
11/2A-11/3 B

Creative Writing
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." -Woodrow Wilson

Think, pair, share, record examples of your group members, discuss as a class

Turn in exit slip from conferences-if you haven't already
Turn in exit slip about writing improvements-if you haven't already

HW check: Ms. Batten checks individual questions, 5 from your strongest strand, 5 from your weakest strand about the article R5 "Does Modern Society Make Us Fat"

Group work finished: Proofread questions from everyone in your group and choose the 5 best questions from each strand. For example, for reference and research you may choose one question from one group member, two from another group member, and two from your own paper. Once you've decided on the five best questions for each strand, type the questions and answers with your group. This means your group should have 20 typed questions and answers (five from each of the four strands. You can split the typed assignment up into separate documents, so you can all work on a part of it, but make sure you staple it all together and write all of your names. Before turning in the group work, you all must proofread everyone's work which you are turning in. For example, if one person in your group mispelled something or made a grammatical error, the rest of the group should catch it and fix it before printing and submitting the final document. Points will be deducted for poorly phrased, grammatically incorrect, or mispelled questions or answers.

Assessment: TURN IN Group work (20 questions organized by strand)stapled to individual questons from each group member.

Homework: Finish FCAT explorer pre-test if you haven't finished it yet