
11/19-11/20 A/B Mass Media

This is the last reminder that you are responsible for everything in previous blogs. If it is assigned to your group, it is assigned to you. Your editor isn't the only one responsible for making sure things are done, everyone in your group is responsible. So if previous blog work hasn't been done, and it has been assigned to your group, but you failed to talk about it or assign it as a group, you all receive a zero for that assignment. Likewise, if the work was assigned to you and you never turned it in, you have also received a zero.

Communication is the key. Some of you really need to improve your skills.

Grades are online now. A password has been emailed to you if you gave me a valid email address. If you didn't receive the password, let me know. Also, if want to access your grades online, you must give me an email address to send the password to.

If you have a question about your grade, come see me about it. Don't whine, complain, and waste time, like you have in the past, especially because this time--all of your warnings are published on Battensclasses.blogspot.com. So, you have no excuses anymore. If there is a mistake, let me know. Remember, however, that if you didn't take notes on your blogs like I told you to several times, then I have no documentation that you did certain assignments.

Some of your grades are low because of the $100 ad deadline. I told you you had to sell $500 at the beginning of the year, and you all still wanted to stay in the class. If we don't start selling ads, we won't be able to produce a yearbook. If you don't feel you can do this, and want to get out of the class now, I can give you a note to take to guidance.

The $250 ad deadline will be 12/12 A 12/13 B.

Ad Tests- Presentation continued

Ad Assignment sheet- You will start going to 5 contacts the week of Nov 26th. I will check that week for the information outlined on previous blogs. If you didn't get ad ad assignment sheet, see me.

On a piece of paper, write down the following:
Your faculty member you adopted:
What you got them the first month
What you got them this month (was due Nov. 16)
*If you didn't get them something, don't turn this assignment in until you do. This is how I'll grade you for this project, so don't forget to turn the paper in to BASKET*

I need someone/a group to adopt the security guards as extra credit

Tshirt idea- December? Brainstorm with Ms. Batten

You'll start to see a new grade for focusing on yb assignments. Some of you get easily distracted and take light years to do extremely simple tasks. We can't afford for the time to be wasted. Randomly I will watch and give you a grade on whether you are focused on your yb assignment and efficiently completing it. I won't announce this beforehand, so always be focused- not socializing, talking about koolaid or rotisserie chicken,

Annie- graphics I asked for a year ago?
- Homecoming CD to Mr. Charlton- by today
- All Bryn-Alan CDs downloaded, edited, sorted
Nicole- I need that yb shirt back; it belongs to someone
  • Go to Walgreens and take our Dell cartridges. See if they'd be able to refill them, then ask them how much it costs. Ask them if they still give our school a 10% discount. Come back to the school and have me fill out a requisition form, if they say they can refill them.
  • make sure everyone has a copy of the new yb contract both A/B day.
  • Call Tshirt guy and ask him whats going on with the shirt design?
  • Make sure everyone has copies of the corporate letter and you instruct them to have them with them when they go to Businesses in case someone says "That has to go through corporate"
  • Explain to everyone how to use the list of posted vendors (places school uses often to purchase)
  • Update AD list- and who has sold what
  • Ad chart is incorrect- see me

  • go to Guidance-Mr. Baker- Get a list of all junior grads, leap forward grads, basically anyone graduation that isn't officially a senior)
  • Once you have the above list, check to see if you have a senior picture for these students
  • Indicate next to the grade level on your alpha list that these are graduates. For example if the list says Joe Blow is graduation but he is 9th grade. Put Grad after 9 on your alpha list- so you know he is supposed to go with the seniors not the underclass.
  • For anyone who is supposed to graduate whom you don't have a senior picture of, add them to your unphotographed senior list that Antwan typed.
  • Continue to get every unphotographed senior to fill out the proper form- including jr grads, uc grads
  • If you go to locate a senior more than once and can't located them because they skip, etc, just write that on your list- you don't have to hunt them down if they don't come
  • Once you have all of your photographed students highlighted, make sure you have an accurate seniors not photographed list, and underclassmen not photographed.
  • Take your completed uc list, and completed senior list to Ms. Peters along with a USB drive. Ask her for all of the ID images for all unphotographed students, preferably in alpha order.
  • Lindsay- make sure you have a yb survey for every student on your yb purchaser lists ( you don't need one for faculty members)
  • Lindsay- if you run out of uc/senior surveys, remember to bring 1 copy of them to me to make more copies
  • Turn in your brainstorm notes where you brainstormed as blogs stated on what ideas you would implement for getting more kids to buy ybs and and ads- and how and when you'll implement
  • Kierra- Highlight all students who purchased a yb on your contact list (the one with numbers)- every time a new student purchases a yb, you need to highlight their name on that list. You'll start contacting parents after Thanksgiving.


  • Make me a list of the people in your group and the research assignments they are completing/have completed for the first deadline
  • Continue to collect Move surveys (whoever goes out must make sure they keep track of the teachers rooms they go to- they also should write this info down on their blogs as proof they went to as many classes as possible. It wouldn't make since if they only went to one class for example)
  • Continue previously assigned duties

Brittany Lester- Redesign yb sign out log to include: Location/Assignment and reverse it so the sign out column is after the sign in column.


  • Andrew/Lynn-I need an updated Homecoming Assignment List- please include all events outlined in your blog
  • Remember to look back at my notes on your blogs, some of you have never turned back in things I asked you for on your blogs
  • Bring your copy of the Rule List for the caption/copy group, with your name on it, so I can check you off as having it- this is a grade
  • Bring your caption sheet- 175 ways to start a caption up so I can check it off as well
  • Bring me a copy of the caption worksheet with the A, B, C on it, so I can check it off as well
  • remember when you start to run out of copies of something, you need to bring me 1 to make more copies of (observation sheet for example)
  • Old assignments a lot of you are missing: Move observations, 1st Deadline copy observations, Homecoming (ALL events) copy observations?, captions for 4 pictures (identifier, basic, extended)-total of 12 captions

Layout Editors

Print out all templates for first deadline. Each template should include

  • Photo Bys (how they will appear in yb)
  • Pg # or Pg #s? how they will appear
  • move link- how it will appear with text they will replace
  • sidebar that will be adapted according to what spread

Give copy of printouts to Ms. Batten- deadline TUES (includes Ad templates previously asked for, the way they were asked for)

  • Spread checklists typed out with Ms. Batten's corrections- you may have to meet with her
  • Ad a part to layout final checklist that instructs what to do with leftover pictures for YB DVD- checklists DUE TUES.
  • 32 pages- list of types of captions to be featured, sidebar info- w/explanation not just title, copy story to be featured- DUE TUES


  • Your original spread that reflects our theme with your designs Due TUES- must be saved on USB as directed and print out. Put finished copy in basket.
  • Test approaching on your ability to do everything in the Taylor Tools handout, as well as Photoshop (Regnissha to finish notebooks_PLEASE)


Don't delete your pictures/anyone else's pictures without permission from Ms. Batten

  • Maritza- go through Bryn-Alan pictures- academic- and sort them into classes to the best of your ability. This is when you went around with Hayes.
  • Stephanie- see Ms. Batten; Also- where is the yb commercial. The PR group says its finished? Have you been scheduling all school events? See me, and Dee
  • All photographers- Ms. Batten to check pictures, they should be organized, edited, flipped etc.-outlined in previous blogs
  • Dee- I need a list of all assignments given to photographers- so I can give them a grade for completing or not completing (ex: Homecoming- all events)