
2/26 A-3/3B



Ch 7 marking the text-checked as homework

Ch 8-9 Homework due next class. Mark text as usual. See chart on board.

Ch 2-7 split up amongst groups. Pick the 5 most important things from each set of page numbers.

A-Ch 4 Quiz
B-Ch 1-3 Quiz

J#9-Do you read the newspaper? If so what section do you read? Why? Who do you think most likely reads the newspaper? Why?

J#10- If you were the editor of Terry Parker's paper. Would you publish the following? Write each situation with an explanation.
1)A student was assaulted in the restroom
2)An article containing profane language
3)An article rating teachers from best to worst
4)An advertisement for cigarettes
5)A student suspended for drinking at Prom

Discuss in groups and look for someone to represent you as a debater.

Class Debate- Fishbowl. Points awarded for debate points. Winning group gets 20 extra credit points.

Homework A-5- Radio Analysis due next class
SB2 Quiz due the next class



Homework check Ch 8-9

Ch 10-11 Homework due the next class.

Finish review Chapters 1-7. Groups share

A-Ch 5-6 Quiz
B-Ch 4 Quiz


J#11- Respond to the following quote for 5 minutes:These days it seems that physical “truth” can easily be rearranged, rethought, or re-created outright. Any image can be made pristine, all the warts can be removed.But returning to the source of a thing–the real source–means the photographer has to watch, dig, listen for voices, sniff the smells, and have many doubts.My life in photography has been lived as a skeptic.–Jerome Liebling, The People, Yes, 1995

A6-newspaper parts- finish for homework. Label the parts of the newspaper using the chart. Turn both the chart and newspaper into the basket.

A5- Radio Analysis homework Due

SB2 Quiz, study for 10 minutes before taking quiz. Turn in SB2 Notes.

Radio Analysis Group Work-
  1. What overall subjects keep appearing in the songs played?
  2. What do the keywords/lyrics say about your generation? (1 paragraph)
  3. What message are artists, producers, radio stations sending to youth? (1 paragraph)

Discussed in class


-Journals past due

-faculty contact due next Mon

-Myspace due 3/13 artwork/money

-continue lists from Ms. Batten

-Clubs reporters stay 3/3 after school

-copies-club slips- photo schedule pics update

-proofs in by Friday

-checklists must be completed

-Sports/Epps see me

-Baseball Varsity-individual pics