
10/3 A- 10/6 B

Talk to your group members about what goes into a persuasive essay. Then in your journal, list the things you discussed.

Class Participates in Persuasive Essay Brainstorm on Board. A list is made of all essential ingredients for the persuasive essay. Students should add to their journal entry for completeness.

Solshenitsyn-wkbk- assignment reviewed as a class.

Class assigned Persuasive Essay relating to Solzhenitsyn speech.
Essay is due 10/9 A ; 10/10 B
Situation: All over the world, Literature has been and continues to be censored in a variety of ways. Books have been burned because of offensive language, passages have been ripped out or marked due to graphic descriptions, and authors have been imprisoned, exiled or killed because their native countries felt betrayed by their words.
Prompt: Should an artist be censored if his or her views are against the cultural norm?
Directions: Write a persuasive essay stating whether or not Literature should be censored.

By Any Other Name assignment checked 1B; class turns in their New REF#1 attached to the old, edited version into the basket for credit.

1A- Reviews levels of questioning with Ms. Batten, chooses a fairy tale for group, and begins group work #3-6. Remember 1 and 2 were done individually as homework. The homework has already been checked off for those who completed it. Teacher reviewed pg 26 with class so everyone would know if they highlighted the proper things.

By Any Other Name

  1. Replace ALL unfamiliar words. Replace means right the new word on top of, next to, or below the old word in the text. You cannot just list the words somewhere.
  2. Highlight references to British culture in one color, while highlighting Indian culture in a different color. Be specific.


3. Come up with fairy tale questions for the fairy tale your group chooses. Come up with two, level one questions, two, level two questions, two level three questions and write them on pg 25

4. Write questions for By Any Other Name. Come up with five, level one questions; three, level two questions, and two, level three questions. Use a separate piece of paper with all of your names on it.

5. Verify British and Indian references are correctly identified in each person's workbook. Also review unfamiliar words.

6. Pg 32 in workbook. Don't do the last paragraph.

1B-finished Solzhenitsyn notes; didn't turn them in; needs to do so, the next class.

R#12-Determining Importance Pg -_ to __ (see R#11 for setup)

Mass Media
J#12- How do you feel about recording your radio show live today? Is your group prepared? How do you think the class will like your show? Explain.

Each group gets to practice their show before going live. They also get to use the microphone, making sure to speak loud enough, not to move around unnecessary items, or to cause interference.

Radio Performances-Live Recordings.

All RUBRICS and CDS in basket. Each group needs to turn in a copy of their script.

While groups present, each person must complete
A5-Evaluating Radio Shows
1. List names of people you are evaluating
2. Rate them 1-5 on performance
3. List something you enjoyed about their radio show
4. List something they could have improved

SB3- Next Class; review A3, SB1 and SB2 as well