
Yearbook 11/17-11/21

J46-J50- Free Response

Faculty Member- contact information will be due next week, however, if you have a photo assignment, fill it out now and turn it in. Points will be deducted when you don't follow through with what a teacher tells you should be covered. You follow through by letting the photographers know with the photo assignment sheet.

Hexarts- Thursday, November 20 in Auditorium, 6 p.m. - Drum line movie and show.
YB staff gathering: Bowling, Bowl America, Sunday, 2 p.m.- see Kendra for information

Come to either of the events above for your monthly out of staff event. You will get credit for either of these, however, you must stick with the staff. If you go to the movie night, we sit as a staff. Wear your yb shirts on Thursday.

You spread- Turn in your copy for a grade. All staff members must do this.
- Turn in old story- edited as Ms. Batten did with "When the Sky Fell" -see examples
- Turn in new story, typed, printed. Also, save the electronic version.

You spread- assignment- Due before the end of the term. Final version will be displayed in your portfolio.

Work on Deadline 1- all of the things that you can without the server. This means write your stories, get interviews done now, complete sidebars for your spread, help each other out, take pictures for the sidebars. Nothing that requires the use of a computer should be done once the server is back, because it should all be done now.

Deliver pictures to your faculty member. Retakes are December 4.

Ad Test- written (70 points) and Ad Test- Presentation (30 points) done in class

Monday- students staff after school for mandatory work day

Editor's address the class about deadlines- Monday.
Deadline due this week. Work consistently.