
10/7 A- 10/8-B

J13 "when all think alike, no one is thinking very much." Walter Lippman

R#13 Asking Questions
Pg Quote Question Level

Turn in Proofreading Marks and Solzhenitsyn notes

Everyone must record their "I am From" poem

Solzhenitsyn Persuasive Essay due 10/9 A and 10/10 B

By Any other name group work-finished #2-6

Solzhenitsyn article read in class; essay assignment reviewed

Mass Media
Are journalists capable of reporting objectively (without letting personal opinions effect their story)? What types of subjects might a journalist struggle with, when reporting?

SB3- Quiz on 10/14 A -10/15 B

SB3- Punctuation

  1. Space only once after the end of a sentence.
    Ex: Palin is visting Jacksonville today. While she is here she will attend two events.
  2. Space only once after commas.
    Ex: The presidential canidates will debate tonight, Mccain is expected to have an advantage.
  3. To seperate all words in a series, DO NOT use a comma before the "and".
    Ex: I have to go to work, cook dinner and wash clothes.
  4. Use commas to set off appositives or non-essential phrases.
    Ex: Mr. Flowers, principal, will be there.
  5. Use commas to seperate a quote from the rest of the sentence.
    Ex: "Ill invite you," Mike said, "to my party."
  6. Use commas to connect two sentences.
    Ex: I am not going to work today, and I do not plan to go tomorrow, either.
  7. Use commas in numbes over 999, except for street numbers, telephone numbers or item numbers.
    Ex: 1,798
    Ex: 1305 Fifth Street

A6-Analyzing radio- assignment given for homework and explained. Due the next class.

View- news clips from Fox News and CNN about Palin's campaigns strategy and take notes on any biased seen. To be continued the next class.