
12/7B-12/12A English II Honors

MAP testing- Computer LAB- Math/Reading

When done with test, make up any reading entries or work you are missing. last chance.


12/5 B- 12/6 A English II Honors

Performing Scenes

  1. Practice/Rehearse (30-40 min.)

  2. Perform

  3. Groups Graded on Rubric- scenes/props/costumes/direction/fluent performance of lines

12/5-12/14 Mass Media

Remember to put in your shirt order for the faculty adoption. If you didn't do anything for your faculty member, you can get extras on your shirt to makeup for it. Otherwise you will receive a zero if you don't get them anything for each month you did nothing.

Also, your grades are online. Some of you haven't checked your grades yet, and others haven't given me a working email address. If you want to see your grades online, and haven't yet, see me so I can help you access them. This serves as your progress reports so its important that you look.

Continue work on Deadline 1 and 2. Remember you cannot be absent unless there is an emergency. Anyone absent during deadlines suffers a minimum punishment of 1 letter grade off their entire grade for the semester. Sometimes we will have to turn your spread over and do your work for you in which case you will receive a zero.

Remember your Ad Deadline of $250 is due by Dec. 14. $500 ad deadline for guaranteed placement of ads is Jan 11. We may still have room to sell after that point, but we'll have to let you know.

Make sure you fill out the spread checklist. It is very important and I cannot give you a grade for your deadline work if you don't fill out your portion.


12/3B / 12/4 A Mass Media/YB

All Work Handed BACK

Anyone who was ever in Copy/Caption Group
  • Turn in any copy assignments given back to you for MOVE assignment, HOMECOMING assignments, or ACADEMIC assignments

Anyone who was ever in Research

  • Turn in any Research assignments given to you to finish. You were graded on this.


A Day students- Have B day students finish copying the rest of your caption notes. Make sure they/you know the difference between an identification caption, a basic caption, and an extended caption

  • Turn in your caption notes, interview, and finished basic and extended caption with your name on it to the IN basket


  • Spread Checklists Distributed
  • Give printouts of photos to reporters ASAP


  • Spread Checklists Distributed
  • Copy Notes- take notes
  • Start writing captions, copy, and researching information for your assigned spread


Basic Options:

  • Black tshirt:Parker Faculty Rocks= on Front with Brave Mascot=in red; Back: This Faculty Member Proudly Adopted by The Chieftain Staff= in Red $10 (could be used for everyone)
  • Student's Pet= on Front with Brave Mascot; Back same as other shirt
  • This is my ( ) Costume. Teacher/Faculty/Staff

Add Ons:

  • Get a more specific saying: EX: This is My Algebra II Costume, This is my Security Costume; Parker Math Teacher's Rock ($3)
  • Add on names to the back ($5 each name) Ex: Library Lady Proudly Adopted by Skittles:)

Remember= Add ons are the way to make up for missed Faculty appreciation months. Two have passed. This shirt will be for Decembers gift. You are not required to purchase a shirt, but you are required to do something special for your faculty member for each month.


  • Drop academic/sport templates onto assigned layout member's page numbers with or for them-deadline 1
  • On ladder indicate every spread specifically by title that is going in for deadline 2- all senior spreads and homecoming. Keep in mind only 270 seniors had their senior portraits taken. Make me a list of all sidebars to be featured per page and any copy assignments you're assigning- or if you want them to choose the story.
  • Design the senior quote form. We will put them in 1st blocks of senior teachers first.
  • Talk to Senior Class about Superlatives this year.



  • send out 2nd Billing Notice or 1st depending on Businesses
  • Have Brittney Hicks Redo Ad chart- Both of you see me
  • You will need four pages of ads to go in by Dec. 12. If you don't have them, see staff members about encouraging senior to get their artwork in now using the templates.


  • After Vote: Write down all staff members first and last names who are purchasing a yb staff tshirt for their faculty member, as well as their Faculty members name, and the shirt size they are order, along with any extra information they will want exactly how it is supposed to be
  • Finish writing receipts and make deposits. See Ms. Batten
  • Give Louvennia all of the white receipts so she can add those students to the yb purchasers list

Louvennia- Duty- Update YB List and give updated list to Lindsay Harrell

Lindsay-Duty- Make sure you have surveys for all yb purchasers


  • See Copy group and find out where their faculty alpha list is. Then update it and save it to the F Drive as Electronic Faculty Alpha List. Make sure you have all teachers and staff in Alphabetical order spelled the way they've indicated, their job description Ex: Principal, Math Teacher), and their specifications on when to interview students or take pictures Ex: Come at least 30 minutes after class has started, and the best time to contact the teacher individually
  • Get the electronic alpha list from the copy group of all students, update it, and save it to the F Drive as Electronic Student Alpha List- do not change)- Update it by: Getting all of the yearbook purchasers surveys=see Linday H. For each survey look for the spot that says: Student's Name as they wish to appear in the Yearbook. If the name is different than the name at the top of the form and they have a good explanation, change their name by hitting Control F=finding their old last name, changing their name, putting a asterisk next to their last name, and then initialing the form next to Explanation. If their name is the same as the top: Still put an asterisk by the electronic last name to show they wanted no changes, and still initial next to Explanation. Make sure you save frequently. You will be meeting with Linday Harrell to make these updates every time someone purchases a yb.

Kiarra/Shane: Get senior list from Antwan, Kierra, or Stanley (whoever now has it) Make sure you also add any junior grads or ALC grads (as the lists come in). Go around to each non-photographed senior and have them sign disclosure forms. Keep these signed forms organized in a copy envelope (labeled) by last name in specific alpha order.

Clerical: See Ms. Batten when you run-out of things to do

12/3 B 12/4 A English II Honors

J#24- How do you feel about perfoming in front of others? What makes an entertaining performance?

R#24- Write- Finishing Play

Group work Due- 1-6
Finish reading Mother's Day and the chart on 92-93 (as a class)

For homework, write a letter to Mrs. Pearson assuming the role of either her husband, son, or daughter. Include elaborate details from the story in your letter. (graded on 6.0 scale)

Scenes assigned to groups to perform
Groups will be graded on:

  • scene
  • props
  • costumes
  • direction
  • fluency of lines


11/28 A 11/29 B Mass Media/Yearbook

All Handouts Distributed- Put Name on all handouts given to you

-Interview Handout Reviewed
-Pictures Distributed
-Mock interview of classmate posing as picture subject (minimum of 5 questions, make observations as you interview)
-Write Basic Caption and Expanded for the same picture:
Basic: Lead in, Caption opening, action of picture in present tense
Expanded: Basic Caption + Why? How? (information not seen in the picture) and a quote-All in Past Tense. Avoid said and alternate by using the Said is Dead sheet.

11/26 A 11/27 B Mass Media/YB

Catch up Blogs 1-7. Finish any work not completed. Last Chance.

Final Grade given for all Blog work. Finished work= in basket
Not finished= zero

Turn in blogs 5,6,7 with notes recorded, assignments checked off, etc

Tshirt design decided (List of interested members made)- Antwan to make list

1st Ad Assignment sheet- Checked off DEC. 3- remember you need to bring contracts or 2 sentences and contact infor for up to 5 places/people. At least 2 a week should be businesses. All information about what is needed is in Blog 6.

Last chance- Ad Presentation test. See Ms. Batten if you haven't taken it.

Remember $250 Ad Deadline approaching- 12/12 A 12/13 B
You will fail the class if you don't sell ads. Remember you were informed of all of this and signed a form stating such.

Faculty Adoption Gift past due. Make it up by adding things to the Faculty Adoption shirt.

New Groups- Assignments Given

Main Photographers- Handle Assignments/Do nothing but take pictures, edit pictures, flip pictures, batch pictures, organize pictures

Reporters- Interview everyone for their assigned spread. Write all captions, copy, and research and write all sidebar information
Also listed next to name is your first deadline assignment
Megan - can also take pictures on side- Homecoming Spread 138-139
Stephanie- Can also take pictures on side; Also schedules all pictures;
Also is Sports Editor - TV Production Spread 100-101
Shannon- Can also take pictures on the side. Band 88-89
Annie- Can also take pictures on the side; Graphic Designer; History
Lexi Science 8-9
Nate Homecoming 144-145
Larry- Sen Men;Sen. Women, BPA, DECA, Brave Christians
Donisha- Also Co- Ads Editor - 14-15 Math
Brittney H. - 142-143 Homecoming
Kelona - 16-17 Foreign Language
Edward - 96-97 Yearbook
Deidra- 112-113 Golf
Kierrra -92-93 Dance
Stanley -108-109- Varsity Football (Action only)
Sherricka -146-147 Homecoming
Lindsay-12-13 English
Jakob -84-85 Miss TP
Jelita-14-141 Homecoming

Layout- Puts everything together using Photoshop and InDesign. Pictures, captions, copy, sidebars.
Nicole (The Final Editor)- proofs all final spreads in completion and submits them to the plant)

Copy Editors-Approve all reporter's captions, copy, and sidebars before going to Layout
Andrew, Lynn

Clerical- Takes care of all lists, clerical, typing, and informational duties
Shane (Also Ads Editor)

LEARNING 11/28 A 11/29 B 11/30 A 12/1 B





11/27 B 11/28 A English II Honors

  1. Define family in your own words
  2. What is the difference between an immediate family and an extended family?
  3. What are some customs or traditions you have in your family?
  4. What other groups that aren't related to someone might they consider to be a family?

R#23- multiple

Mother's Day Part 1- Assign to group members as homework

  1. List sterotypical activities, roles, responsibilities of a mother. (min. of 10)
  2. Indicate next to each thing listed whether one should really expect this from a mother or if it is just a stereotype (something not needed from a mom).
  3. What is the purpose of Mother's day? How do people celebrate? Mention rituals or customs.
  4. Skim through the play and look for Dramatic elements. Then create a Venn diagram comparing/contrasting Fiction to Drama. For example: Fiction has dialogue whereas Drama features a script.
  5. What role do the following Dramatic elements play:
  • costumes
  • props
  • sets
  • acting

11/20 B 11/26 A Eng II HON

Meet together as group and discuss work completed for "Children of the River"

Journals checked

Work Checked that hasn't been checked


11/19-11/20 A/B Mass Media

This is the last reminder that you are responsible for everything in previous blogs. If it is assigned to your group, it is assigned to you. Your editor isn't the only one responsible for making sure things are done, everyone in your group is responsible. So if previous blog work hasn't been done, and it has been assigned to your group, but you failed to talk about it or assign it as a group, you all receive a zero for that assignment. Likewise, if the work was assigned to you and you never turned it in, you have also received a zero.

Communication is the key. Some of you really need to improve your skills.

Grades are online now. A password has been emailed to you if you gave me a valid email address. If you didn't receive the password, let me know. Also, if want to access your grades online, you must give me an email address to send the password to.

If you have a question about your grade, come see me about it. Don't whine, complain, and waste time, like you have in the past, especially because this time--all of your warnings are published on Battensclasses.blogspot.com. So, you have no excuses anymore. If there is a mistake, let me know. Remember, however, that if you didn't take notes on your blogs like I told you to several times, then I have no documentation that you did certain assignments.

Some of your grades are low because of the $100 ad deadline. I told you you had to sell $500 at the beginning of the year, and you all still wanted to stay in the class. If we don't start selling ads, we won't be able to produce a yearbook. If you don't feel you can do this, and want to get out of the class now, I can give you a note to take to guidance.

The $250 ad deadline will be 12/12 A 12/13 B.

Ad Tests- Presentation continued

Ad Assignment sheet- You will start going to 5 contacts the week of Nov 26th. I will check that week for the information outlined on previous blogs. If you didn't get ad ad assignment sheet, see me.

On a piece of paper, write down the following:
Your faculty member you adopted:
What you got them the first month
What you got them this month (was due Nov. 16)
*If you didn't get them something, don't turn this assignment in until you do. This is how I'll grade you for this project, so don't forget to turn the paper in to BASKET*

I need someone/a group to adopt the security guards as extra credit

Tshirt idea- December? Brainstorm with Ms. Batten

You'll start to see a new grade for focusing on yb assignments. Some of you get easily distracted and take light years to do extremely simple tasks. We can't afford for the time to be wasted. Randomly I will watch and give you a grade on whether you are focused on your yb assignment and efficiently completing it. I won't announce this beforehand, so always be focused- not socializing, talking about koolaid or rotisserie chicken,

Annie- graphics I asked for a year ago?
- Homecoming CD to Mr. Charlton- by today
- All Bryn-Alan CDs downloaded, edited, sorted
Nicole- I need that yb shirt back; it belongs to someone
  • Go to Walgreens and take our Dell cartridges. See if they'd be able to refill them, then ask them how much it costs. Ask them if they still give our school a 10% discount. Come back to the school and have me fill out a requisition form, if they say they can refill them.
  • make sure everyone has a copy of the new yb contract both A/B day.
  • Call Tshirt guy and ask him whats going on with the shirt design?
  • Make sure everyone has copies of the corporate letter and you instruct them to have them with them when they go to Businesses in case someone says "That has to go through corporate"
  • Explain to everyone how to use the list of posted vendors (places school uses often to purchase)
  • Update AD list- and who has sold what
  • Ad chart is incorrect- see me

  • go to Guidance-Mr. Baker- Get a list of all junior grads, leap forward grads, basically anyone graduation that isn't officially a senior)
  • Once you have the above list, check to see if you have a senior picture for these students
  • Indicate next to the grade level on your alpha list that these are graduates. For example if the list says Joe Blow is graduation but he is 9th grade. Put Grad after 9 on your alpha list- so you know he is supposed to go with the seniors not the underclass.
  • For anyone who is supposed to graduate whom you don't have a senior picture of, add them to your unphotographed senior list that Antwan typed.
  • Continue to get every unphotographed senior to fill out the proper form- including jr grads, uc grads
  • If you go to locate a senior more than once and can't located them because they skip, etc, just write that on your list- you don't have to hunt them down if they don't come
  • Once you have all of your photographed students highlighted, make sure you have an accurate seniors not photographed list, and underclassmen not photographed.
  • Take your completed uc list, and completed senior list to Ms. Peters along with a USB drive. Ask her for all of the ID images for all unphotographed students, preferably in alpha order.
  • Lindsay- make sure you have a yb survey for every student on your yb purchaser lists ( you don't need one for faculty members)
  • Lindsay- if you run out of uc/senior surveys, remember to bring 1 copy of them to me to make more copies
  • Turn in your brainstorm notes where you brainstormed as blogs stated on what ideas you would implement for getting more kids to buy ybs and and ads- and how and when you'll implement
  • Kierra- Highlight all students who purchased a yb on your contact list (the one with numbers)- every time a new student purchases a yb, you need to highlight their name on that list. You'll start contacting parents after Thanksgiving.


  • Make me a list of the people in your group and the research assignments they are completing/have completed for the first deadline
  • Continue to collect Move surveys (whoever goes out must make sure they keep track of the teachers rooms they go to- they also should write this info down on their blogs as proof they went to as many classes as possible. It wouldn't make since if they only went to one class for example)
  • Continue previously assigned duties

Brittany Lester- Redesign yb sign out log to include: Location/Assignment and reverse it so the sign out column is after the sign in column.


  • Andrew/Lynn-I need an updated Homecoming Assignment List- please include all events outlined in your blog
  • Remember to look back at my notes on your blogs, some of you have never turned back in things I asked you for on your blogs
  • Bring your copy of the Rule List for the caption/copy group, with your name on it, so I can check you off as having it- this is a grade
  • Bring your caption sheet- 175 ways to start a caption up so I can check it off as well
  • Bring me a copy of the caption worksheet with the A, B, C on it, so I can check it off as well
  • remember when you start to run out of copies of something, you need to bring me 1 to make more copies of (observation sheet for example)
  • Old assignments a lot of you are missing: Move observations, 1st Deadline copy observations, Homecoming (ALL events) copy observations?, captions for 4 pictures (identifier, basic, extended)-total of 12 captions

Layout Editors

Print out all templates for first deadline. Each template should include

  • Photo Bys (how they will appear in yb)
  • Pg # or Pg #s? how they will appear
  • move link- how it will appear with text they will replace
  • sidebar that will be adapted according to what spread

Give copy of printouts to Ms. Batten- deadline TUES (includes Ad templates previously asked for, the way they were asked for)

  • Spread checklists typed out with Ms. Batten's corrections- you may have to meet with her
  • Ad a part to layout final checklist that instructs what to do with leftover pictures for YB DVD- checklists DUE TUES.
  • 32 pages- list of types of captions to be featured, sidebar info- w/explanation not just title, copy story to be featured- DUE TUES


  • Your original spread that reflects our theme with your designs Due TUES- must be saved on USB as directed and print out. Put finished copy in basket.
  • Test approaching on your ability to do everything in the Taylor Tools handout, as well as Photoshop (Regnissha to finish notebooks_PLEASE)


Don't delete your pictures/anyone else's pictures without permission from Ms. Batten

  • Maritza- go through Bryn-Alan pictures- academic- and sort them into classes to the best of your ability. This is when you went around with Hayes.
  • Stephanie- see Ms. Batten; Also- where is the yb commercial. The PR group says its finished? Have you been scheduling all school events? See me, and Dee
  • All photographers- Ms. Batten to check pictures, they should be organized, edited, flipped etc.-outlined in previous blogs
  • Dee- I need a list of all assignments given to photographers- so I can give them a grade for completing or not completing (ex: Homecoming- all events)


Eng II Hon 11/16 B (Fri)/ 11/19 A (Mon)

J#22-Cultural Misunderstanding
1) First go back to pg 62-64 and review the Embedded Assessment
2) Class reviews Ms. Batten's example of how to brainstorm ideas for the Embedded Assessment
3)Brainstorm, List, Outline, or Freewrite at least five ideas for your cultural misunderstanding narrative. (can be fictional or non-fictional)

R#22- Theatrical Elements
Title: Lost- Season 1, Episode 1
Dirctor: JJ Abrams
Fill in the right hand of the chart as you watch the clip

starting scene take notes on what you see and what
you hear- Be descriptive

flashback scene take notes on why this flashback is
important, and indicate how the
director flashes to the past, and then
also, how they flash back to the present

Handouts Distributed for E4- Narrative about a Cultural Misunderstanding (Blank Rubric, Transitions, Flashback, outline model, model narrative, Said is Dead/Puctuation Rules-also goes)

DUE A 11/26
DUE B 11/27
Turn E4 - Narrative about a Cultural Misunderstanding in in the following format:
Rubric- labeled with your name/assignment title and number
Final Draft- Must Be Typed
Rough Draft- Should have proofreading marks, revision marks (have someone proofread your rough draft for errors, coherence issues, etc)
-Outline (follow same format as model outline)

11/14 B (Wed)/ 11/15 A (Thurs)

J#21- worksheet distributed (front side of worksheet has punctuating dialogue rules, backside of worksheet has Said is Dead)
Using the diaolue rules and said is dead, write a 2 paragraph story (fiction or non-fiction) about something that happened to you this morning

R#21-multiple (15-20 min)

Handout- An Editing Excercise: Punctuationg and paragraphing dialogue
With your group, on a separate piece of paper, rewrite the story by doing the following:
  • use proper dialogue punctuation rules
  • add tone (Argumentative, melancholy, urgent, sarcastic, horrific, distressed)
  • use the said is dead sheet to come up with other ways than said that reflect tone, for example, if someone was writing an argumentative story they might put: "Where is dad?" I yelled
  • Also, you are allowed to change things if they don't reflect tone, or you can add things to help reflect tone. For instance, in the story there is a hug. This hug wouldn't make sense if you are using an argumentative tone.

Finally, each group must have "Children of the River" steps 2, 4, and 5 completely finished.Each person should turn their E3-"Children of the River" Persuasive essay on dating outside your culture/race into basket



11/13 A 11/14 B Yearbook

This is Blog 6, label it, put your name on it
Make sure you have completely
-taken notes
on every part of Blog 5 that relates to you specifically and your group members specifically
Remember these notes prove to me that you've done what you should, and it also tells me what others in your group are supposed to do, so you don't get blamed if they don't do it.

If you don't turn in the notes, I can't give you a grade because there is no documentation that you've done what you were supposed to. So, turn in the notes.

Ad Assignments Given Out to all students who turned in the Spending Power sheet. If you didn't turn it in, or you didn't complete it accurately, turn it in the correct way.

Every week you will bring Ms. Batten 5 ad contracts or 5, 2 sentence rejections from 5 locations/contacts on your ad assignment sheet. At least 2 a week must be Businesses.

If you don't bring a signed contract, you must bring the following for each contact:
  • Person(s) in charge of advertising name(s)
  • Their contact phone number
  • When and How you contacted them (Can't be calling on phone)
  • A statement (preferably two sentences) why they don't want to invest in advertising with you written by that contact person.

*I also will call some of these contacts personally, to see if you really went there and what your approach was.

Ad Test Part 2- Presentations continued


Look at the previous Blogs and do what has been assigned. Your editor isn't responsible for making sure things are done. You are all responsible. This means if things aren't done, you all will receive zeroes for the missing assignments.

Kierra- Your group is focused on selling yearbooks and ads. YOU must look at the previous blogs and do what has been asked of you. See me if you don't understand.

Shane- SEND out AD BILLS, update ad list (or assign to Brittney Hicks or Jordan Comacho). Also, can one of them please make the ad chart I've discussed several times with you. It should be a bar chart of all the ads already sold. You can do it by the amount of contracted ads sold, or do it by the amount of money actually in for ads (not billed). You decide, but they should update it. You can split it up so one does the yb ads sold by yb members typed list on excel and the other does the bar graph. Its up to you. I need the bargraph up so everyone can see the progress we're making.

Also, Sherricka needs to make the yearbooks sold bar chart and post it as well. She can see Lindsay Harrell or Louvennia to get a final # of ybs sold count.


Design a spread electronically using your own unique design elements that incorporate the MOVE theme. Make sure you use all of the fonts and headlines styles we plan to use this year. If you don't know, meet as a group and make a final decision. Save your spreads to the Layout USB drive that Nicole has.

Practice with Photoshop handouts

Regnissha- PLEASE take the photoshop handouts, put them in the sheet protectors, inside of the white binders given to you. Once this is done, place a finished binder by 5 different computers Layout most likely will be using.

Nicole/Louvennia/Tiff- Be sure to indicate which editor(s) complete each of the following tasks. It has been unclear in the past who is doing what.

Finish Blog 5. Fix spread checklist based on Ms. Batten's notes.

Design Sports Template- Lisa hasn't emailed it. So, you must do it.

If you are going to Reverse the Academic template you have, go ahead and reverse it and save it as a Template as well.

I need the printouts of the Ad templates. I've asked multiple times. I really, really need them. Please give them to me. Please don't make me me type it again. Thanks.

After approval of checklist, assign all layout, photo, copy, caption, research assignments to each checklist along with appropriate deadlines.

Now, decide what is going into the senior spread (portraits) page. Which will we be sending for the 1st deadline- seniors or previously decided? Decide what we'd need in order to accomplish sending senior portraits. Antwan has portraits- so you can count to see how many were photographed.

If senior portraits are going in 1st deadline, design that template as well.


All photographers including editors

-all pictures organized completely and specifically

Ex: BattenEngIIHon1stblockADay

NOT: English Class

NOT: Battenclass

-Make sure all Folder names are spelled correctly

Ex: MrRobertsAPUSHistory1stA

Not: MsRoblentsAphisetery

-Make sure all pictures are batched correctly- and the batched names are spelled correctly

EX: MrRobertsAPUSHistory1stA_AdrianWalker (Specific photo assignment name_your name how you want it to appear in the yearbook

-Make sure you've gone through your school event photos, such as Homecoing, and after batching them, make sure you cut subgroups out into their own folders.

EX: Homecoming Parade_Jordan C. (Ladies of Infinity will be cut out of this folder and pasted into the Ladies of Infinity folder. The batched name Homecoming Parade_Jordan C. will not change, however, because we still need to know these pictures of LOI were from the Homecoming parade.

-Make sure all pictures are flipped the correct direction. Rotate in Irfanview, save, replace(click yes with mouse- don't hit enter).

-Make sure all red eye has been removed if necessary. Irfanview.

-Make sure all pictures have been brightened or darkened if necessary using Adobe Photoshop Image Adjustment or Irfanview Adjust Colors (Photoshop is better). See photoshop handouts in white binders if needed. (see Regnissha for binders)

-Make sure all pictures are cropped if needed.


You and Maritza MUST stay after school to finish moving the deadline pictures to the proper location. You can't do this until all photographers have organized, batched, flipped, edited, cropped their pictures.

Maritza- see bottom of blog

Copy- The research group is no longer going to help you with your observations or captions. They will only find out who is in pictures, their 3rd block locations, and they will complete all surveys and sidebar information for you. You will be responsible for interviews, copy observations, and writing the captions and copy.

Make sure you take notes on who has been assigned what on the blogs, otherwise you all get zeroes for unfinished assignments. Your editors aren't responsible for reading and assigning blog work. You are all resposible for making sure assigned blog work is assigned, and that you all have been assigned something equally. The same people shouldn't be doing all of the work.

Finish Move assignments- Grades Assessed

Finish Homecoming Assignments- Grades Assessed- zeros given for any assignment not covered by copy group in place when homecoming assignment was given on blogs

Fix captions- Grades Reassessed (next time please read the blogs as Ms. Batten has directed)

Turn caption and copy notes in for grade. They are two separate sets of notes.

New Caption worksheet given out. Ms Batten to make copies for whole group.

All assignments must be turned in for a grade or zero will be given

Fix any problems with previous assignments- last chance


MOVE SURVEYS- split up, make sure those going around know how to distribute these surveys. New ones were put in PR cabinet for you.

Brittney Hicks/Jelita Jackson- Take over student electronic alpha list from copy. Replace each name as directed. See Blog 2 for Deidra's directions for the directions in writing. Finish by Friday. Remember Lindsay has the yb purchasers surveys

Brittany Lester- Continue your part of Move surveys as directed by Ms Batten. Type up all Yearbook Rules. 1 Rule per piece of paper (horizontally). Make them Large so they can be seen and post them, since a lot of yearbook students are not abiding by them.

Donisha- Assign someone to take over Faculty Alpha list from Copy.

Work on sidebar research- assign to your group members. They can research for themselves some things, they don't have to go to teachers. For example, interesting facts about History can be researched online. They need to find multiple sources, not just one.

If anyone in your group is ever not doing anything, let me know IMMEDIATELY, as we always have things for the research group to work on. Stop doing all of the work on your own.

Photo Continued


- I must see a checkout form for each camera, memory card, camera bag, and battery that is missing from the cabinet

-every photographer must have a camera checked out to them, and must carry it with them daily in order to stay in the group

-anyone who has a large camera must have a camera bag that they carry it in

-learn from Dee or Ms. Batten how to copy deadline pictures to Organized for Layout folder

11/13 A 11/14 B Eng II Hon

Finish Group Work Previously Assigned- On Board- In complete. All will be checked on Thursday- completely. Follow directions carefully.

Essay- Make sure you include details from the story in your persuasive essay. Do not just write an essay about how you feel about dating outside of one's race or culture, rather use the story details, characters, and plot to defend the way you feel.

See model essay for how to write about stories, if needed.
All extra handouts are at table in front of room.


11/8 A 11/9 B Mass Media

Must show Ms. Batten yellow copies of ad contracts for $100 deadline grade if you were absent on due date.

Ad Test Part 2-Presentation of how to sell an ad. Must take if you haven't already

Label this as Blog 5 and put your name on it. Take detailed notes and highlight/mark.

Label all of your yearbook folders: Your Name, The Block you have yearbook (A/B?), and what specifically the folder is for (Ads, Blogs, Manual)

Must complete duty. If you don't know how to do yours, see Ms. Batten. You will be graded for it.

Faculty Appreciation- November Deadline: 11/16 (If you never got your faculty member their first token or your appreciation- shame on you. You must give them two items this time.)

Groups have been adjusted:
Kierra/Shane-Editors A/B
Lindsay B
Sherricka A/B
Kiarra-DVD as well A/B
Antwan A/B
Stanley B

Lexi A
Larry B
Jelita B
Donisha A/B- Research Editor
Brittney B
Nate B
Edward A/B
Brittany A/B

Andrew-A/B- Edits all copy
Lynn-B- Edits all captions/sidebars
(Decide which one of you A/B students is going to be the Faculty Name final checker and the Student Name Final checker- These two people will check their electronic alpha lists to make sure all names have been spelled properly)

Megan A/B
Maritza A/B- Editor- Checks out/keeps track of all photo equipment. Trains photographers how to take pictures, organizes half of deadlines into layout- photo folder
Dee A/B-Editor-Assigns all student photography for deadlines. Trains photographers how to organize and batch pictures. Organizes half of deadlines into layout-photo
Annie-B- Downloads all Bryn-Alan CDs and organizes/Graphic Designer
Slim (Jordan) A
Adrian A/ YB DVD production
Stephanie A- Sports Editor/Schedules all Photography with Bryn-Alan for all events (not just sports)
Shannon A/B
Jordan Hadley- After School

Louvennia A/B- Editor
Nicole A/B-Editor
Tiffany B-Editor
Decide what each of you will edit. Ideas- Design elements all uniform: photo bys, graphic elements, folios, etc; Copy/Caption/sidebars, headlines, Picture Choice and Placement/Design
Cody A/B
Regnissha A/B
Brandi A
Shane- Ads Editor/Designer A/B

Posters, Posters, Posters.
Tshirts- Advertising Sale-Shane
  • Highlight seniors that were photographed on master highlighted list of all photographed students- using senior pictures.
  • Make a list of all unphotographed seniors (Correct the one you already made)

Using list Antwan made, go to each unphotographed senior and have them sign Release of Responsibility. Tell Ms. Batten, how many extra copies of the form you'll need before using all of the ones given to you.

Start implementing the ideas you brainstormed for the November yearbook sale. They are buying them. Also remember to advertise the online website.

Lindsay- For every underclassman and senior, make sure you have their yb purchased survey on file


Donisha meet with Andrew and Lynn- Get all of the sidebar research assignments for the first deadline (32 pages). Assign your group members these research assignments.

Also, certain people in your group have already been assigned copy observation sheets. Make sure you understand what the observation sheet is and how to fill it out, as well as the caption interview form. Your group will be gathering the information for the copy group to formulate into a published document.

Move Surveys- Send students out (only 2 per class- to classes you haven't gone to)

Brittany-keep reading through Move surveys for best answers and highlighting their names on your group alpha list


Deadline Grade was given for organizing and batching your pictures. Some of you don't have yours organized and/or batched. Please get this done, as our deadline depends on finding your pictures.

Also, go through all of your event photos and pull out certain groups into specific folders. For example, if you took pictures of the Homecoming parade, you should have already batched all of your pictures as Homecoming parade. Then you will drag the dance team pictures into a Dance team folder, but you will not rebatch the name of these pictures. This way, when we go into your Dance Team folder, we will know what even the Dance Team was participating in.

All photographers turn in your cameras, batteries, camera bags, memory cards to Maritza. She will check them back out to you. The $800 cameras will go to the best photographers for a week. This is if they are responsible.


Nicole/Louvennia- Type of Spread Checklist (Make sure all areas are covered in sequence- so that the spread process makes sense from one group to the next group and nothing is left undone. You may even choose to have a separate checklist for each group or just a separate checklist for layout. The process should work, whatever it is. Remember each group will have different deadlines

I need copies of all ad templates labelled with letters so I can make copies for everyone. Shrink them to size. Call Lisa if you don't know how.

Go into the templates Lisa already made, reverse them and make a new template. Also in each template add your extra info such as how the Photo Bys will look, the folio (if its one pg # for example)

Rest of Layout group- Practice with Photoshop handouts in folders- see Ms Batten if you don't have a copy

Copy- Finish copy assignments- interviews/observations/start writing

Andrew-meet with Donisha- her group will gather info for your group. Please let her know what sidebar info she will need to gather for the first deadline.


11/8 A 11/9 B Eng II Honors

J#20-Active Voice/Active Verbs
Action Verb: tells what someone or something does

An action verb is in active voice when the subject of a sentence perfoms the action.
Ex: The trainer teased the lion.
An action verb is in passive voice when its action is performed on the subject.
Ex. The lion was teased by the trainer.

Active voice is stronger and is used often by story tellers and journalists.

Change the following sentences to active voice:
  1. The window was broken by Thomas.
  2. Several popular folk songs were performed by the band.
  3. A small recording company called Vanguard was chosen by Joan.

Now, go back and circle all of the action verbs.

R#20- Asking Levels of Questions

Title: From "The Children of the River" Author: Linda Crew

Pg 51-61

Using normal reading chart, come up with 6 level 1 questions, 6 level 2 questions, and 2 level 3 questions.


Pg 51"tells the storyWhat is the name of the main character?Level 1

R#5-15 Graded soon

J#5-15 Graded soon

Students will be called up randomly for reading entries and journals to be checked.

Also EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT about a Cultural Misunderstanding pg 62-64 coming soon

Children of the River- Group Work

  1. Think Pair Share- Levels of Questions and Quiz each other
  2. Draw 4 scenes in sequence from the story (2 scenes should be Sundara at home, 2 scenes should be Sundara at school) *Leave space for writing between each scene* (only 1 copy per group)
  3. Tape sches together in sequence and in between each scene put words the author used to transition from one scene to the next (only 1 copy per group)
  4. Do chart on pg 49 (all members must have a copy)
  5. Compete a group venn diagram comparing Sundara at home to Sundara at school (all members must have a copy)

Work to be checked randomly at any time. Have it ready.

Homework: Take home 45 minute persuasive essay.-

DUE A DAY- 11/13 DUE B DAY-11/14

E3-Children of the River: Dating outside of race or culture

You must use the story details to write this essay.

11/5 A-11/6 B Eng II Honors

11)Make sure you are using words correctly.
Don't: We went over to there house.
The book is over their.
12)Make sure your subject and verb agree
Don't: Sheila sit on the bleachers.
The books on the shelf was about to fall.
13)Don't mix-up plurals with possessives
Don't: Take those book's and put them away.
14)Keep writing in the same tense.
Don't: I went to the store and buy donuts tomorrow.
15) an before vowel sounds
a before consonant sounds
Don't: I need an purse.(a before consonant sounds)
We have a hour left.(h is silent-an before vowel sound ou)
I ate a egg (an before vowel sound e)

R#19- Multiple

A3-Dave Barry Discussion Notes- Take notes, in complete sentences, of each chunk after reading each chunk. Due today.

EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT- Narrative about a cultural misunderstanding pg 62-64 coming up soon.


11/2 A 11/5 B English II Honors

No Journal
No Reading Entry

A Day- Finish Seinfeld Episode/Pep Rally

B Day- Seinfeld Episode
In class wkbk pg 40-47 Read as a class via chunking the text- jigsaw
Some students will read/Some students will ask questions.
All students take notes on provided paper -stapled in wkbk


11/1 and 11/2 Mass Media/Yearbook A/B

Look back at the last 3 blog printouts you have labelled with your name and numbered 1 to 3, and Make Sure you've marked, highlighted, and/or taken notes regarding any part that relates to you specifically or your group. This will be a grade, and you will have to keep a copy of all blogs that are published. Also, your notes will be your documentation that you have participated in your group completely and prove you deserve credit.

This is the 4th blog.

All Groups must finalize everything already assigned in the Blogs. Each person must take an active role in reading the assignments for their group. I will check this weekly.

If you don't keep track of the blogs and take notes as I've directed several times, you will fail the class. It is how I will determine your grade and participation.

PR- Set up table to handout underclass pictures, notify students about retake day- Nov. 7th, and, notify students about the $55 yb sale. The people outside should be vocal. Also, make the students picking up the picture sign for them. Look at the picture and make sure it is them before handing over the package. Any problems with packages? Write it down

Antwan- fix underclass list so there is only one name and so that they are a combined list
-fix the senior list so that only seniors who didn't have a picture taken are listed

Photo- Meeting- learn how to organize, edit pictures

$100 Ad Deadline- Today
Ad Test Part 2- Finish B Day Testing
Ad assignment sheets distributed
Brief review new ad contract


English II Honors 10/31A 11/1 B

Comparison/Contrast Essay- 2 pieces of Art Due

Journal#18- WW2
6)Write complete thoughts. Don't: To the store. Sports,girls, and watching t.v.
7)Write more and elaborate thoughts. Don't: I like school because its fun.
8)Use appropriate transitions to introduce ideas and to connect ideas.
9)Avoid slang and writing the way you speak Don't: Like for real though. I mean seriously. Yo Dawg you off the chain.
10)Just Say No to Rerun sentences. Don't:In my spare time, I like to play sports basketball and football are my favorites.

R#18-Multiple (Asking Questions, Inferring, Visualizing, Making Connections) As you read, document any of the strategies you use.
Pg 5 to 23

Pg quote/word strategy extra
5 ruby red I saw bright red, sparkling shoes this is also contains

7 sycophant Does this word refer to a person No, it is a person that
who is generous? flatters another
for a personal reason

8 smelly socks I can connect with this because self-to-self
my brother throws his socks on
my bed to aggravate me

14 don't talk about I infer they don't talk about I was wrong. He left the
that the father's accident because family
he died recently

17 refuse/discuss Why would she refuse to tell her She said it's because
where her father is if she knows? she doesn't want her to
be disappointed if he doesn't
want to speak to her

By Any Other Name- Checked completely during reading
Email addresses updated for Online Gradebook
By Any Other Name review

Discuss- Things that make students laugh

Clip- Seinfeld Episode "The Chinese Woman" or The Office "Diversity Day"
Discuss what about the episode was humorous

Dave Barry Does Japan -Chunk wkbk 41-47 (Some students will read the chunks, other students lead discussion)
Handout- All students take notes- handout stapled in wkbk


English II Honors A/B day

J#17- Writing Workshop 1

1) Spell things out

2) Don't refer to people as things

3) Don't start sentences with well, like, and/or because

4) Don't use words that aren't needed

5)Do not speak directly to reader,unless asked to

R#17- Asking Questions
-By Any Other name - Checked
Reading Art continued- 4 pieces shown (Take art notes on all 4 pieces)
1)Complete a Venn Diagram on the two art pieces you will compare/contrast
2)Take home Comparison/Contrast essay (45 minutes) Time yourself. Due Wednesday (A Day students) Due Thursday (B Day students)
-Make sure you use comparison/contrast transitions and refer to each piece using specific detials


YB B Day 10/25

All groups should continue to work on things already outlined in previous blogs if they haven't finished.

Homecoming Float-brief meeting

Ad Test Part 2- Presentations - continued (Part 2 is going on next grading term)

Shane- go to same tshirt place with advertising tshirt design, ask the guy if he can make each one for $5 if we order 75 tshirts , ask him when he can have them to us, have Ms. Batten fill out another requisition before you go for $400 again. Make sure Ms. Batten proofs idea before you take it to him, and if he says he needs to print it only on front to make that price, then work with him. The purpose of the shirt is for advertising. also if he says yes, ask him if we can fax or email the shirt sizes because you will have to go ask selected teachers what sizes they want as well as the senior class officers.

  1. Make sure you always have a lot of posters up in the hall, 1 of each type specified in previous blog. Kids will rip them down or weather will, so constantly put more up.
  2. Make sure you have several banners made to advertise the yb sale at each upcoming Homecoming events
  3. Also decide whether yb staff members will be selling ybs at those events or if you will have them there to advertise those events (events listed at bottom
  4. Send at most two people out at time to AS MANY CLASSES for Move surveys. Please make sure they know it will be published, they should be specific, and if you have a chance scan briefly over the answers before leaving so you can have students revise and you don't have to go back to the class.


  1. Assign student(s) to be at each Homecoming event (see list of events below). They must take detailed notes and observations while there. They need to make sure they have the copy notes and have reviewed them before they cover the event. They should go get interviews from students, administrators, or teachers at the event and make sure they document each person's name accurately. Remember in copy, you can use anyone's quote, so long as it relates to the event.
  2. Turn in observations notes on Opening Copy into Ms. Batten, making sure you have identified which students observed/interviewed whom
  3. Make sure everyone A/B day has finished their 12 captions (3 per picture) 1 label/identifier caption, 1 basic caption, 1 extended caption for each picture. Turn all of the captions with names and the 4 pictures into the in basket.
  4. Look back at Blog from the last two days and make sure you are finishing what has been outlined: Faculty Alpha list, the student yb surveys. Please make sure you read the directions carefully before starting.
  5. Copy editors meet with Layout editors regarding 32 page 1st deadline to make sure we've established what sidebars, types of captions (identifier/basic/extended), and what will be featured in the copy.

Layout-Mandatory Meeting on Monday after school to review how to start a page etc

1) Practice designing curved whole book link that runs throughout the yb

2) Practice designing Pg # arrow/compass

3)Making sure you know how to do everything in Taylor Tools handouts

4) See Louvennia and Nicole for templates, play around with them to make them look different, so they don't all look exactly the same

5) Powerpoints- Ms Batten generated- take notes (see previous blog)

Layout editors to meet with Copy Editors and finalize 32 pages copy stories, type of caption, sidebars to be featured

Start designing templates to be featured for first 32 pages- assign Layout people who will be adding to templates- distribute evenly to all layout members. See if anyone in layout has figured out how to do the curved line, etc

Friday- Planning- meet to design spread checklist, design, etc


Anne- graphics due for website

Anne/Maritza- someone needs to download each Bryn-Alan CD the way I explained

Maritza- Make sure every photo assignment given to you has been assigned to a photographer or more



  • 10/29 Sports Day; Flight simulator ROTC Parking Lot 8-2 (photographer, copy person to interview, observe for ROTC spread)
  • 10/30 Country & Western Day; Brave Bash Aud. 7:00 (need to make banners and have them in the auditorium before the event, need Copy person to cover event, and a photographer )
  • 10/31 Character Day;Traveling Pep Rally (Maritza, Jordan H.-Copy person needed to observe)
  • 11/1 Twin Day; Homecoming Parade 6:00; Bonfire follows parade (photographer, copy person assigned)
  • 11/2 Brave Day; Blue Angels Auditorium 8 a.m.; Pep Rally 1st block 9th and 10th grade; Pep Rally 4th 11th, seniors; Homecoming Game at 7 p.m. (Booth needed for PR to sell YB, A lot of Banners needed and should be hung before game- can be Ed White related, Copy person to cover event, photographer to cover as well)
  • 11/3 Homecoming Dance-Copy person to cover, Photographer to cover


English II Honors A/B day

J#16- Plot take notes. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. Label the Plot Diagram

R#16- Asking questions

-By other name checked- 2 paragraphs/essay graded
-Explanation/ Analyzing "Two Fridas"
-Art pieces shown
-45 min Essay- Compare and Contrast two art pieces



ALL Student:
AD PART 2 Presentation Test- Listen for your name (50 points)
A fine mess- PowerPoint

Public Relations- only 1 to 2 person(s) per assignment
-Make a lot of Posters to hang around the school that say. Make a few painted banners, but remember they have to dry before you hang them. We will want to make a few of each to hang at the Friday night football game.
  • Buy your yearbook for only $55 today at Myyear.com. Clearance Price Ends Nov. 30th
  • Seniors? Did you purchase the senior package? Get $50 off a full page senior yb dedication. Reserve your page today in A-101. Offer ends November 30th.
  • Seniors? Purchase a full pg ad at full price and get a yb for free. Come by room A-101 for more information. Offer expires November 30th.

-Finish underclassmen retake list. Make sure you have the half sheet that came loose from the highlighted handouts added as well. Edit and copy both lists together. Sort by Last name. Save to the PR USB drive. See me for info. Then, the same two people need to highlight the same list all of the seniors who had a picture taken, then type a list of all unphotographed seniors. The senior list and underclass list should be 2 separate documents.

-Surveys- One person to fix yb purchasers surveys, and make sure they are filed properly. See Ms. Batten with any problems.

-MOVE QUESTIONNAIRES, Split up and go to as many 3rd block classes as possible. Remember, every class you travel to needs to be highlighted, keeping in mind that on A day the teachers have different classes than B day. I would highlight the teacher classes schedule after you visit their 3rd A and/or 3rd B class. See me for specifics. We need to get as many MOVE Questionnaires as possible filled out for the upcoming deadline. Make sure you inform students that they will be published in the yearbook along with their name. They should be detailed and put things that won't embarrass them.


With Donisha, explain to yb staff members how to fill out their first bill. Collect bills, proofread them to make sure the staff member filled it out correctly, then send the bills in the mail.

Take the yb tshirt proof along with the one the PR group created for yb advertising to the two places you called yesterday. Go to the St. Johns location first. We need the yb staff shirt first, and we can wait for the yb advertising shirt. Make sure I proof both designs before you take them with the purchase order.

Get with Nicole and Decide which templates will be offered to seniors for ads. Give them at least 4 options for the full page ad, at least 2 options for the half page ad, and at least 2 options for the 1/4 pg ad. Put letters on each template, so the senior can easily identify which ad template they wish to use. Make them neat and easy for me to copy.

Layout editors/Copy editors only

First Write up Your Alley Powerpoint

Remind Ms. Batten to make copies of Photoshop handout.

Nicole, have Ms Batten fill out requisitions for School Aids and Walmart.

Make a Final decision-every page of 1st deadline (32 pages)

-sidebars to feature (names of sidebars)

-label, basic, or extended captions or mixture

-copy to feature, what story will be told-should reflect theme

If you finish, layout editors to start designing basic look for pages in first deadline. Keep in mind, style of photo bys, style of page number, common link, Move theme, Fonts using, Colors for that section, gradients, title page design, opening, table of contents, any graphic elements you will incorporate. You can also give your group members different elements to design while you are working on deciding what will go in each section.


Annie- Make a photoshop graphic for the TP Yearbook Website: it should say
The Chieftain Staff
Making Memories Last
Also, make a graphic of a yb, and on the front put Buy your '08 YB. Make a graphic of a DVD and put Add an '08 DVD
Also, Make a new Brave Graphic. The one the school uses is outdated and we want our site to look as professional as the yb will look this year.
Choose 4 of most artistic pictures, and photoshop those as well. Have the featured students sign a release form allowing their picture to be published on our site. Look at the site at Myyear.com, look up Terry Parker to see the relative shape of each picture. After looking at the page, see if there are any images/graphics you can design that would make it look better. Save all images and designs to the photo USB and bring it to me.

Meet with Copy/Layout Editors (Nicole, Louvennia,Tiffany, Andrew, Deidra) to see if there are any graphics they want you to design for the 1st deadline. Nicole announce Layout meeting Friday after school. Arrange a meeting with Tiffany and Louvenia to organize the yb spread checklist. Brief meeting- homecoming and getting serious about yb and following through with what you signed up for.

Make sure all copy members turn in their Move observations to you and they meet specifications. If anyone didn't do what they were supposed to, see me. Opening copy deadline is approaching.

All B day students need to copy the notes from the A day students regarding yb copy. Lynn left her notes in her folder which she left on the copy shelf in your new location to store all of your stuff. Make sure your group members know that copy/caption information which is shared must be stored there (faculty info sheets, alpha list, class assignments, etc)

continue to update faculty alpha list, save to copy USB.

Deidra The rest of the copy group should finish writing captions for all pictures given to your group. You should all have swapped pictures and all should have written an identification caption, a basic caption, and an extended caption for each picture. Each student should turn in their captions to the in basket. Refrain from turning the pictures in until A students finish their captions as well. Also, get the filed yb surveys from the PR group. For each yb students who purchased a yb, update their name how they want it to appear on your alpha list electronically. Have the students who do this see me first to make sure they do it accurately. After looking at every survey, they will initial each one to indicate they did indeed look and see if the student requested a preference for name choice. Then they will also put an asterisk by each students name on the alpha list, no matter if the name they want is different than the name on the alpha list or not. This way we know whose survey was looked at either way. Make sure they file the surveys the way they found them, and they give the file back to the PR group.

Each layout member will take notes on fonts, type and design trends, college brochure design ideas, steal or no steal, degrees of separation, external space, captions for design purposes. Every layout person should make sure their name is on their notes. Notes will be graded to make sure you took them. Each layout member that isn't an editor should work on designing the common yb link that will run at the bottom of each spread. Whoever masters this will see their design featured throughout the yb. Also, we need some layout members to work on the cover design. We also need someone to design the pg number arrow/compass to go at the bottom of the page. See Ms. Batten for details

Go through every photo assignment and highlight or checkoff every thing you've assigned to your photographers. Also, next to each part of the assignment put which photographer or photographers you assigned. Split your group up. Half of them will take pictures and half of them will organize their pictures. Also split them up lunch wise. Half of them will take 1st lunch and half of them will take 4th lunch. That way they can take pictures half of the block, and download and sort half of the block. See me again for organization. You haven't been doing it correctly. Once again, I must see you after school.

Also, if time permits. Meet with each photographer after they've organized pictures, and review their pictures with them. Offer them suggestions if needed, and comment on their pictures. Setting up appointments is advisable. Also consider having each photographer save their pictures in two locations. One, can be their own folder with their name which they can save to the share drive. The other can be the organized complete yb picture folder-under images unprocessed-under 2008 yb.

Photo continued- Brief powerpoint presentation-Photo Trends


Yearbook A Day

Public Relations-Delegate All duties to different

  • Made posters for new yb sale using banner paper and paints, let banner dry for hangup tomorrow
  • update underclassmen not photographed list
  • travel around to 3rd block classes to notify them about yb sale and distribute move flyers (Make sure you give them the right info) Also instruct students to take the surveys seriously, as their comments will be published in the yearbook
  • yb purchasers surveys need to be filed correctly. Fix any problems. If there are any issues that hold a survey from being filed, alert Ms. Batten immediately. Do not let the surveys sit around unfiled.


  • A Day students write captions for pictures distributed on B Day. Write 1 Label Caption, 1 Basic, and 1 Extended. Swap pictures, so that all of you write 3 captions for each pictures.
  • Move Opening Copy Assignment-Everyone needs to turn in their interviews to Andrew to begin Opening Copy. Remember- don't just write what they say. Write observations.
  • Update teacher alpha list. Make sure the names are in alpha order and exactly how they want their name to appear.
  • Leave list of highlighted administrators/faculty/staff so Ms. Batten can email the ones that haven't turn in their faculty info sheet.
  • Take copy notes from powerpoint presentation


When downloading pictures-

  • try to download immediately after a photo assignment. Plug in the memory card reader into the computer, and wait for the folder to pop up to download pictures.
  • When it pops up click Copy pictures to a folder on my computer
  • Click next
  • Select the pictures you wish to download with the check mark or deselect the pictures you don't want download
  • Click Next
  • Type the name in for your pictures, but make sure you type in the specific photo assignment followed by your name as you want it to appear in the yearbook Example: BattenEngIIHonDeeSmith


  • Choose the folder in the images processed folder you will be downloading to. For example, if you are downloading English pictures, find the English folder under Academics.
  • If you take multiple photo assignments and can't use this downloading system, then just download using your name how you want it to appear in the yb. Then go in and save each picture as specified above, as well as saving each picture in the proper location.

Organizing Pictures

  • After saving pictures with the proper file name (Specific Photo Assignment followed by your name the way you wish it to appear in the yearbook), drag your folders to the images unprocessed folder in the 2008 yb folder on the share drive. Make sure you organize them properly. If you take Band pictures as the Varsity Football game, they would be organized in Band, not football.

Taking Pictures

  • Photo assignments given by Maritza


  • Practice using Adobe InDesign using Taylor Tools. Make sure you know how to do everything listed on handout.
  • Come up with ad templates for senior full page ads, half page ads, and 1/4 pg ads. Letter them, so that seniors can choose which template they wish to use for their ad


  • Redesign Ad Bill and distribute Bills to students so they can fill out for their billed purchasers
  • Collect thier bills, make sure they've filled it out completely, and send them out via mail
  • Update ad list. Have Jordan and Brittney due thier class duty immediately.


  • update yb list with surveys
  • give problem surveys to PR group in problem folder so they can be fixed
  • meet with Ms. Batten after school regarding teacher reservations


  • A Day students take Part 1 AD TEST on AD SIZES, PRICES, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER
  • Makeup Missing work

English II Honors A/B

J#15- In your own words, what is art? What characteristics must a piece have to be considered art?

R#15- Asking Questions

By Any Other Name- finish with group
1) p25 wkbk choose a fairy tale besides Cinderella, you all have heard of and come up with 2 level 1, 2 level 2, and 2 level 3 questions for that fairy tale in the right hand column
2)Take notes on lecture about story background
3)As story is reada aloud, half of group highlights the British cultural traits, and the other half of the group highlights the Indian cultural traits
4)Replace unfamiliar words with words you know
5)Come up w/ 5-level 1 questions
3 level 2 questions
2 level 3 questions
for the Memoir
6)Pg 32- read directions carefully
-Do chart (follow directions)
-Write a thesis (as a group)
-Write a minimum of 2 elaborate paragraphs comparing and
contrasting the 2 cultures mentioned in the Memoir

Begin Reading Art
pg 33 read as a class while looking at "The Two Fridas" by Frida Kahlo (can be found online)
pg 34 fill out chart about painting "The Two Fridas" by Frida Kahlo