
11/13 B- 11/14 A


"I will not condemn you for what you did yesterday, if you do it right today." -Sheldon Maye

R#23-Multiple (at least 5 or a summary) Example below

PG /Quote /Strategy /Extra
24 /melting/ I felt embarrassed for him /metaphor?

24 /slammed/ I hear his anger /

24 /dirty looks/ I predict Byron is going to beat Kenny up/ he didn't; he praised him

1A- Formative Assessment 3. Review short/extended response rubric with group and highlight the difference between each score. Class discussion.

Highlight key words in each question, then highlight or mark answers in the text. Bubble your multiple choice into the bubble sheet, but write your short response in the box provided

Finish and turn in group work for Two Worlds in One-Children of the River Group Work- DUE TODAY

Analyzing Art notes (4 pieces) graded today.

Mass Media
Prepare movie posters for presentation today.

SB#4 Quiz


A#11- Rating Movie Posters

  1. What movies did the group present
  2. Group member's names
  3. What did you like in their presentation
  4. What do they need to improve
  5. Rate their presentation 1-5; 5 being the highest



Portfolio check at J#50 (Make sure all of your journals are complete and you have Inspiration


You spread- update- not due until computers are working appropriately. Must be turned in before the end of this grading term. The final printout will go in the presentation section of your portfolio.

Ad Test- Monday

Work on deadline 1. Help each other out and get all things done that don't require the use of a computer.

Copy group should be working on their stories and sidebars and should receive help from their publication group.

Clerical- work on senior no picture slips, underclass retake list, yearbook purchased list, Bryn-Alan corrections, and delivering underclass portraits.