
11/25 B-12/1 A

No journal
No reading entry

Formative Assessments-returned.

Transfer all information to bubble sheets for assessment 1 and 2. Also, Formative 3 is returned.

For 1 and 2, make notes on the short response. Write why you didn't get a full score, using words from the short response rubric. Write why you did get a perfect score, if you received one.

For assessment 3, score your own short response using the rubric.

Turn assessment 3 back in, and turn in the bubble sheets for 1 and 2

Mass Media
No Journal
Finish Presentations
A13-Shows that changed TV
TV show title/characters/clip notes/why valued

Take notes on the above chart of all clips shown in class.

Class discusses notes taken.

Turn A13 into basket for grade


Brainstorm/Bubble Deadline 2

11/23 B-11/24 A

English II


"I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think." -Socrates

R#26-Theatrical Elements
Title: Lost
Director: JJ Abrams

Scene Notes/ Flashbacks

Class discusses flashback: elements, definition, transitioning

Take notes during Lost clip-on R#26

Ms. Batten checks journals and reading entries for organization and proper format

Mass Media

J#26-Does television influence society? Give specific examples why or why not?

Groups choose topics to present on:

African Americans-firsts/influence
Bed Sharing-firsts/censorship
TV Shows that changed TV-focus "I Love Lucy"

Present in class-graded on presentation style. Make sure you correct the things I've told you to correct, before you present. EX: Speak louder, don't turn back on class


Portfolio/Journal/Inspiration check

Monday-stay after school for credit (EVERY MONDAY)

Deadlines assigned- Each person gets a list of deadlines for the entire year.

Faculty contact list due next Monday.

Tuesday-Brainstorm Deadline 2

All copy should be written when returning from Thanksgiving break.


English II Honors
"Education is what remains afer one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
-Albert Einstein

R#25-multiple (at least 5 or a summary)

Dialogue rewrite Due- was homework (15 points)

Read "Too Far" short story in class together
Discuss how the author conveyed tone and punctuated dialogue, actions reveal emotion as well

Now, using your homework, combine ideas and rewrite the dialogue again making sure there are no punctuation mistakes, this time. Make sure the tone is conveyed through the characters actions and how they say things. Said is dead, don't use it. Use one of your other explanatory phrases from your Said is Dead List.

Group story due before end of class.

Reading Art Notes- checked
Group Work-Children of the River- chart checked from workbook

Mass Media

J#25 Have you seen or heard about MTV's "My Sweet 16"? What do you think about the show? (5 minutes worth)

Read "My Sweet 16" article as a class, pointing out elements from article. Highlight or mark names and the people, concepts, and material possessions.

Add to your chart, the things from the article. Highlight or star the values found in the article and turn back in.

Review questions from the article with your group. Make sure you've answered every question and turn back into the basket.

teenagers value


Yearbook 11/17-11/21

J46-J50- Free Response

Faculty Member- contact information will be due next week, however, if you have a photo assignment, fill it out now and turn it in. Points will be deducted when you don't follow through with what a teacher tells you should be covered. You follow through by letting the photographers know with the photo assignment sheet.

Hexarts- Thursday, November 20 in Auditorium, 6 p.m. - Drum line movie and show.
YB staff gathering: Bowling, Bowl America, Sunday, 2 p.m.- see Kendra for information

Come to either of the events above for your monthly out of staff event. You will get credit for either of these, however, you must stick with the staff. If you go to the movie night, we sit as a staff. Wear your yb shirts on Thursday.

You spread- Turn in your copy for a grade. All staff members must do this.
- Turn in old story- edited as Ms. Batten did with "When the Sky Fell" -see examples
- Turn in new story, typed, printed. Also, save the electronic version.

You spread- assignment- Due before the end of the term. Final version will be displayed in your portfolio.

Work on Deadline 1- all of the things that you can without the server. This means write your stories, get interviews done now, complete sidebars for your spread, help each other out, take pictures for the sidebars. Nothing that requires the use of a computer should be done once the server is back, because it should all be done now.

Deliver pictures to your faculty member. Retakes are December 4.

Ad Test- written (70 points) and Ad Test- Presentation (30 points) done in class

Monday- students staff after school for mandatory work day

Editor's address the class about deadlines- Monday.
Deadline due this week. Work consistently.

11/17 B-11/18 A

English II
"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

R#24- multiple ( at least 5 or a summary)

Group work-Two Worlds in One- Past Due

Teacher finishes grading notes on artwork (4 sets)

Punctuation Rules- handout distributed. Highlight the key words in each punctuation rule. Class discusses handout and reads it together.

Said is Dead- On a piece of paper write the title "Said is Dead" at the top. Then with your group, list as many explanatory phrases you can think of beside said. You can use the punctuating dialogue rules for examples: asked, effused, yelled. Then jigsaw with another group to get more.

Homework: - Choose a tone from the box. Using that tone, rewrite the story on the back of the punctuation rules handout. Make sure you rewrite the story, adding appropriate details, subtracting things that wouldn't go with the tone, and using appropriate dialogue punctuation. Due the next class.

Tone: How the author feels about the subject they are writing about. Their attitude while writing.

Mass Media

Finish Movie Poster Presentations in class

Finish A#11- Turn into basket

List the television shows you watch and give a description of each.

Group Work:
On a piece of paper put all of your names.

Make a list of what teenagers value the most and why.

Use the following categories, and list at least 10 terms and explanations for each: People/concepts/material possessions. This means you'll have at least 30 listed.

Circle the values most important to your group. Due Today in Basket.

HOMEWORK: A12 "My Sweet 16"-article
Read the questions before the article, mark answers in text, then answer completely each question on your paper
  1. Who is Sophie Michell? How did she celebrate her 16th birthday?
  2. How is Marissa's celebration representative of those featured on the show?
  3. Who is Zena Burns and how does she categorize viewers of "My Sweet 16"?
  4. Who is Ana Marie Cox, and what is her critique of the program?
  5. How does the article describe Aaron Reid's 16th birthday?
  6. How does Mr. Reid believe his birthday differs from other teen parties shown?
  7. How do sisters Priya and Divya prepare for their joint party?
  8. What did the sisters receive as gifts?
  9. How have their appearances on the show affected the personal lives of featured teens?
  10. When and where is the show aired?

Homework is DUE the next class- at the Beginning of Class


11/13 B- 11/14 A


"I will not condemn you for what you did yesterday, if you do it right today." -Sheldon Maye

R#23-Multiple (at least 5 or a summary) Example below

PG /Quote /Strategy /Extra
24 /melting/ I felt embarrassed for him /metaphor?

24 /slammed/ I hear his anger /

24 /dirty looks/ I predict Byron is going to beat Kenny up/ he didn't; he praised him

1A- Formative Assessment 3. Review short/extended response rubric with group and highlight the difference between each score. Class discussion.

Highlight key words in each question, then highlight or mark answers in the text. Bubble your multiple choice into the bubble sheet, but write your short response in the box provided

Finish and turn in group work for Two Worlds in One-Children of the River Group Work- DUE TODAY

Analyzing Art notes (4 pieces) graded today.

Mass Media
Prepare movie posters for presentation today.

SB#4 Quiz


A#11- Rating Movie Posters

  1. What movies did the group present
  2. Group member's names
  3. What did you like in their presentation
  4. What do they need to improve
  5. Rate their presentation 1-5; 5 being the highest



Portfolio check at J#50 (Make sure all of your journals are complete and you have Inspiration


You spread- update- not due until computers are working appropriately. Must be turned in before the end of this grading term. The final printout will go in the presentation section of your portfolio.

Ad Test- Monday

Work on deadline 1. Help each other out and get all things done that don't require the use of a computer.

Copy group should be working on their stories and sidebars and should receive help from their publication group.

Clerical- work on senior no picture slips, underclass retake list, yearbook purchased list, Bryn-Alan corrections, and delivering underclass portraits.


11/10 B-11/12 A

No Journal/No Reading Entry

1B- Formative Assessment- in class-turn in

Work on Group Work- Two Worlds in One- see last class blog for description

1A- Finish group work- Two Worlds in One

Mass Media
No Journal

Work on Movie Poster. Homework A#10 due. Homework- movie research due.

Movie Poster (one per film)
  1. What notable events occured during the year these films were created?
  2. How do the films reflect the time period in which they are made?
  3. What social or political issues are raised in the films?
  4. Why do you think these films won best picture those years?
  5. What cultural commentary was offered by the reviewers of each film, if any?
  6. Pictures/ Scenes
  7. Famous movie quote
  8. Quote from a review
  9. Interesting facts




Editor's Meeting

Class Meeting

Faculty information due today

Ad Test approaching. Take notes in ad manual of the things that will be on your test, Monday, 11/17.

You spread- due Monday. Extensions given due to computer problems. Spread must be in by end of grading term. New focus is deadline 1.

New Deadline: checklist!!!

All of the following are due at the end of class:

Photo: 11/12

Photo Editor: 11/13

Layout 1: 11/14

Copy: 11/20

Clerical and Clerical Editor: 11/21

Copy Editor: 11/24

Layout 2: 11/25

Editors: 12/2

Editors: All templates designed by 11/13 and the end of the day

New deadline after Thanksgiving

Deadline 1- 11/17 (40 pages)

Deadline 2- 12/10 (48 pages)

TAKE AD NOTES-turn in for credit

Class Duties- time given in class.


Yearbook 11/3-11/7

J# 37-41 (FREE)


  1. Bubble sheet-due Tues
  2. checklist must be completed in full
  3. must have at least one design element from the inspiration section. (Inspiration section #1-10 go in your portfolio.)
  4. Photos due on computer in Test yb-images-make a folder with your name
  5. Story-revised, retyped, edited, spell checked by Tuesday-end of class. Save in your picture folder. Then choose which pictures you're using for sure and put them in your pages folder.
  6. Layout check 1- due Wednesday (see checklist)
  7. Reporter final copy-due Thursday (checklist)
  8. Layout 2-Due Monday after school (everyone stays 2:30-5:30)
  9. Make sure you have the appropriate editors sign off on each item

Faculty List due Monday

11/6 B - 11/ 7 A

English II

J#22- Creative minds have always been able to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

R#22-Determining Importance- (chunking) follow directions from R#21

Portfolio grades returned

Two Worlds In One- Group Assignment
  1. Read individually (p 51-61) and * possible level 1, 2, or 3 questions. In class, groups jigsaw the story into parts, and read a selection of the text. Then the group members meet together to share.
  2. Meet as a group and come up with 6-level one questions, 6-level two questions, and 2-level three questions (They have to be specific)
  3. Draw 4 scenes (see p 48 for detailed directions). Two scenes have to be of Sundara at home and two have to be her at school. Leave space between each scene for transitions from one scene to the next. Put drawings in a strip/sequence and add transitions that connect the scenes. (examples provided to view)
  4. Complete chart as a group. All of you should check it for completion. On chart, put Nar0 instead of Nona, and add Pon to the bottom of the chart.

Mass Media


Why do you think both A and B day classes chose Juno as best film, Reitman as best directior, Johnny Depp as best actor, and Ellen page as best actress? (paragraph response)

Discuss journal with your group.

Group Work

Using your tally of your 2008 choices for the Academy Awards and a list of the real winners, write a paragraph explaining why your group's answers were so different in comparison to the real winners.

Discussion in class about who really decides the winners for the Academy awards.

List distributed of the Academy Award for best picture for the last 80 years. With your group, go through all of the movies. For the movies you've heard of or seen, write a description of the each. If none of the members of your group have seen a movie, write none next to it.

Turn in the paragraph and the list of 80 movie descriptions.


Article distributed about Jon Stewart.

Write the following questions down:


  1. What obstacles did Jon Stewart face in preparing for the 2008 Academy Awards ceremony?
  2. How did he face the challenge?
  3. How does he characterize the different needs of the two audiences for his routine?
  4. Why are there no clear favorites among this year's nominated films?
  5. In what way is "Juno" unique among Best Picture nominees (use details from the article)?

As you are reading, highlight the answers. Then write the answers to the questions on the assignment.

ALSO- Your group was given two films to research. Look them both up and bring in printed information. Go to either of the following websites:




11/4 B-11/5 A


"As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do."
-Andrew Carnegie

R#21-Determining Importance Pg __ to Pg __ (example below)
Pg/ Notes /Extra
20 /Byron is like a god

21/ Larry Dunn was king /I remember the saying "Finders Keepers.."
of kindergarten to 4th
grade only

22 /Kenny has a high reading /I predict Larry Dunn's in the class
23 Kenny is scared to read in
front of Buphead and Byron

Watch Seinfeld clips and I Love Lucy clip in class and take notes using the following chart


Lucy Seinfeld
that make
it funny

Type of Humor

Organize portfolios using table of contents- Will be checked when you leave

Class discussion on what types of humor are present in tv shows, etc.

Dave Barry worksheet distributed- Answer each question after reading the chunks in the text. Chunk 1 goes with Question 1. (pg 41 wkbk) - Read the whole story.

Mass Media

How are films rated? List the different ratings that you can think of.

Class receives handouts on film ratings- each group presents (G, PG, PG13, R, NC17)

Class reads the article about how the Motion Picture Association is changing its rating system and discusses the changes made.

SB4- Distributed and reviewed with class. Quiz is Monday- B and Wednesday- A

Portfolio table of contents distributed. Organize portfolios which will be graded today.