
9/27 A-9/28 B

No Journal: Find your new seat, get your stuff from your group location, and copy exit slip 4.

Exit slip 4: 1)What are the names of my group members? 2)Who is responsible in my group, for portfolio pickup/distribution? 3)What is my group's duty? 4)What closing activities might my group or I be responsible for? 5)Why should I never copy the answers from exit slips. (Due today)

MAP Testing
After Map, work independently on:

R10-12 Due 9/30
Springboard 9-11
W3-vocab 1-due the next class
Group conference (Exit slip)
R13-15 Inferences due 10/8
Meet with teacher about scholarship warnings, fcat reading retake notice, post-test failure notice, and class procedures testing

Closing: Group selected to share exit slip answers


9/23 A-9/24 B

J#7 "A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he starts out, has condemned himself to second-rate thoughts and to second-rate friends."

-Lesson on bad attitudes some students are projecting needing to disappear, expectations needing to be met, why Ms. Batten has expectations for students to complete work, reminder not to copy exit slips or any other work, etc.

-Springboard p 9-11 should be finished. To be checked, the next class in one group member's book, all group members asked about it for credit.

-R10-12-Asking Questions-due 9/30

-Closing activity is now going to be where one group or student teaches the class something taught in class, or there will be a quiz given to make sure students listened that day in class.

-Class Procedures Tests finished

-warnings issued for student failing post-tests or FCAT reading test from last year.

-Exit slip 3 discussed; Turn in.

-W3-foldable-turn in for credit. Due the next class.


9/21 A-9/22 B

J#6 "Education seems to be, in America, the only commodity (good/service) of which the customer tries to get as little as he can for his money." -Max Forman

After responding to journal, think pair share with your group and record each of their names and examples under your response. Remember these responses should be detailed paragraphs. Follow the steps for responding to quotes. Should you ever not understand a quote, break it a part and write about the parts you understand. Then you should be able to construct some meaning. For the quote above, ask yourself why is Education the only commodity, who is the customer he is referring to and why does that customer want as little as they an for their money? You should then be able to figure out the meaning. You can also add to your journals after group and class discussion.

A2-Pretests- makeup given to students present. If students are constantly absent for pretests, they will have to do the lesson, even if they eventually pass the pre-test.

R 10-12, Asking questions, due 9/30. On 9/22, turn in R7-9 to the basket.

Conference with your group about portfolio distribution, dismissal and group duties.

With group, finish marking the poem on pg 10, *father and # son. The speaker is the son. On lines 10-13, it jumps back and forth between the two characters and you should mark each change. On page 11, complete the chart in full with your group members after mini-lesson about connotation and denotation from Ms. Batten.

Start work on W3-Vocab 1- foldable. Ms. Batten teaches the class how to fold and setup vocabulary assignment and points to word wall.


9/17 A-9/20 B

"To accomplish great things, one must dream as well as act." Anatole France

1. Copy Quote and author
2. Summarize quote in your own words
3. Give examples and elaborate
4. Relate examples back to the quote using key words

Ms. Batten walks everyone through how to respond for J#5. Respond in paragraph form after copying the quote and author. Be sure to explain how your example relates to this quote.

-Group Backmap returned. Diagram on board of real Backmap. Teacher offers suggestions, when working in groups, everyone should be working, so everyone should check the work before submitted. Also, a backmap is where you go the end of unit assignment and plan out everything you need to learn in order to get to that assignment. A lot of groups had only a couple of things written down, which isn't acceptable. Copy Ms. Batten's backmap off the board, or add to yours, so that it looks like hers. Place this backmap in the front of your portfolio until the end of Unit 1. Do not turn it back into the basket.

-Read Article "Gateway to Freedom" about the history of Ellis Island as a class. With group, answer the following questions, in detail.
1)Why did Saal's family immigrate to America? (to be with father isn't detailed and therefore isn't an acceptable answer.)
2)Did the American Dream work out for her family? (Yes, because of education and jobs isn't acceptable, because it lacks elaboration and explicit details. Go back and put what kind of education and what kind of jobs and anything else that supports that the did succeed at an American dream.

Springboard- Class reads pg 1 as a class about the American Dream. On page 9, they must mark the text by circling dreams and underlining disappointments. In My Notes, they should record that they are circling dreams and underlining disappointments.

On page 11, class reads poem and are told to mark anything referring to the father with a * and anything referring to the son with a #. They should record how they mark in their notes. They should look at the words that are meant to symbolize father and son, as well.

*Returned if not done in detail with a chance to fix*

Reminder that R7-9 is Due Wednesday, 9/22.

New Homework Assignment: R10-12 (Asking Questions) is due on 9/30


9/15 A-9/16 B

Progress reports distributed in class and signed for today (9/16)

J#4 After watching the following clip, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4cUN402kNo respond emotionally to the clip in a detailed paragraph.

A2-Pretest-Author's Purpose

When done with pre-test work on R7-9 (Asking Questions) due 9/22.

Ra Ta Ta- Teacher demonstrates on the board how to do reading entries for Asking questions reading entries with Owen Meany book. Reteaches how to setup and document.

Dicussion about plagarism and the consequences if caught cheating or turning in someone else's work as your own. Class 2 offense.

Reminder to copy Exit slip 3 and how exit slips are supposed to work. Students are told not to copy someone's exit slip, as it should reflect their knowledge of what was taught, in their own words, not their ability to copy someone's paper.

Teacher reminded students when she gives suggestions to improve their grade not to get an attitude with her for, because it is her job. She expects them to do their job and try to improve and learn.

Backmap-Perfomance Task with Group (group work)

On a piece of paper, write down the performance task for unit 1, in the center of the paper. Write is small enough so you can write branches out to the side. The branches will consist of everything students will need to learn before completing this assessment. Turn in.

Perfomance Task: The works we have read in this unit all have to do with different cultural groups in America. Develop a logical argument suporting or refuting the following sentence: America still provides access for all people to the "American Dream." Use th works you have read in this unit as support for your argument.

Read article about Ellis Island. On a piece of paper tell me why her family immigrated to America and if the American dream worked out for her family. Explain.


9/13 A-9-14 B

Look in springboard wkbk at page 8, at the Biographical sketch. Copy all bullets/headings in journal and respond to each. Be as detailed as possible. If you cannot answer about family, briefly explain why not. (10 minutes given to respond)

Think, pair share journal with group, share aloud with class

Exit slip 3-1)How will proofreading marks help me in this class? 2)What is the difference between connotation and denotation? 3)What is diction and why is it important to authors.
NOTE: Exit slips always start lessons. You should always write all of the questions and answer them completely. The exit slip is do at the end of the lesson, which may not be finished the day it is introduced in class. The teacher will always announce when to turn in exit slips. The idea is you listen during the lesson, so that you can answer the exit slip by the end of the lesson.

A1-lesson and Reading entries 4-6 returned in class to the students who did them

A1-Post-test Context clues: Test procedures explained in detail. Cover your answers, since you are sitting in groups. Do not talk until all tests are in and the teacher has announced you can do so.

You are allowed to write on the handout, only if you plan to mark the text. You do not have to use this strategy. If you do mark the text of the passage, staple it to your answer sheet when turning it in.

If you finish your test before others, work on R7-9 "Asking Questions"-Due 9/22

After test, RA TA TA (Read Aloud, Think Aloud, Talk Aloud) is performed in class by Ms. Batten for students not sure yet how to complete reading entries or not sure how to document asking questions in their reading notes. See an example entry below.

R#7- Author:John Irving Title: A Prayer for Owen Meany

Pg/Quote /Asking Questions /Extra
14/"lovely /Does he sing too? /

14/ "curtail"/ What does this mean?/

14/ "resented"/Why does she resent/ Because.....
her sister

15 "....."/ ................?/
16 "......"/ ...............?/ Yes, she is

PG 14 to 24

Then you type a one sentence summary.

Time is given in class for students to work on reading entries. While students are working, Ms. Batten randomly calls students, using thier cards, for their class procedures/group procedures test.

At the end of class, she walks around and speaks to students that aren't on task or haven't submitted reading entries or portfolios yet.



What do you know about your family's history? In a detailed paragraph tell me as much as you can about your heritage and long family history. You can share where your family originally came from, where your parents were born, customs, traditions, interesting facts, etc)

Think, pair share. Discuss as a class.

Procedures/rules reviewed. Exit slip expectations discussed. Pretest/Posttest discussed. Reading entries count as part of the 80 percent assessment grade. This means if you didn't do any reading entries and had a zero for that grade, but you did all other participation assignments (20 percent of grade, the highest your grade could be is a 20 percent.

Pay attention to the obvious. If you don't know how to spell a word, but its on the board, look at the board for the spelling. If you have an example reading entry on the board, use it as a model for when you do your entry.

Review of how to exit the room. Group duties assigned.

Exit slip 2-Due.

Demonstration of how to store and label portfolio/workbook in class. R 4-6 due Friday 9/10. Class Procedures Test coming next class.

4th and 5th block- catching up due to testing. 7th block work on reading and other work while teacher tests students.

9/6 B-9/7 A

Journals start today. Explanation given about journal section of portfolio, how to label journals and to respond to the prompt, not write the prompt. Students receive points for writing quietly in their journal until they are called to attention. They can write more than one journal per page and can use the backs of paper, as well.

J#1 In your opinion, what is the American Dream? Who does it apply to? Write a detailed paragraph. You can mention examples.

Think, pair, share with group. Class discussion.

Exit slip 2: Copy questions and answer completely
1)Why is it important to take the pretests seriously? 2)Why would it be foolish to cheat on a pretest? 3)What is required of students who don't pass a pre or post-test?
4)What is an inference? 5)Explain in detail how to complete one reading entry (you can use a diagram). 6)How will you be tested for classroom/group rules and procedures (be specific)

A1-context lesson due for those not scoring at least 80 percent on their pretest

Portfolio guidelines discussed. Students told to leave portfolios in their section to be checked.

W2-District Writing 1
- Respond to the District Writing Prompt: (Timed 45 minutes) See Ms. Batten for makeup after school, so you can be timed. Essay.



English III

Reading Entries explained in detail again. (Retaught) R# 4-6 assigned. Due Friday 9/1. Everything is the same (10 pages per entry, pg to pg, sentence summary).

45 minutes to respond to: W2- District Writing 1

Portfolio check. Title Portfolio: Your Full Name, My Name, Room #, Class Title

Class Procedures/Rules Test coming-verbally


8/27 A-9/1 B

8/27 A-9/1 B English III

Conference with Ms. Batten about Exit slip 1 before turning into basket.

Exit slip 1:1)What are context clues 2)How can context clues help me find the meanings of unfamilar words? 3)Did I pass FCAT reading? 4)If not, by how much and why not? If so by how much and what helped?

Class Procedures reviewed by teacher explaining entire handout. Reminder to turn in info sheet.

Group Rules/Procedures reviewed by Class.

Reminder that there will be a test next week on group/class rules and procedures given orally to each student.

Pretest-Students who didn't pass start A1-context lesson
Students scoring high enough should read. Documented if they don't.

Reading Entries 1-3 Due 9/1 B. Reviewed again how to do.
-Mininum or 10 pages read per entry
-min of 5 inferences each entry
-page to page listed each entry
-one sentence summary each entry
-If you switch books, reflect on log
-# each entry
-Due in basket on due date, even if not asked for
-Must do at home, if not enough time in class

EXAMPLE R1- Title: A Prayer for Owen Meany Author: John Irving

Pg /quote/ inference/ extra
1 "doomed" I predict.. No, actually...
2 "blah.." I infer...
2 "blah.." I guess.. Yes, I was right
4 "blah.." I infer..
5 "blah.." I guess..

Pg 1 to 10

The narrator of the story introduces us to Owen Meany, a small friend who helped him believe in God.

Teacher monitored student reading notes and conferenced at desks of off-task students

Some group duties assigned.

Closing: Reminder to read Class Procedures; Parent Info Sheet; Expectations next week.