
10/20 A- 10/21 B

J#15-Creative Writing

"One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down." -Proverb from Romania and Russia

Think, pair, share, discuss as a class

W6-FCAT Writes-Tips (copy below or from board)

Example Intro:

(Engage the reader)One day, as I laid in bed sick with the flu, my mother turned on a talk show I had never seen before. On the episode, they split their audience by eye color and treated the blue-eyed people poorly. The host of the show didn't really hate blue-eyed people, but she was trying to teach them a lesson about what discrimination felt like. After that episode, I watched her show religiously. (End with thesis: what you will write about or your stance on an issue and your reasons why or which you will discuss. Should be one to two sentences maximum). So, If I could spend the day with anyone in the world, it would be Oprah Winfrey, because she defines success by living it, she teaches valuable lessons and I would show her how much I appreciate her.


Bare: I like science because I enjoy it. (1,2)

Extended: I like science class because we do interesting experiments. (3)

Layered. In Biology class, we do fun experiments, such as dissecting frogs and measuring the properties of light. (4)

It is always an enlightening experience when I step into Mr. Robinson's Biology Honors class. Although my classmates moan when they receive a textbook assignment, the sounds are quite different when he announces lab work. He always plans innovative and creative experiments. For example, once we dissected Leopard frogs delicately. Another time we used a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to measure the properties of light. In my opinion, the realistic lab experience in Mr. Robinson's class is extremely interesting and worthwhile. (5,6)

Work period:

Journal/Think,Pair, Share

W6-FCAT Writes Tips-Take notes, see above

Upon receiving W5 Expository back, rewrite your introduction and support only. Make sure you've engaged the reader, have a proper thesis, and elaborate support.

Conference: Next Class- Bring all writing assignments and data collection sheets

Progress Report 2 issued and signed for in class

Discuss Theme throughout book