
9/27 A-9/28 B

No Journal: Find your new seat, get your stuff from your group location, and copy exit slip 4.

Exit slip 4: 1)What are the names of my group members? 2)Who is responsible in my group, for portfolio pickup/distribution? 3)What is my group's duty? 4)What closing activities might my group or I be responsible for? 5)Why should I never copy the answers from exit slips. (Due today)

MAP Testing
After Map, work independently on:

R10-12 Due 9/30
Springboard 9-11
W3-vocab 1-due the next class
Group conference (Exit slip)
R13-15 Inferences due 10/8
Meet with teacher about scholarship warnings, fcat reading retake notice, post-test failure notice, and class procedures testing

Closing: Group selected to share exit slip answers