
10/1 A -10/2 B


"Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." Henry David Thoreau

R#11-Determining Importance Pg __ to Pg ___

P#/ Reading Notes / Final Summary

14 Byron's mouth Byron gets his mouth stuck to a mirror
is stuck to a and causes family conflict.
mirror, probably from
kissing his own reflection

14-15 there is a conflict
on how the family
should deal with
Byron's accident

I am From Poem is past due. Everyone must record for credit. If you didn't record in class, you need to come in and record after school.

Homework due today for 1A

1B- Received homework assignment today, so it is due next class. Homework assignment is to 1) edit your REF#1 letter 2) have someone else edit the letter, both of you will use proofreading marks 3)Wkbk homework PG 26-31, Replace all unfamiliar words 4)wkbk homework, pg 26-31; highlight all references to British culture in one culture, while highlighting all the references to Indian culture in a different culture. Be careful, because the British are the dominant culture.

Both classes- Take notes on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn from his auto-biography and turn them into the basket

Random Portfolio Check COMING SOON

Mass Media

J#11-What is your group's radio script about? Who are the characters? What role or responsibility does each group member have? (5 minutes response)

Ms. Batten reviews radio project assignment:
1) Must have a Foley Artist, Ad Executive, and Director
2) Must be about a 10 minute show, no longer not much less
3)Rubrics distributed for how groups will be graded
4)Each group will pretend like they are broadcasting the show live, therefore there should be smooth transitions from show to commercial, in between parts, and if mistakes are made, you have to keep going.

Papers passed back.

The whole class is given to practice shows.

ON presentation day, bring the rubric and each person must bring a blank CD to record their show.

SB2 due in basket

SB2 Quiz