
9/17 A-9/20 B

"To accomplish great things, one must dream as well as act." Anatole France

1. Copy Quote and author
2. Summarize quote in your own words
3. Give examples and elaborate
4. Relate examples back to the quote using key words

Ms. Batten walks everyone through how to respond for J#5. Respond in paragraph form after copying the quote and author. Be sure to explain how your example relates to this quote.

-Group Backmap returned. Diagram on board of real Backmap. Teacher offers suggestions, when working in groups, everyone should be working, so everyone should check the work before submitted. Also, a backmap is where you go the end of unit assignment and plan out everything you need to learn in order to get to that assignment. A lot of groups had only a couple of things written down, which isn't acceptable. Copy Ms. Batten's backmap off the board, or add to yours, so that it looks like hers. Place this backmap in the front of your portfolio until the end of Unit 1. Do not turn it back into the basket.

-Read Article "Gateway to Freedom" about the history of Ellis Island as a class. With group, answer the following questions, in detail.
1)Why did Saal's family immigrate to America? (to be with father isn't detailed and therefore isn't an acceptable answer.)
2)Did the American Dream work out for her family? (Yes, because of education and jobs isn't acceptable, because it lacks elaboration and explicit details. Go back and put what kind of education and what kind of jobs and anything else that supports that the did succeed at an American dream.

Springboard- Class reads pg 1 as a class about the American Dream. On page 9, they must mark the text by circling dreams and underlining disappointments. In My Notes, they should record that they are circling dreams and underlining disappointments.

On page 11, class reads poem and are told to mark anything referring to the father with a * and anything referring to the son with a #. They should record how they mark in their notes. They should look at the words that are meant to symbolize father and son, as well.

*Returned if not done in detail with a chance to fix*

Reminder that R7-9 is Due Wednesday, 9/22.

New Homework Assignment: R10-12 (Asking Questions) is due on 9/30