
10/31 B - 11/3 A


"Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." -Richard Evans

Min of five Pg __ to Pg ___

REF#2- Comparing Art (Essay)- Due Today (must include a Venn Diagram or a brainstorm of some sort)

Time given to make sure portfolio is in order: Due in class. Leave in your section, in class for grade.

Class reviews all artwork shown previously. The real meaning behind "The Two Fridas" and "Self-Portrait-Cropped Hair/No Hair" revealed. Students to take notes of real meaning in margin of other notes.

Humor- discussed in class. What is humor? What are the types of humor?

Copy chart:

Clip: Lucy Seinfeld

that make
it funny

What type of
universal, lack
of understanding,
sarcastic or dry,
at someone else's
expense, social

Using the chart above, take notes while watching the two clips.

J#19 Mass Media
Think of how movies are rated. List different things you can think of of the top of your head.

Photo Assignment Due- A#9 Scavenger Hunt- teacher checks off

Portfolio check approaching soon. Have Portfolio ready to be checked next week.

With group- Read over the ratings from the Motion Picture Association of America and the article "Hollywood Rethinks Its Ratings Process"

Group presents- Rating given by teacher to class creatively

Class-popcorn reading-article- Hollywood Rethinks Its Ratings Process


J#36- Free Response

Class celebrates

Reminder- Monday- everyone stays after school

Bubble sheet- must be completed before you find/take pictures for your spread. Example shown again in class- for how to complete

Story- label your 300 word story, as I did with "After the sky fell"- you were given a copy.
Then, rewrite your story. (Everyone has to do this-including photographer's) Add missing details, or facts. Fix tense problems. Add effective repetition. Type story, eliminate unecessary wording, so you have exactly 300 words, but don't eliminate what is important. Save your miscrosoft word document under your page numbers given to you.

Go 2009 Test Yearbook- pages- your page numbers. Also print out story.

By Tuesday, you should have your bubble sheet completed, your story should be revised, typed, and saved in the proper location (photographer's save in your photo folder). Also, you have to have your 25 pictures saved in your picture folder.



"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
-Anais Nain

R#19-Inferences (Predictions, assumptions)
min of 5 Pg__ to Pg __

Write a 45 minute essay, on your own paper, using the prompt below. Keep track of your time; you are only supposed to have 45 minutes total. Before writing, brainstorm using a Venn diagram (see board for example). You will not be graded for errors made in grammar or spelling, for this first draft.

Title: REF#2-Comparing/Contrasting Art
Directions: Use your detailed notes taken in class as the support for this essay. Be specific, use details from each piece in your response and be sure to use appropriate transitions. Don’t list all the similarities in one paragraph and all the differences in another. Instead focus on one element, from each piece, at a time using appropriate comparison and contrast transitions.

*If absent for note portion of this assignment- Go to Battensclasses.blogspot.com using computers by the window to see artwork. Take notes on all 4 pieces, and make up the other work you missed as well. Complete the essay for homework*

Mass Media
J#19- In Photography, what is meant by "wait for the decisive moment"? Explain in a paragraph. You may want to refer to Liebling's photography in your response. (5 minutes)

A#9-Photo Scavenger Hunt.

Digital Cameras needed- warning was given on 2 separate class dates.

Using the digital camera, and the scavenger hunt sheet, take pictures around the school. Use all of the techniques, camera positions, angles, and camera movements listed on the sheet. Once each type of picture is taken, check it off. You are allowed to take pictures using multiple techniques. Use your journal notes to help, and be able to explain each picture you take. Do not take pictures in classes, without first asking teachers in a non-disruptive, polite way. Be sure to bring your camera back to class on the next class day, so this assignment can be graded. (For extra credit students can also print the photos they take or copy them to a CD). you may want to take two pictures of each item below, to be sure you've fulfilled the requirements of this assignment.


Underclass pictures/Photo shoot-everyone helps auditorium

J#35- You spread explained in detail. Spread checklist and pages assigned to all students, except photographers.

Bubble sheets- All students must start by doing this about themselves. Eight questions given for first bubble. Example shown.

Picture deadline: 11/4 (Must bring in 25 pictures to choose from. They must be downloaded by Tuesday)

Class Duties- 1st part of class



African- artist-unknown

Echoes of Culture- artist-unknown

Portrait-cropped hair
The Two Frida's


"You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do." -Liz Smith

Your grades have been online since August at Trackmygrades.com

  1. You need an email address to access or

  2. Ask your study hall teacher for a password and use their email address as the login

All assignments-in complete have been online since August-at Battensclasses.blogspot.com. Learn the site if you haven't already.

R#18 Visualizing Min of 5 Pg__ to Pg__

Reading Art wkbk pg 34- Take notes on 4 pictures. REF#2-Comparing Art (essay) 45 minute essay to come next class.

Take detailed notes on each picture (see above pictures for makeup) using pg 34 as a guide.

Mass Media

J#18- Copy photo techniques and leave room for notes.

  1. Anticipate the moment:

  2. Different Angles:

  3. Use the rule-of-thirds:

  4. Use Leading Lines

  5. Fill the frame

  6. Tell a story

  7. Use framing

  8. Look for repetition

  9. Stop Action

  10. Look for emotion

Take out A#8 Analyzing Photography and in the margin, next to your notes for each picture, add notes on the real title, and real story behind why Liebling took each photograph. TURN INTO BASKET. For makeup go to www.jeromeliebling.com

On the 29Th B day- brings a digital camera of some sort to class

On the 30Th A day-brings a digital camera of some sort to class

Take notes on journal entry from sideshow presented by Ms. Batten


A Day


Faculty List Due-basket

Next Monday-Start staying after school

Sign up for publication group-if you haven't already

UC-field trip form has to be filled out to participate

Copy- reviewed with class. Assignments handed back to students with "Why the Sky Fell" article marked by Ms. Batten. You must mark your story the same way this article was marked.

Ms. Batten presents her story to class before (522 words) and after (300 words) and explains strategies for writing the story.

Students are told to rewrite their stories, after labelling and finding which parts were missing. The story will be typed into your spread.

You Spread-PowerPoint briefly shown in class. Deadline-next Friday

Ad Test coming soon- I will review the ad section with you right before the test


Work on labelling your copy. Spread pages and checklist to be distributed tomorrow.

UC pictures- help distributing photo shoot appointment slips.

10/24 A

English-Nothing- sub didn't get lesson plan

Mass Media (2nd)
Finish journal by looking up the rest of the effects online. You can use your cell phone internet for this, or use the two computers that access the internet.(Sub-only some of them have internet on their phone. Please let them use it for this assignment, as there aren't enough computers with internet) When finished finding all of the terms and recording them in journal entry, on a separate piece of paper, list examples of each which your group has seen in movies or television shows. For example, a dolly shot was used in "I am Legend" when Will Smith's character is racing his car through New York City. List a minimum of one example for each camera position, angle, and movement. Be specific. Put all of your group names on the paper and turn into the basket today. All work is due today for grading term 1. On Tuesday, bring a digital camera of some sort to class.

Yearbook/Journalism (4th)
No Journal
Look up your grades online, and makeup any missing work.
Lindsey, Sheila, and Mofi split up the following people and work with them on captions:
Shanika, Kendra, Melinda, Alexis, Samantha Cope, Samantha Epps, Kristian, Avery, Aviance, Jessica, Jamey.
Didn't turn in captions at all: Alexis, Kristian
Turned in 2nd set of captions, but not a final rewrite after modeling lesson: Jamey, Samantha Cope, Samantha Epps, Avery, Jessica, Jamey, Alexa
Turned in final captions, but still don't understand how to write them: Julianna, Melinda, Shanika, Kendra, Aviance
Some of their mistakes: Not listing first and last names, ex: Shanika L. Editorializing: The soccer team knows how to have fun No Lead Ins Not understanding the difference between the 3 types Not understanding that the expanded captions starts with the basic caption at beginning Not understanding the basic part of the caption is in present tense and the expanded part of the caption is in past tense Leaving out specific who, what, when or where Using Terry Parker in captions Starting caption with when instead of with one of the ways to start a caption Writing a summary of what they did in the picture? (Aviance)
PLEASE, have them redo the assignment again. There is no use giving back the paper I graded, as it still isn't right.
They will write an identification, basic and expanded caption for any two pictures in their playbook/workbook. They will write each caption separately, so that I know they know how to write each caption. Please proofread each caption when they finish, and make sure they've completed it correctly. Then have them turn into basket. The grade goes on this report card.
Call if you need me.



"We know what a person thinks, not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions."
-Isaac Singer


1A-Turn in Proofreading Marks

By Any Other Name checked as a group grade

By any Other Name reviewed as a class, including chart, and thesis statement

Thesis handout and explanation of thesis.

Model essay about By Any Other Name distributed, read, and technique discussed.

FCAT 6 point rubric distributed

Transition worksheet distributed

EA3-Cultural Misunderstanding Rubric distributed and Embedded Assessment Backmap completed

Mass Media

Copy each term and leave several lines under each for note taking

Camera Positions
  1. Extreme Long shot
  2. Long shot
  3. Medium Shot
  4. Close-up
  5. Extreme Close-up


  1. Birds-eye-view
  2. High Angle
  3. Eye level
  4. Low Angle
  5. Oblique/Canted

Camera Movement

  1. Pans
  2. Tilts
  3. Dolly shots
  4. Handheld Shots
  5. Crane Shots
  6. Zoom lenses
  7. Aerial Shot

Class takes note of each term, as teacher explains. Class thinks of examples of each during discussion.

A- takes quiz SB3 and turns in SB3 notes

Jerome Liebling- article read in class. Discussion of how photography relates to cinematography and Liebling's effect on the art world.


J#33 Free Response

300-word-story due

Must be in 3rd person but about your life

-staple questions to story (List questions someone would have to ask you, in order to find this story)

-Put word count at top of paper

Sign up for which groups you want to be in 1-3 in order of desire

Layout, Reporter, Photographer, Clerical, DVD

Work on Yearbook duties and rewriting captions


10/17 A -10/20 B

English II Honors

"The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him." -Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

R#16- Making Connections (find at least two)

By Any Other Name Group work checked, papers returned

By Any Other name reviewed as a class, essay read, comparison/contrast transitions reviewed. Reading Art started in class.

Mass Media

What does the following quote mean to you:
"These days it seems that physical “truth” can easily be rearranged, rethought, or re-created outright. Any image can be made pristine, all the warts can be removed.
But returning to the source of a thing–the real source–means the photographer has to watch, dig, listen for voices, sniff the smells, and have many doubts.
My life in photography has been lived as a skeptic.
–Jerome Liebling, The People, Yes, 1995

Class discusses quote in depth.

A#8-Analyzing Photography (4 photographs) Take detailed notes answering each question and hold onto notes until next class.

  1. What is this picture of?

  2. How does this picture reflect real life?

  3. Why do you think this picture was taken?

  4. What title would you give this and why? (For each picture)

To make up go to http://www.jeromeliebling.com/ or go to http://www.artsmia.org/get-the-picture/liebling/ and look and analyze the following 4 pictures

and the 4th picture is the man standing with a shovel, surrounded by coal.

SB3 quiz to be taken in A day- past due. SB3 notes due for grade.

Read Liebling's article and discuss

10/17-10/20 Yearbook

No Journal

Guest Speaker- Ads and Trends

Pep Rally


Editor's meeting/Class duties
Work on Captions or Copy assignment

Staff meeting.
300 word story explained again.
Must mimic style of 3 model articles by Brady Dennis
Will be written in 3rd person about something that happened in your life, preferably that relates to Parker
Due 10/21- Tuesday

InDesign Tuesday

Ice Skating 10/25 $12 from 2- 4 pm @ Rinktime. Meet at the school at 1:30 if you need a ride. Ask Kendra for directions.

Faculty member check in with Ms. Batten, to be recorded on paper for next week's grade.

Photo tryouts to continue one day this week.

Signups Tuesday for the group you want to be placed in.


10/13 A-10/16 B

10/15 PSAT- No class for English II or Mass Media
10/16-makeup day, English and Mass Media- because testing through schedule off.

"One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down." -Proverb from Russia and Romania

R#15-visualizing-min. of 5

Mapout Embedded Assessment - EA3 Cultural Misunderstanding.

EA2-Persuasive Essay Censorship-Past due.

Finish By Any Other Name Group Work

Mass Media

J#15 Mass Media
What type of photography do you see in newspapers? Why do you think this type of photography is used?

Take home projects or they will be thrown away.

Finish group work from last class.

YB 10/13 -10/16 YB


YB Meeting- Monday
Editor's Meeting-Monday

Copy assignment-300-word story due Tuesday
Story about self. Model the style used in the three articles given to you by Brady Dennis.
Also, as you write the story, list the questions that someone would have to ask you, in order to write the story.

Yb-Faculty Members

Write down all staff/faculty members you have and what information you gathered. Put explanations for anyone you didn't contact. Fill out photo assignments for specific picture info.

Tues-Thurs Review Staff Organization and Reference section of Yearbook Manual. All handouts, in both sections, explained.

Thurs- Ms. Batten goes back over caption assignment- IT HAS TO BE TURNED BACK IN.
Work on Homecoming


10/13 Yearbook

J#29 Free Response

Copy Lesson-continued

3 articles by Brady Dennis and handout about 300-word stories

Class lists common characteristics found in the 300-word story

Assignment. Write a 300-word story about a yearbook staff member. It will be typed and follow the format of the stories read in class. Due Oct. 20 Must be typed, and electronic file will be saved for future use.

Class Duties/Editor Meeting

Class discusses faculty contacts tomorrow-to be graded

Homecoming Discussion-brief-interested students meet after school to work on homecoming idea


10/9 A -10/10 B

Turn in caption rewrites to the basket.

Typography lesson on fonts, styles, types, weights, etc

Copy (Story) - lesson on how reporters have to be good observers in order to write. Article "When the Sky Fell" distributed. Label on the story what techniques the writer uses to make the story effective.


Captions returned. Teacher teaches captions again for the third time, this time modeling how to write each caption with a picture.

Students who didn't get a high score need to rewrite the captions.

Kristian teaches SB3 to class on punctuation style rules

Homecoming decorating at Brandi's house on Sunday at 3 p.m.

"It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong." -Voltaire

R#14- Asking Levels of Questions (min of 5 questions; each level used at least once)

Formative Mini-Assessment (Day 6) Returned and Reviewed with class

Formative Min-Assessment (Day 12) Distributed to class. Turn into basket when finished.

Finish By Any Other Name- group work. To be checked the next class.

EA2-Persuasive Essay Censorship Due (first draft)

Mass Media

J#14 How do you feel about news organizations that let their personal views interfere with their story-telling? Explain.

A6 Radio Homework due.
Discuss with group your log. As a group, determine what subjects and content repeat themselves in all of your songs. Then discuss what this means. Are the artists purposely choosing to write about these subjects? Why? Are the radio stations purposely playing only these songs? Why? What message does it send to youth when songs are about these subjects?

Class Debate

All assignments and projects handed back
A7-Radio Show rubric and recording

2B-Class finishes watching news casts from different news organizations. Then using their individual notes, they discuss each news cast as a group and complete the following for each news organization

News Organization:
Discussion/Notes: (take these notes during your discussion about possible bias; should be a minimum of a paragraph in length)
Biased or Not and Why? (Determine if the organization is biased, what it may be biased toward, and why your group feels that way)

Turn into basket

All papers handed back in class.


10/7 A- 10/8-B

J13 "when all think alike, no one is thinking very much." Walter Lippman

R#13 Asking Questions
Pg Quote Question Level

Turn in Proofreading Marks and Solzhenitsyn notes

Everyone must record their "I am From" poem

Solzhenitsyn Persuasive Essay due 10/9 A and 10/10 B

By Any other name group work-finished #2-6

Solzhenitsyn article read in class; essay assignment reviewed

Mass Media
Are journalists capable of reporting objectively (without letting personal opinions effect their story)? What types of subjects might a journalist struggle with, when reporting?

SB3- Quiz on 10/14 A -10/15 B

SB3- Punctuation

  1. Space only once after the end of a sentence.
    Ex: Palin is visting Jacksonville today. While she is here she will attend two events.
  2. Space only once after commas.
    Ex: The presidential canidates will debate tonight, Mccain is expected to have an advantage.
  3. To seperate all words in a series, DO NOT use a comma before the "and".
    Ex: I have to go to work, cook dinner and wash clothes.
  4. Use commas to set off appositives or non-essential phrases.
    Ex: Mr. Flowers, principal, will be there.
  5. Use commas to seperate a quote from the rest of the sentence.
    Ex: "Ill invite you," Mike said, "to my party."
  6. Use commas to connect two sentences.
    Ex: I am not going to work today, and I do not plan to go tomorrow, either.
  7. Use commas in numbes over 999, except for street numbers, telephone numbers or item numbers.
    Ex: 1,798
    Ex: 1305 Fifth Street

A6-Analyzing radio- assignment given for homework and explained. Due the next class.

View- news clips from Fox News and CNN about Palin's campaigns strategy and take notes on any biased seen. To be continued the next class.

10/7-10/8 Yearbook

J#26 Free

Finish meeting

Captions/Copy pg 10-11 wkbk

Review the Donts of Caption Writing in Manual

Leads and 175 ways to start a caption

Homework: Write six captions for two pictures. Write one identification, one basic, and one expanded caption for each picture. To be checked tomorrow

J#27 Free

First 35 minutes- class duty, picture tryouts, faculty contact

Last part of class- Homework checked. Captions reviewed; students to correct homework mistakes and turn it back in tomorrow.


10/3 A- 10/6 B

Talk to your group members about what goes into a persuasive essay. Then in your journal, list the things you discussed.

Class Participates in Persuasive Essay Brainstorm on Board. A list is made of all essential ingredients for the persuasive essay. Students should add to their journal entry for completeness.

Solshenitsyn-wkbk- assignment reviewed as a class.

Class assigned Persuasive Essay relating to Solzhenitsyn speech.
Essay is due 10/9 A ; 10/10 B
Situation: All over the world, Literature has been and continues to be censored in a variety of ways. Books have been burned because of offensive language, passages have been ripped out or marked due to graphic descriptions, and authors have been imprisoned, exiled or killed because their native countries felt betrayed by their words.
Prompt: Should an artist be censored if his or her views are against the cultural norm?
Directions: Write a persuasive essay stating whether or not Literature should be censored.

By Any Other Name assignment checked 1B; class turns in their New REF#1 attached to the old, edited version into the basket for credit.

1A- Reviews levels of questioning with Ms. Batten, chooses a fairy tale for group, and begins group work #3-6. Remember 1 and 2 were done individually as homework. The homework has already been checked off for those who completed it. Teacher reviewed pg 26 with class so everyone would know if they highlighted the proper things.

By Any Other Name

  1. Replace ALL unfamiliar words. Replace means right the new word on top of, next to, or below the old word in the text. You cannot just list the words somewhere.
  2. Highlight references to British culture in one color, while highlighting Indian culture in a different color. Be specific.


3. Come up with fairy tale questions for the fairy tale your group chooses. Come up with two, level one questions, two, level two questions, two level three questions and write them on pg 25

4. Write questions for By Any Other Name. Come up with five, level one questions; three, level two questions, and two, level three questions. Use a separate piece of paper with all of your names on it.

5. Verify British and Indian references are correctly identified in each person's workbook. Also review unfamiliar words.

6. Pg 32 in workbook. Don't do the last paragraph.

1B-finished Solzhenitsyn notes; didn't turn them in; needs to do so, the next class.

R#12-Determining Importance Pg -_ to __ (see R#11 for setup)

Mass Media
J#12- How do you feel about recording your radio show live today? Is your group prepared? How do you think the class will like your show? Explain.

Each group gets to practice their show before going live. They also get to use the microphone, making sure to speak loud enough, not to move around unnecessary items, or to cause interference.

Radio Performances-Live Recordings.

All RUBRICS and CDS in basket. Each group needs to turn in a copy of their script.

While groups present, each person must complete
A5-Evaluating Radio Shows
1. List names of people you are evaluating
2. Rate them 1-5 on performance
3. List something you enjoyed about their radio show
4. List something they could have improved

SB3- Next Class; review A3, SB1 and SB2 as well

Yearbook 10/3-10/6

J#23 Free Response

Headlines homework due- checked pg 11 wkbk

Drumline Movie Night announced; Oct. 23

Copy/Caption pgs 9-10 A and B completed

Magazine assignment- find headlines with a verbal/visual connection and present to class


10/1 A -10/2 B


"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." Henry David Thoreau

R#11-Determining Importance Pg __ to Pg ___

P#/ Reading Notes / Final Summary

14 Byron's mouth Byron gets his mouth stuck to a mirror
is stuck to a and causes family conflict.
mirror, probably from
kissing his own reflection

14-15 there is a conflict
on how the family
should deal with
Byron's accident

I am From Poem is past due. Everyone must record for credit. If you didn't record in class, you need to come in and record after school.

Homework due today for 1A

1B- Received homework assignment today, so it is due next class. Homework assignment is to 1) edit your REF#1 letter 2) have someone else edit the letter, both of you will use proofreading marks 3)Wkbk homework PG 26-31, Replace all unfamiliar words 4)wkbk homework, pg 26-31; highlight all references to British culture in one culture, while highlighting all the references to Indian culture in a different culture. Be careful, because the British are the dominant culture.

Both classes- Take notes on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn from his auto-biography and turn them into the basket

Random Portfolio Check COMING SOON

Mass Media

J#11-What is your group's radio script about? Who are the characters? What role or responsibility does each group member have? (5 minutes response)

Ms. Batten reviews radio project assignment:
1) Must have a Foley Artist, Ad Executive, and Director
2) Must be about a 10 minute show, no longer not much less
3)Rubrics distributed for how groups will be graded
4)Each group will pretend like they are broadcasting the show live, therefore there should be smooth transitions from show to commercial, in between parts, and if mistakes are made, you have to keep going.

Papers passed back.

The whole class is given to practice shows.

ON presentation day, bring the rubric and each person must bring a blank CD to record their show.

SB2 due in basket

SB2 Quiz

Yearbook 10/1-10/2

J#21- Free Response
Meeting- Editor's present voting options to class. Class votes.

Workbooks, review. Headline design presentation started.

2 non-gossipy, non-predomitately teen magazine due THURS.

J#22-Free Response

staff ideas from yesterdays meeting

Tshirt decided on

Headlines continued

Caption/Copy writing

Homework Due


9/29 A-9/30 B

J#10- Copy each and leave room for notes
11. Use words correctly
12. Make sure your subject and verb agree
13. Don't mix-up plurals and possessives.
14. Keep writing in the same tense.
15. An before vowel sounds, a before consonant sounds.
16. Use active, not passive voice
*Take out for editing- REF#1 Dear Reader letter*

R#10-visualizing Pg __ to Pg ___
At least 5 visualizations

EA1- I Am From poem DUE today. Staple rubric to poem before turning into basket.
RECORDINGS TODAY in class for Extra Credit. This is the only day you can record for extra credit. If you don't record in class today, you will have to come record after school. The recording is a part of your grade.

Edit REF#1 yourself, using proofreading marks. Now have a peer edit it, using the proofreading marks. The rewritten version is due Oct 1st A, Oct 2nd-B.

By Any Other Name- Wkbk Homework (see due dates above)
1. Replace ALL unfamiliar words
2. Highlight references to British culture in one color, while highlighting references to Indian culture in a different color. Be careful, the British are the dominant culture in this story.

PSAT- B day classes

Mass Media
Before television, people listened to radio shows. What do you think radio directors, actors, and actresses added to shows to keep people entertained? (5 minute entry)

Finish group chart comparing broadcast news to print news. Watch video clip of broadcast news after reading newspaper article. Turn chart into basket.

Fix A3 as a group and turn into basket. Due today.

Radio Project Assigned- Radio Script due today-one per group. Work with group on project. Next class is the last day to prepare your radio show. Each group member must bring in a blank CD on recording day to record their show.

SB2- Quiz- Next class.

A4-Rubric for Media Presentation (belongs in portfolio)

9/29-9/30 Yearbook

J#19-Free Response
Editor's Meeting- Take Notes

Staff Meeting. Faculty information due.

Monthly staff event discussed.

Shirt Idea discussed

Homecoming discussed

Proofreading symbols chart to be copied and turned in for credit

J#20 Free Response
Review of yesterday's meeting

Advanced Design- Spread coming up where every student will have to display advanced design

Reminder- In portfolio, you should have 5 items in your inspiration section with explanations why they inspired you. Number them each 1-5.

HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY: Bring 2 magazines that you would not see a teenager carrying around: No Us, People, Teen anything. Look for unique magazines with interesting designs.

Theme spin offs presented and discussed with staff.