
2/5 A- 2/6 B


A- Formative Assessment 7,8,9 given for homework. Write directly on the articles, because there are no more bubble sheets. Make sure you mark the text. Fill out you chart on how confident you are in your answers. Due the next class.

Go through the Persuasive essays 1-6 as a group. For the 1, write why the person scored a 1. For the 2 and higher, write only what the person did for the higher score. Turn in.

Persuasive essay due. Groups grade persuasive essays turned in anonymously. Teacher gives scores for expository and persuasive essays. All essays returned. Ask questions about any problems or low scores.

Transition worksheet redistributed for anyone who did not have one.

Conclusion- Persuasive conclusion discussed in detail. Worksheet completed in group and discussed as a class. Turn into basket.

TFA coming up next week.


No Journal- Instead prepare for presentations which are due the next class. Make sure you go over the rubrics in detail.

Finish research-computer lab.


Work on Deadline 3- seniors first