
2/11 A-2/12 B


1A only-HW Formatives 7.8.9 due

TFA- take out and look at cover, read the back. Make predictions about what the book will be about as a group.

Proverbs discussed and examples given.

TFA bookmarks made- pronunciations and glossary terms.

HW- CH1- Read and mark any reference to Okonkwo's behavior, actions, or physical appearance with an O and his fears, cause of fears, or effects of fears with F. Then draw a picture of what you think Okonkwo looks like. Put his name at the top of the drawing and include a quote from the chapter that explains your illustration.

pg 100 BIB checked

1A-Part 2 started- pg 105

J#6- What do you listen to on the radio? When do you listen to it? What stations do you prefer and why? Which stations would you not choose to listen to and why?

A4-Radio Show rubric distributed and explained.

Download an old time radio script which you will perform with your group

Today- research, find script
Friday/Tuesday- Practice script
Wednesday/Thursday-record script- presentations due. Blank CDR or CDRW due by this date.

You need a
Playwright- person who will edit the script for timeliness, and make sure script has sound effects and dialogue. They also must make copies for everyone in their group.

Foley Artist- in charge of the sound effects, props for sound effects and adding effects to script with playwright.

Advertising Executive- has to find a commercial and place it in radio show at an appropriate time. Must sound like a realistic commercial.

1st part of class- visit to TV Production
last half of class- computer lab