
11/10 B-11/12 A

No Journal/No Reading Entry

1B- Formative Assessment- in class-turn in

Work on Group Work- Two Worlds in One- see last class blog for description

1A- Finish group work- Two Worlds in One

Mass Media
No Journal

Work on Movie Poster. Homework A#10 due. Homework- movie research due.

Movie Poster (one per film)
  1. What notable events occured during the year these films were created?
  2. How do the films reflect the time period in which they are made?
  3. What social or political issues are raised in the films?
  4. Why do you think these films won best picture those years?
  5. What cultural commentary was offered by the reviewers of each film, if any?
  6. Pictures/ Scenes
  7. Famous movie quote
  8. Quote from a review
  9. Interesting facts




Editor's Meeting

Class Meeting

Faculty information due today

Ad Test approaching. Take notes in ad manual of the things that will be on your test, Monday, 11/17.

You spread- due Monday. Extensions given due to computer problems. Spread must be in by end of grading term. New focus is deadline 1.

New Deadline: checklist!!!

All of the following are due at the end of class:

Photo: 11/12

Photo Editor: 11/13

Layout 1: 11/14

Copy: 11/20

Clerical and Clerical Editor: 11/21

Copy Editor: 11/24

Layout 2: 11/25

Editors: 12/2

Editors: All templates designed by 11/13 and the end of the day

New deadline after Thanksgiving

Deadline 1- 11/17 (40 pages)

Deadline 2- 12/10 (48 pages)

TAKE AD NOTES-turn in for credit

Class Duties- time given in class.