerals and the word cents. For $1 or over, use the dollar sign. Omit zeros when possibleEX: 25 cents, $10, $1.50, 35 cents Not: .35 Not: ten dollars
4. Do not begin a sentence with a numeral. Spell it out or rewrite it.Not: $5 is how much it costs.DO: It costs $5.

Group Work-Type of News- answers given. For any your group got wrong, fix and then write an explanation about why the correct answer is the correct answer.

A- reviewed answers for group work, was given A#6- newspaper assignment
B-needs to review answers, needs A#6-newspaper assignment


Deadline 3/4
Senior spreads- finished
Faculty contact due
Myspace Ads- money and artwork due ASAP
Ad credit options discussed
Feb event- mentioned

Journals to be checked at 80


2/18 A- 2/19 B


FCAT #4 Does Modern Society Make Us Fat

Ms. Batten checks homework- ch 2-3 TFA

1B- Last chance to turn in FA 7, 8, 9
review proverbs and Ch 1
FCAT 4, FA 7, 8, 9 reviewed as a class.
Ch 1-4 Quizzes coming the next class

Ch 4 HW- Mark the following in TFA
S-Okonkwo's perceived strengths ( what he thinks makes him strong)
W- Okonkwo's perceived weaknesses (what he thinks makes him weak)
P- all proverbs
Circle all names- ex circle Osugo
Put a special circle around Okonkwo's family- ex special circle around Nwoye
f- fears
*culture or compound


J#7- What radio show will your group present today? What character will you play? How did your group prepare for this show? How do you feel about performing?

Time is given in class to prepare and practice with microphone. Turn in rubric when performing radio show. CDR or CDRW due.

SB1- Quiz moved to next class


J# 76-77
Faculty contact due next Monday 1/23
Computer settings cannot be altered
finish senior spreads
UC spreads- Mofi and Avery will be doing them for everyone since so many of you are behind
Deadlines 4, 5 coming soon
Myspace Ads= ad credit
After school today, or some time this week
Absences- some of you are really pushing it
Helpers- must document who they help and make that their focus

2/13 A -2/17 B

English II Honors

A- Last chance to turn in Formatives 7, 8, 9- past due homework, teacher checks bookmarks
A/B-Teacher comes around to check Ch 1 homework- marking the text as directed
turn in Okonkwo drawings

Proverbs- finish all 9 proverbs with group. Ms. Batten to read correct proverbs and all students will record them on wkbk page 148. Write explanations on page 148 of any proverbs your group didn't get correct. Have Ms. Batten check, then turn in group paper to basket.

Class discusses meaning of all proverbs.

Ch 2-3 Homework
F- all fears, causes or effects of fears
*- any references to Okonkwo's culture or compound
C- any conflicts of any kind
I- Imagery (also mark any figurative devices you see, such as metaphors, similes, etc)

1A- discussed chapter 1 in detail
1B- made bookmarks for TFA

No Journal, instead prepare and practice for your radio show. It is due the next class. SB1 quiz moved to next class as well.

J#75- senior pages should be done, if not, find your seniors and get their information needed


2/11 A-2/12 B


1A only-HW Formatives 7.8.9 due

TFA- take out and look at cover, read the back. Make predictions about what the book will be about as a group.

Proverbs discussed and examples given.

TFA bookmarks made- pronunciations and glossary terms.

HW- CH1- Read and mark any reference to Okonkwo's behavior, actions, or physical appearance with an O and his fears, cause of fears, or effects of fears with F. Then draw a picture of what you think Okonkwo looks like. Put his name at the top of the drawing and include a quote from the chapter that explains your illustration.

pg 100 BIB checked

1A-Part 2 started- pg 105

J#6- What do you listen to on the radio? When do you listen to it? What stations do you prefer and why? Which stations would you not choose to listen to and why?

A4-Radio Show rubric distributed and explained.

Download an old time radio script which you will perform with your group

Today- research, find script
Friday/Tuesday- Practice script
Wednesday/Thursday-record script- presentations due. Blank CDR or CDRW due by this date.

You need a
Playwright- person who will edit the script for timeliness, and make sure script has sound effects and dialogue. They also must make copies for everyone in their group.

Foley Artist- in charge of the sound effects, props for sound effects and adding effects to script with playwright.

Advertising Executive- has to find a commercial and place it in radio show at an appropriate time. Must sound like a realistic commercial.

1st part of class- visit to TV Production
last half of class- computer lab

2/9 A- 2/10 B


2/9 A- Review 1- 6 Persuasive essay. Review elaboration. Turn in late essays for grade. Ask if any questions about grades given for essays. Test is tomorrow. Formative 7,8,9 given as homework.

2/10- B- Testing

Mass Media

J#5- How do you feel about today's presentations? Are you prepared?

Before Presentation, take out one rubric and put all of your names on it. Also, turn in all 15 questions.

Turn in A1 to the basket

A3- Evaluating Evolution of Media Presentations
Put name of group's presentation topic
List their first names
What was something you liked?
What was something that should be improved?
Rate them 1-5

Due in class.

Copy SB1, Quiz is on Friday, 13 A, Tuesday, 17 B

1. Never use "many" "numerous" "a lot" "various" "some" "few" when reporting.
Instead of: Many students attended the homecoming dance.
Use: Over 400 students attended the homecoming dance.
2. For class year, use apostrophe correctly.
Use: '09 NOT: ' 09 or 09'
3. Always use numerals for address numbers.
Use 9 Morning Star Lane
4. Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names. Use numerals with two letters for 10Th and above.
Use: 137 Fifth Street 459 12Th Street
5. Dates are written one way only.
Use: July 28 Not: July 28Th, 28Th of July, 28Th day of July

Seniors First- communicate about what you need to make sure seniors are done soon

Faculty Contact due. Due in two weeks after today.
Sam Epps-Weightlifting must be scheduled.
Shanika- schedule club pics, superlatives, find out what happened to weightlifting and boys jv soccer pictures.

Myspace Ads starting this week.

2/5 A- 2/6 B


A- Formative Assessment 7,8,9 given for homework. Write directly on the articles, because there are no more bubble sheets. Make sure you mark the text. Fill out you chart on how confident you are in your answers. Due the next class.

Go through the Persuasive essays 1-6 as a group. For the 1, write why the person scored a 1. For the 2 and higher, write only what the person did for the higher score. Turn in.

Persuasive essay due. Groups grade persuasive essays turned in anonymously. Teacher gives scores for expository and persuasive essays. All essays returned. Ask questions about any problems or low scores.

Transition worksheet redistributed for anyone who did not have one.

Conclusion- Persuasive conclusion discussed in detail. Worksheet completed in group and discussed as a class. Turn into basket.

TFA coming up next week.


No Journal- Instead prepare for presentations which are due the next class. Make sure you go over the rubrics in detail.

Finish research-computer lab.


Work on Deadline 3- seniors first


2/3 A-2/4 B

FCAT #3 Electric Tomatos-done in class, checked, and results recorded on chart

Things Fall Apart starting soon- GET THE BOOK. Its extra credit.

REF#4- Due for 1B
REF#5-Due for 1A and 1B

REF#4 Expository
If you could spend the day with anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?

REF#5 Persuasive

Leaders in your communtiy are proposing that high school student should volunteer three hours each week in the community. Write to communicate whether you believe high school students should work three hours each week doing community service.

45 minutes maximum should be spent on each essay-Time yourself

Finish expository packet- reviewing 1-6

Handouts-conclusion, transitions worksheet

Start grading sample papers from class. Each person in the group must put a score. Discuss any scores that are not agreed upon (ex. 1 person says a 6 and another says a 3). Add commentary to the paper about why the student received that score. Turn into teacher.

Today you will research your topic. What specifically are you responsible for researching for your group? You may speak to your group members.

A1-Searching the Web- Take notes on the 10 tips for searching the web. You must take notes on each, in order to get credit.

Research-computer lab- research is completed today on topic.

No more game playing or slacking off- we are behind. Help, if you feel you have nothing to do.

Stop whining and complaining. Whine for 5 seconds, then just do it.

Abscences are getting ridiculous and you aren't calling to tell me about why you're out. Stop.

Progress reports coming.

Myspace Ads- starting this month

New priority list identified and explained. Top priorities are pages 14-15 HC Dance and pg 144-145 Golf

Proofs for Deadline 2- must be in by 2/5 fixed

Seniors- Top Priority- Get them the information they need ASAP. Their deadline is the 6th.

1/30 A-2/2 B


FCAT 2- Fossil Fuels
graded in class, recorded on charts

Review FCAT 1-6 Expository essays- start

Review support for essays: Bare 1,2 Extended 3 Layered 4 Elaborate 5,6

REF#4 Expository Essay-due today for 1A

Formative 6 returned and reviewed.
Things Fall Apart-Starts Friday- get the book!
What are the roles of each of your group members in your research topic. What will each person be responsible for. What will you do for creativity? When will you work on the project and how will you do the project? (You may talk with your group members for this entry)

Portfolio check today for grade

Journals checked to make sure students are doing them correctly

Turn in Parent/Info sheet for grade ASAP

Make sure you have your 15 questions that will guide your research by the next class.

Class Procedures Test taken today.

Researching the next class; come prepared.

Focus- senior section firts
Then move back to things you havent finished.
Faculty contacts due Monday of next week.


1/28 A -1/29 B



Journals postponed until after FCAT. Every day will now start with FCAT practice.
1A-Turn in p65- REF#3
EA Backmap for BIB

R# Postponed until after FCAT

FCAT 1- Baggy Pants article- reviewed in class

Formative Assessment 6 returned.

Fill out charts appropriately.

Watch movie beginning- talk about engaging the reader
FCAT rubric broken down into parts.

Things Fall Apart starts next week-book due for extra credit

Bare: 1,2 FCAT SCALE
I like science because I enjoy it.

Extended: 3 on FCAT Scale
I like science because we do fun experiments.

Layered: 4 on FCAT scale
I enjoy Biology because my teacher Mr. Kasteler teaches us interesting experiments such as...

Elaborated: 5, 6 on FCAT scale
In Biology Honors we perform fascinating experiments. For example, last week we filtered dirty water with rocks and gritty sand. My teacher, Mrs. Kasteler really teaches in a captivating way, which draws me to her room, B101, every A day.

REF#4 Expository Essay
If you could spend the day with anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?
Time yourself 45 minutes

Look at examples of FCAT 1-6 essays

Mass Media

Think about how many times different forms of mass mediums are used in your daily life on a weekly basis. Now write about the different forms you use. 5 min.

Present charts on obvious/non-obvious/purposes of

Class Procedures TEst Friday-A, Monday-B; Portfolio due as well

Research Projects- topics given
start research on 1/3 Tuesday A, 1/4 Wednesday B

Presentations on 2/9 A - 2/10 B

Research Projects
15 questions to guide your search

research done outside of class with group

graded using presentation rubric

must answer all questions generated during presentation

must show the history and evolution (change)

A2-Rubric for Presentation distributed and reviewed


Focus on senior spreads first
UC spreads to be designed
Layout check-when waiting for reporter
Editor checklist a must
reference section


1/26 A- 1/27 B

English II

Finish Journal 34

B day- finish Mother's Day Skits

FCAT Writes rubric passed out and discussed. As a class break down the 6 score into the four areas of Focus, Organization, Support, and Conventions. Underline key words and number each part. Finish the rest of the rubric, breaking down each score level.

Ways to Engage the reader- handout distributed and discussed

Clip shown of movie beginning that is engaging

Expository Essay and Persuasive Essay contents talked about in detail

Expository: purpose is to explain, must have a thesis, a hook, must maintain focus, organization, have detailed support, and practice conventions

Persuasive:purpose is to convince; position statement is needed to state your exact feelings on the topic, must have a hook, facts, statistics, details can be added to support, cannot waver between two sides because you have to choose a position, must have a counter argument (I realize smokers have rights, but do they have the right to jeopardize the clean air of others?), a call for action (So, write a letter to your congress person asking them to..., So, if you're a smoker, please take notice of non-smokers around you and...)

Mass Media
J#1- Describe what you do and where you go when researching for a class assignment on the internet (5 minutes)

Teacher walks class through the first journal.

Time is given to organize skits before performing. Groups perform two skits and receive feedback from the teacher on both skits. Presentation grade given.

On your group work, make sure you have explained the plans you had for each skit you would perform and turn in.

Mass Media chart assignment:
Definition of Mass Media revealed. Now as a group, on a chart, list at least 15 forms of mediums that are considered mass media. At least 3 of the mediums you chart must be less obvious forms. When finished, look at all of the forms you've listed and list 4 potential purposes of these different mediums.

Class writes all of their ideas on the board.

Yearbook J69/23 days left

Faculty contact due for grade

Parking log/announcements

Flyers/Sr package

Ad sales/yb donation form
Stop leavingout your stuff
Ideas-jan events

Election, gas, hurricanes, world events



1)Bubble deadline 3-due today for approval
2) Proofs 1

Deadline 3
Seniors-150 word- Sheila typing directions-written by themselves

Sports-photographer’s responsiblility

Smart-pay flyers made for around school
300 book warning sign

Deadline schedule revealed and discussed. February deadline coming up.

Absences, off task behavior, not coming after school on Mondays all leaving us way behind-discussed

J#70/22 days left
Review yesterdays meeting topics
Check your boxes daily
You must be here on Mondays- nothing else is more important
Deadline 3 bubble sheets must be checked off by today
IF finished, help
Academic pics needed
Sheila to type senior directions
Absences- getting out of hand

1/22 A-1/23 B

English II
J#34- American Idol auditions
Name of contestant:

Grade each person and make commentary on all four areas. American Idol rubric passed out and explained in detail. FCAT essay rubric compared to Idol rubric.

R#34-viewing BIB

Watch the rest of part 1 of Bend it Like Beckham. Finish the notes on page 100. Should be detailed.

Mass Media
Finish review of class procedures, rules handout. Groups are split up and have to perform skits that act out following the rules/procedures. Presentation grade.

Class Procedures/Rules Test- Friday A, Monday B
Portfolio due in complete on Friday A, Monday B

Yearbook- Work on Proofs 1, Map out Deadline 3, finish any late spreads.


1/20 A-1/21 B

J#33- "Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeeded." -Emily Dickinson

R#33- Viewing BIB-

Finish Mother's Day Skits

Class discussed pg 99- costumes/makeup, props/sets, acting/director choices, cultural elements

After discussion, take notes on the clip from "So I Married an Axe Murderer". The clip was shown twice and discussed in detail.

Now, on page 100 take notes on Bend it Like Beckham- Part 1. Beforehand, teacher discusses Embedded Assessment-Writing about cultural conflict in the movie Bend It Like Beckham. Teacher instructs students to take detailed notes- so they will have them for reference later. Also, teacher advises students to focus their note taking on conflicts that happen in the film. For example, for actor's/director's choices they might want to focus on how characters move around and convey emotion during conflicts only.

Mass Media 1-

Welcome Handout, Class Procedures Handout, Group Procedures Handout, extra credit handout.

Group work: Write what you think Mass Media is as a group. Then write a definition of mass media that your group found on the internet or in the dictionary. Turn in.

Extra Credit handout and Group Procedures handout gone over in detail. Class rules from Class Procedures reviewed. Syllabus permission form and parent contact sheet explained. It must be brought back as the first assignment grade. You can rip it off and bring it back.

Bring all of your handouts back to the next class or leave them with me, so that you have them.

You will take a test on the Classroom Procedures, rules, and group rules/procedures. Also, you need to memorize this website, where you can get your assignments.

You need your materials by next week.

  • Clerical-dissolved
  • election pictures, Inauguration, summer pictures, needed- announcement
  • Ads: Still available for sale 17 1/2 pages and 1/16
  • 300 yearbooks- final count- tell your friends that just because they filled out a reservation form, doesn't mean they will get one. The only thing that guarantees they will get one, is them buying one.
  • Faculty contact due, Monday January 26
  • extra credit for Faculty contact if its in before that
  • Deadline 2 was mailed Friday, if yours wasn't turned in, it is late
  • Waiting room books-form made for donations- can help ad grade
  • $375 ads due this term= 375 points
  • Brainstorm Deadline 3
  • Wrestling Pics this Friday for Ads


-Proof Corrections deadline 1

-late deadline 1, then 2-Deadline 3-start working now


1/13 B - 1/14 A


Do wkbk pg 65 in your workbook for unit 1. Scan back through Unit 1 to accurately answer the questions.

In groups, turn to pgs 111-112. Each student needs to take out a piece of paper and backmap with their group the Embedded Assessment. Remember in the center, you put the title name. Out to the sides are the things you will need to do or learn before getting to this embedded assessment.

Rehearse "Mother's Day" Skits. Make sure you have a director that tells you how to move around and perform your lines.

Your exam grade will be your embedded assessment grade. If you didn't turn in your embedded assessment, you can take the Formative Assessment exam for an exam grade. Otherwise, you will have a zero for the exam grade.

Formative Assessment 5 returned
Formative Assessment 6 completed and data recorded
Skits performed

2nd-1) In your group, take out a piece of paper and put all of your names on it. Look up the word stereotype and define it in your own words, as a group. Write the student friendly definition on the paper. Then go write your definition on the board. When everyone is done writing their definition of stereotype on the board, discuss the definition as a class. (10 minutes)
2) If groups didn’t finish their poster featuring a certain group of people and their representation in the media, they can do that at this time.
3) After defining stereotype, on the same paper, list or brainstorm as many stereotypes you can think of for the following: religions, races, beliefs, physical features (such as hair color), financial status, or culture. List stereotypes you’ve hear before. You don’t have to believe the stereotype. For example, a couple of stereotypes are that white people cannot dance and African Americans all like fried chicken.
4) As a class or group, discuss how we can fight against stereotyping. For example, if I was a white person that could dance, how could I prove to people that they shouldn’t stereotype. Think of at least 3 ways people could fight against stereotypes.
5) As a group read the article “Young Video Makers…” After reading, add a paragraph to your group assignment that explains what Ali Ardekani has done to break stereotyping of Muslims.
6) If they finish the group work they can turn it in today to the basket.

Work on yearbook deadline.