
11/8 A 11/9 B Mass Media

Must show Ms. Batten yellow copies of ad contracts for $100 deadline grade if you were absent on due date.

Ad Test Part 2-Presentation of how to sell an ad. Must take if you haven't already

Label this as Blog 5 and put your name on it. Take detailed notes and highlight/mark.

Label all of your yearbook folders: Your Name, The Block you have yearbook (A/B?), and what specifically the folder is for (Ads, Blogs, Manual)

Must complete duty. If you don't know how to do yours, see Ms. Batten. You will be graded for it.

Faculty Appreciation- November Deadline: 11/16 (If you never got your faculty member their first token or your appreciation- shame on you. You must give them two items this time.)

Groups have been adjusted:
Kierra/Shane-Editors A/B
Lindsay B
Sherricka A/B
Kiarra-DVD as well A/B
Antwan A/B
Stanley B

Lexi A
Larry B
Jelita B
Donisha A/B- Research Editor
Brittney B
Nate B
Edward A/B
Brittany A/B

Andrew-A/B- Edits all copy
Lynn-B- Edits all captions/sidebars
(Decide which one of you A/B students is going to be the Faculty Name final checker and the Student Name Final checker- These two people will check their electronic alpha lists to make sure all names have been spelled properly)

Megan A/B
Maritza A/B- Editor- Checks out/keeps track of all photo equipment. Trains photographers how to take pictures, organizes half of deadlines into layout- photo folder
Dee A/B-Editor-Assigns all student photography for deadlines. Trains photographers how to organize and batch pictures. Organizes half of deadlines into layout-photo
Annie-B- Downloads all Bryn-Alan CDs and organizes/Graphic Designer
Slim (Jordan) A
Adrian A/ YB DVD production
Stephanie A- Sports Editor/Schedules all Photography with Bryn-Alan for all events (not just sports)
Shannon A/B
Jordan Hadley- After School

Louvennia A/B- Editor
Nicole A/B-Editor
Tiffany B-Editor
Decide what each of you will edit. Ideas- Design elements all uniform: photo bys, graphic elements, folios, etc; Copy/Caption/sidebars, headlines, Picture Choice and Placement/Design
Cody A/B
Regnissha A/B
Brandi A
Shane- Ads Editor/Designer A/B

Posters, Posters, Posters.
Tshirts- Advertising Sale-Shane
  • Highlight seniors that were photographed on master highlighted list of all photographed students- using senior pictures.
  • Make a list of all unphotographed seniors (Correct the one you already made)

Using list Antwan made, go to each unphotographed senior and have them sign Release of Responsibility. Tell Ms. Batten, how many extra copies of the form you'll need before using all of the ones given to you.

Start implementing the ideas you brainstormed for the November yearbook sale. They are buying them. Also remember to advertise the online website.

Lindsay- For every underclassman and senior, make sure you have their yb purchased survey on file


Donisha meet with Andrew and Lynn- Get all of the sidebar research assignments for the first deadline (32 pages). Assign your group members these research assignments.

Also, certain people in your group have already been assigned copy observation sheets. Make sure you understand what the observation sheet is and how to fill it out, as well as the caption interview form. Your group will be gathering the information for the copy group to formulate into a published document.

Move Surveys- Send students out (only 2 per class- to classes you haven't gone to)

Brittany-keep reading through Move surveys for best answers and highlighting their names on your group alpha list


Deadline Grade was given for organizing and batching your pictures. Some of you don't have yours organized and/or batched. Please get this done, as our deadline depends on finding your pictures.

Also, go through all of your event photos and pull out certain groups into specific folders. For example, if you took pictures of the Homecoming parade, you should have already batched all of your pictures as Homecoming parade. Then you will drag the dance team pictures into a Dance team folder, but you will not rebatch the name of these pictures. This way, when we go into your Dance Team folder, we will know what even the Dance Team was participating in.

All photographers turn in your cameras, batteries, camera bags, memory cards to Maritza. She will check them back out to you. The $800 cameras will go to the best photographers for a week. This is if they are responsible.


Nicole/Louvennia- Type of Spread Checklist (Make sure all areas are covered in sequence- so that the spread process makes sense from one group to the next group and nothing is left undone. You may even choose to have a separate checklist for each group or just a separate checklist for layout. The process should work, whatever it is. Remember each group will have different deadlines

I need copies of all ad templates labelled with letters so I can make copies for everyone. Shrink them to size. Call Lisa if you don't know how.

Go into the templates Lisa already made, reverse them and make a new template. Also in each template add your extra info such as how the Photo Bys will look, the folio (if its one pg # for example)

Rest of Layout group- Practice with Photoshop handouts in folders- see Ms Batten if you don't have a copy

Copy- Finish copy assignments- interviews/observations/start writing

Andrew-meet with Donisha- her group will gather info for your group. Please let her know what sidebar info she will need to gather for the first deadline.