
12/3B / 12/4 A Mass Media/YB

All Work Handed BACK

Anyone who was ever in Copy/Caption Group
  • Turn in any copy assignments given back to you for MOVE assignment, HOMECOMING assignments, or ACADEMIC assignments

Anyone who was ever in Research

  • Turn in any Research assignments given to you to finish. You were graded on this.


A Day students- Have B day students finish copying the rest of your caption notes. Make sure they/you know the difference between an identification caption, a basic caption, and an extended caption

  • Turn in your caption notes, interview, and finished basic and extended caption with your name on it to the IN basket


  • Spread Checklists Distributed
  • Give printouts of photos to reporters ASAP


  • Spread Checklists Distributed
  • Copy Notes- take notes
  • Start writing captions, copy, and researching information for your assigned spread


Basic Options:

  • Black tshirt:Parker Faculty Rocks= on Front with Brave Mascot=in red; Back: This Faculty Member Proudly Adopted by The Chieftain Staff= in Red $10 (could be used for everyone)
  • Student's Pet= on Front with Brave Mascot; Back same as other shirt
  • This is my ( ) Costume. Teacher/Faculty/Staff

Add Ons:

  • Get a more specific saying: EX: This is My Algebra II Costume, This is my Security Costume; Parker Math Teacher's Rock ($3)
  • Add on names to the back ($5 each name) Ex: Library Lady Proudly Adopted by Skittles:)

Remember= Add ons are the way to make up for missed Faculty appreciation months. Two have passed. This shirt will be for Decembers gift. You are not required to purchase a shirt, but you are required to do something special for your faculty member for each month.


  • Drop academic/sport templates onto assigned layout member's page numbers with or for them-deadline 1
  • On ladder indicate every spread specifically by title that is going in for deadline 2- all senior spreads and homecoming. Keep in mind only 270 seniors had their senior portraits taken. Make me a list of all sidebars to be featured per page and any copy assignments you're assigning- or if you want them to choose the story.
  • Design the senior quote form. We will put them in 1st blocks of senior teachers first.
  • Talk to Senior Class about Superlatives this year.



  • send out 2nd Billing Notice or 1st depending on Businesses
  • Have Brittney Hicks Redo Ad chart- Both of you see me
  • You will need four pages of ads to go in by Dec. 12. If you don't have them, see staff members about encouraging senior to get their artwork in now using the templates.


  • After Vote: Write down all staff members first and last names who are purchasing a yb staff tshirt for their faculty member, as well as their Faculty members name, and the shirt size they are order, along with any extra information they will want exactly how it is supposed to be
  • Finish writing receipts and make deposits. See Ms. Batten
  • Give Louvennia all of the white receipts so she can add those students to the yb purchasers list

Louvennia- Duty- Update YB List and give updated list to Lindsay Harrell

Lindsay-Duty- Make sure you have surveys for all yb purchasers


  • See Copy group and find out where their faculty alpha list is. Then update it and save it to the F Drive as Electronic Faculty Alpha List. Make sure you have all teachers and staff in Alphabetical order spelled the way they've indicated, their job description Ex: Principal, Math Teacher), and their specifications on when to interview students or take pictures Ex: Come at least 30 minutes after class has started, and the best time to contact the teacher individually
  • Get the electronic alpha list from the copy group of all students, update it, and save it to the F Drive as Electronic Student Alpha List- do not change)- Update it by: Getting all of the yearbook purchasers surveys=see Linday H. For each survey look for the spot that says: Student's Name as they wish to appear in the Yearbook. If the name is different than the name at the top of the form and they have a good explanation, change their name by hitting Control F=finding their old last name, changing their name, putting a asterisk next to their last name, and then initialing the form next to Explanation. If their name is the same as the top: Still put an asterisk by the electronic last name to show they wanted no changes, and still initial next to Explanation. Make sure you save frequently. You will be meeting with Linday Harrell to make these updates every time someone purchases a yb.

Kiarra/Shane: Get senior list from Antwan, Kierra, or Stanley (whoever now has it) Make sure you also add any junior grads or ALC grads (as the lists come in). Go around to each non-photographed senior and have them sign disclosure forms. Keep these signed forms organized in a copy envelope (labeled) by last name in specific alpha order.

Clerical: See Ms. Batten when you run-out of things to do