
9/29 A-9/30 B

J#10- Copy each and leave room for notes
11. Use words correctly
12. Make sure your subject and verb agree
13. Don't mix-up plurals and possessives.
14. Keep writing in the same tense.
15. An before vowel sounds, a before consonant sounds.
16. Use active, not passive voice
*Take out for editing- REF#1 Dear Reader letter*

R#10-visualizing Pg __ to Pg ___
At least 5 visualizations

EA1- I Am From poem DUE today. Staple rubric to poem before turning into basket.
RECORDINGS TODAY in class for Extra Credit. This is the only day you can record for extra credit. If you don't record in class today, you will have to come record after school. The recording is a part of your grade.

Edit REF#1 yourself, using proofreading marks. Now have a peer edit it, using the proofreading marks. The rewritten version is due Oct 1st A, Oct 2nd-B.

By Any Other Name- Wkbk Homework (see due dates above)
1. Replace ALL unfamiliar words
2. Highlight references to British culture in one color, while highlighting references to Indian culture in a different color. Be careful, the British are the dominant culture in this story.

PSAT- B day classes

Mass Media
Before television, people listened to radio shows. What do you think radio directors, actors, and actresses added to shows to keep people entertained? (5 minute entry)

Finish group chart comparing broadcast news to print news. Watch video clip of broadcast news after reading newspaper article. Turn chart into basket.

Fix A3 as a group and turn into basket. Due today.

Radio Project Assigned- Radio Script due today-one per group. Work with group on project. Next class is the last day to prepare your radio show. Each group member must bring in a blank CD on recording day to record their show.

SB2- Quiz- Next class.

A4-Rubric for Media Presentation (belongs in portfolio)