
English II Honors
"Education is what remains afer one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
-Albert Einstein

R#25-multiple (at least 5 or a summary)

Dialogue rewrite Due- was homework (15 points)

Read "Too Far" short story in class together
Discuss how the author conveyed tone and punctuated dialogue, actions reveal emotion as well

Now, using your homework, combine ideas and rewrite the dialogue again making sure there are no punctuation mistakes, this time. Make sure the tone is conveyed through the characters actions and how they say things. Said is dead, don't use it. Use one of your other explanatory phrases from your Said is Dead List.

Group story due before end of class.

Reading Art Notes- checked
Group Work-Children of the River- chart checked from workbook

Mass Media

J#25 Have you seen or heard about MTV's "My Sweet 16"? What do you think about the show? (5 minutes worth)

Read "My Sweet 16" article as a class, pointing out elements from article. Highlight or mark names and the people, concepts, and material possessions.

Add to your chart, the things from the article. Highlight or star the values found in the article and turn back in.

Review questions from the article with your group. Make sure you've answered every question and turn back into the basket.

teenagers value