
10/17-10/20 Yearbook

No Journal

Guest Speaker- Ads and Trends

Pep Rally


Editor's meeting/Class duties
Work on Captions or Copy assignment

Staff meeting.
300 word story explained again.
Must mimic style of 3 model articles by Brady Dennis
Will be written in 3rd person about something that happened in your life, preferably that relates to Parker
Due 10/21- Tuesday

InDesign Tuesday

Ice Skating 10/25 $12 from 2- 4 pm @ Rinktime. Meet at the school at 1:30 if you need a ride. Ask Kendra for directions.

Faculty member check in with Ms. Batten, to be recorded on paper for next week's grade.

Photo tryouts to continue one day this week.

Signups Tuesday for the group you want to be placed in.