
9/25 A - 9/26 B

Copy and leave space so you can take notes for each
  1. Spell things out.
  2. Don't refer to people as things.
  3. Don't start sentences with Well, Like, And, Or, Because, But
  4. Don't use words that are are not needed
  5. Don't speak to the reader, unless directed to
  6. Write complete thoughts
  7. Write more and elaborate
  8. Use appropriate transitions to introduce and connect ideas
  9. Avoid slang and writing how you speak
  10. Just say no to run-ons

Take notes while teacher instructs on above 10 items.

R#9-Visualizing Pg ___ to Pg ___

At least 5 visualizations every time.

EA1- I Am From- Poem

  • Typed
  • Must turn in blank CD (to record poem on) or a recording of your poem
  • Attach rubric. A lost rubric=-10; Late=-10 per class

Coming up the next class:

Discuss Solzhenitsyn homework

Edit your REF#1 using the editing marks, then have a peer edit it

Persuasive Essay

Mass Media

What are the differences between broadcast news and print news? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

What I like to read- Class exercise
Journal Check 1-8 (40 points)
Review Parts of the Paper with group and instructor
Parts of the Paper-Quiz
Redo A3; Types of News reviewed. Groups instructed to actually work as groups this time, not just copy each other's wrong answers.
Papers given back. Students organize portfolios.

Radio Project- Next Class
Bring a printed out radio script to class. Make sure its entertaining and it has places to add sound effects.

A4- Rubric for Presentation

Group work- ON a piece of paper, put all group member names. Make a chart which points out the disadvantages and advantages of print news and broadcast news. Keep group paper until the next class.

9/25-9/26 Yearbook


Shirt design needed

45 minutes to work on class duty, download pictures, sort pictures, or play with PhotoShop

Design-Basic- Started


Shirt design needed

Basic Design continued- All Class
Roughing Its with final designs due by the end of class

Inspiration 1-5 needs to be organized in your portfolio in the Inspiration section. Number each item 1 to 5 and write on each or attach a piece of writing to each, which explains why the piece inspires you in design, photography, color, etc. Print out any pictures you have, and use sheet protectors to protect anything that might fall out of your portfolio.


9/23 A- 9/24 B


"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." -Anatole France

R#8- Asking Questions

Solzhenitsyn homework due today (40 points)
Journals 1-8 checked (40 points)

I Am From models distributed, recording played.

EA1- I Am From- poem DUE 9/29 A and 9/30 B. Must be typed. Also, bring in a blank CD-R or CD-RW or tape your own recording of the poem onto your CD and bring it in on the due date.

Mass Media

J#8- Copy
Newspaper Parts-
News-tells you what is happening on local, state, national, and international scenes.
Feature Stories-Expand your knowledge of social issues and events
Opinion Columns/Editorials-Provide arguments and debate on controversial topics
Advertising-space paid for by stores and businesses, provides information about goods and services available in and around your area.

SB Quiz 1
SB1-Numbers/Amounts- due to in basket

After quiz, copy SB2-Numbers/Amounts
1. Never use the year within the current year, nor for the preceding or coming year unless there would be confusion.
Use: December 12, last May 5, Next June
NOT: This year, the football team...
2. Always use numerals for ages, dimensions, money, percentages, days of the month, degrees, hours of the day, scores, room numbers, page or chapter numbers and street numbers. Except for those in the preceding rule, spell ou numbers one through nine, and use numbers for 10 and greater.
EX: $5 Not: Five dollars
EX: She had two donuts NOT: She had 2 donuts
3. For money under $1, use numerals and the word cents. For $1 or over, use the dollar sign. Omit zeros when possible
EX: 25 cents, $10, $1.50, 35 cents Not: .35 Not: ten dollars
4. Do not begin a sentence with a numeral. Spell it out or rewrite it.
Not: $5 is how much it costs.
DO: It costs $5.

Newspaper sort- Groups-due

9/21-9/23 Yearbook


Inspiration homework due today.

Editor's meeting.

Faculty info. sheets distributed for faculty members. Please go to your faculty members who haven't turned in their sheet, and ask them for one. For the faculty members who did turn in sheets, write down their availability, so you know when to contact them.

Class duties.

Editor's display of Theme


Journal check 1-15 (75 points)

Editor's finish presentation of Theme, showing their inspiration for the designs.

Inspiration homework explained once more. Teacher warns staff, they have one more chance to get credit for this homework assignment. It is needed for a spread they are about to complete on themselves, and without the inspiration, they will not be able to complete the assignment.

Staff meeting:

A) Faculty Info. Sheets: explained again; staff members are to turn the sheets into Brandi when they are finished with them
B)Report info. from faculty members: Students were supposed to report on what they learned from their faculty members on this day, however, only a couple of students had things to share. Teacher warns class that next Monday, they MUST have spoken with each of their faculty members (7 maximum). They will go to each faculty member and ask if they know of anything we should take pictures of or if they have any ideas of what we should feature in the book. They MUST do this weekly and report back to staff meetings on Monday. Next Monday, it will be a grade.
C)Ads Test-Coming Soon. There will be a test on the information in the ad manual. It will most likely be after Homecoming, but it would be wise to start studying now. You must be able to have responses to common objections.
D)Inspiration- DUE tomorrow- last chance
E)Parking Lot
F)Photo Shop- Ms. Batten gives Photo Shop tips

Hayes- delivers Photo Shop workshop. Teacher and Hayes suggest for students to take notes, however, it isn't mandatory.

Bday celebration


9/19 A -9/20 B

Students were already given the Solzhenitsyn homework assignment, and should know how to complete it.

Please give Class Procedures test on desk to Jacob Lowery

If any new students come to class, sit them with a group with open seats. Please tell the people in that group to help catch the person up with what they’ve missed. There are handouts in the English folder on front table.

J#7"There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd, maddening claims on it." –Christopher Darlington Morley

Follow formula for responding to quotes (see J1 Example)Journal Check: Tues 9/23 A and Wed 9/24 B
R#7 Connections pg_ to_
At least 2 entries

DoHomework: Due Tues 9/23-A and Wed 9/24-B

Solzhenitsyn PG 22-241.

  1. Read Nobel speech underline or highlight ALL unfamiliar words
  2. Replace unfamiliar words with words that make sense EX: In Russian *proverbs*(sayings) about truth are favorites.
  3. Divide text into chunks and number the chunks. Next to each chunk, summarize what he is saying in one or two sentences. (yes, you can use a separate piece of paper
  4. Reread selection with replacement words, reread over your summaries of each chunk, and then do page 24(SOAPSTone) Note: Describe!!! Don't name Solzhenitsyn instead describe him.

Please remind students about the quiz they have coming up on SB1 (published online for anyone who missed it; they should know the site)

They should know how to do A3, and should finish in class, and should turn it into the basket before leaving. They already have the articles.

Pep Rally- last 45 minutes of class
Journal check 9/23 A, 9/24 B

Quiz on SB1 9/23 A, 9/24 B

J#7 If you were the editor of Terry Parker’s newspaper, would you publish the following: (Write each example below, whether you’d publish, and why you’d make this decision)

  1. If a student was assaulted in the restroom
  2. An article containing “profane” language
  3. And article rating teachers from best to worst
  4. An advertisement for cigarettes
  5. A student suspended for drinking at a school dance

A3-Types of News For each article
Each person in group must have a copy of this assignment. For each article given to your group, take notes on this chart. All articles must be documented on everyone's paper. Everyone should agree on what type of news each is, which will require discussion


You can let Jordan Camacho, Photo Editor and Destiny Cruz, Business Manager instruct class. They are allowed to use all computers. Please tell them what their homework is.J#17Download, Organize Pics, Pep Rally

Homework:Bring in 5 different types of inspiration from anything of a font, design, picture, angle, color, trend that you like. Due Monday. Don’t Forget.

9/18 A - 9/22 B


"The only think we have to fear is fear itself." -F.D.R.

Follow formula for responding to quotes (see J1 Example)

R#6 Inferences pg_ to_

Finish benchmark reading test

Homework: Due Tues 9/23-A and Wed 9/24-B
Journal Check: Tues 9/23 A and Wed 9/24 B

Solzhenitsyn PG 22-24

1. Read Nobel speech underline or highlight ALL unfamiliar words
2. Replace unfamiliar words with words that make sense
EX: In Russian *proverbs*(sayings) about truth are favorites.
3. Divide text into chunks and number the chunks. Next to each chunk, summarize what he is saying in one or two sentences. ( yes, you can use a separate piece of paper)
4. Reread selection with replacement words, reread over your summaries of each chunk, then do page 24(SOAPSTone)
Note: Describe!!! Don't name Solzhenitsyn instead describe him.


Journal check 9/23 A, 9/24 B
Quiz on SB1 9/23 A
9/24 B

Hard news: Up to the minute news and events that are reported immediately (factual approach)

Soft news: Background information or human interest stories (entertain, advise)

Infotainment: Combination of "hard news" and "soft news" Ex: the latest fashion trend. Not actually "news" but in the sense of things currently happening.

Tabloid Journalism: based on gossip style news, which emphasizes sensational crime stories, personal lives of celebrities, public figures, unbelivable human interest stories, etc.

MAP Test

A2-Types of News
For each article

Title Content Source Type of News Reason for Type

Each person in group must have a copy of this assignment. For each article given to your group, take notes on this chart. All articles must be documented on everyone's paper.

A4- Rubric for Media Presentation (Given Back)


Ad manual reviewed by Destiny in detail

Handouts: ADS- every handout you could possibly need relating to ad sales

Class Duty completed.

Theme Discussion.

Ads- Ms. Batten explains ad manual handouts again. Marvin Mayer gives ad selling tips.

Handouts- Grading, Organization, Reference

Homecoming Discussed, Nominations, Voting

Picture Download and Organization.


9/15 A-9/16 B English

J#5 English
Copy the following, then identify each based on what you've learned.
  1. Her orange glow and crooked grin made me uneasy.
  2. The chair grabbed me and wouldn't let me go.
  3. Her laugh was like a hyena's.
  4. I treasure luxurious walks along the turquoise colored ocean.
  5. Her caramel colored car clashed with my corduroy jacket.

R#5-Inferences pg ___ to pg ____ (at least 5 entries)

Benchmark Reading Test

Mass Media

J#5- What is news? What type of news should be publicized for society? What type of news isn't trustworthy or reliable?


1. Never use "many" "numerous" "a lot" "various" "some" "few" when reporting.

Instead of: Many students attended the homecoming dance.

Use: Over 400 students attended the homecoming dance.

2. For class year, use apostrophe correctly.

Use: '09 NOT: ' 09 or 09'

3. Always use numerals for address numbers.

Use 9 Morning Star Lane

4. Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names. Use numerals with two letters for 10Th and above.

Use: 137 Fifth Street 459 12Th Street

5. Dates are written one way only.

Use: July 28 Not: July 28Th, 28Th of July, 28Th day of July

*Copy sourcebook entry 1* TEST- FRI- A-9/19 B-9/22

Benchmark Testing

9/15-9/16 Yearbook

Photo Workshop-Hayes

ID pictures taken

Editor's Meeting
Staff Meeting
Duties Completed
Photo workshop completed


9/11 A-9/12 B

English II Honors
If you could meet one of the rescue workers whom participated in the cleanup and recovery efforts after the World Trade Center fell, what would you want to ask them? Generate 10 questions in your journal.

R#4-Making Connections (At least 2 every time you make Connections)

A Day- Guest speaker present to share 9/11 experience. Write the answers to the questions in your journal from presentation.

B Day- Documentary "When the Towers Fell" shown. Write the answers to the questions in your journal from presentation.

I Am From Poem- due date- given next class

Mass Media
If you could meet one of the rescue workers whom participated in the cleanup and recovery efforts after the World Trade Center fell, what would you want to ask them?

Class Procedures/Rules/Group Rules Test

A Day- Guest speaker present to share 9/11 experience. Write the answers to the questions in your journal, from presentation.

B Day-Documentary: When the Towers Fell, shown. Write the answers to the questions in your journal, from presentation.

9/11-9/12 Yearbook

J#7- Free Response

Finished PowerPoint of Theme- Examples shown

Theme ideas presented.

Reviewed Copy section of Manual: Being observant, observation sheet

Class interviews guest trying to ascertain story details, while making observations.

J#8 Free Response
Yearbook Id Pics Monday
Bring digital camera next week if trying out for photographer
Faculty Assignments start next week. Contact them next week for the next Monday staff meeting.

First 30 minutes of class, students focus on yearbook duties. Ms. Batten helps explain individual duties to different staff members.

Ad Manual and addition to Reference Section distributed to students for Yearbook Manual

Reference section explained in detail.

Revisited Theme. Last idea presentations. Vote.


9/9 A - 9/10 B

J#3- Copy the following:
  1. "I look around, my heart a jackhammer in my chest, blood thudding my ears." (Metaphor, Imagery)
  2. "Each breath is like inhaling fire, and I think I'm weeping. (Simile, Imagery)
  3. "He leaves me in a wide, windowless, corridor crammed with people sitting on metallic folding chairs." (Alliteration, Imagery)
  4. "The sky was a deep black when the phone jolted me out of my sleep. (Personification, Imagery)

Discuss why each example given is a metaphor, simile, alliteration, personification, or imagery.

RA TA TA- Making Connections

Class Procedures Test

Formative Assessment

R#3 Making Connections pg __ to pg ___

Only need to make two connections while reading.

Mass Media
J#3- Respond: How comfortable are you with presenting today? Explain any problems that your group encountered while preparing. (5 minutes)

Presentations today. If you were absent for a presentation, you should have contacted me and told me why you would be absent. You will have to complete a new presentation, by yourself, on your own time, in order to receive credit.
Turn into basket:
A1 (individual Assignment)
Group Questions (Total of 15)
4 sources on index cards or paper (or in presentation)

Meet with groups for 10 minutes before presentations

During Presentation:
Answer all questions
Follow rubric guidelines
Turn in one rubric with all of your names before presenting

A2-History and Evolution of Media-Presentations
Take notes on each group presentation
Media they present:
Rate them 1 to 5 on how effective they are; 5 being the highest
What did you like about their presentation:
What should they improve:

Evaluations- completed in class. List all of your group members, including yourself. Tell me every thing each person did to help with the presentation. If they did nothing, then tell me that. No one will ever see this paper again, besides me, so feel free to be honest. Due next class day.

Class/Group Procedures and Rule Test- NEXT CLASS

J#6-Free Response.
Theme Discussion finished. Theme section of manual reviewed.
#3 checked for assignment grade from Theme-Playbook

Yearbook 9/10 A

J#5- Free Response

Theme assignment 1-3 (Playbook) checked

Faculty Assignments given; swaps allowed. Turn final faculty members into Ms. Batten.

Finish Yearbook Tally and turn into Destiny. Keep surveys together and paper clipped and turn them into Brandi.

Theme discussion in class, looking at manual. Everyone has to complete #3 Theme in Playbook by 9/10 with anything new at school, anything new or going on in the world or around the community, and any ideas for theme this year. To be checked in class on 9/10.



Editor Meeting
1. Assign faculty/staff liasions
2. meeting one day a week starting next week; after school

In class: Teacher goes over commonly missed test answers, rules, working in groups-handouts

Class starts Theme 1-3 in playbook (front pocket manual). Finish for homework.


9/5 A-9/8B

"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open."

R#2-Inferences (min. of 5)

Portfolio,divider, coversheet check.
P16, homework, checked
Teacher looks at students journals and reading entries to make sure they are completing them correctly.

EA#1-I Am From Poem Rubric distributed to each student. DO NOT LOSE, as it is how you will be graded. If you do lose it, it will cost you 10 points to replace it.

Class listens to George Ella Lyon read her I am From Poem, then using the rubric, labels everything she included in her poem, directly onto poem in book. If not finished in class, must be completed for homework.

Next class: Figurative language and Poetry devices.

Class Procedures/Rules/Group Rules Test next class; cancelled today because of high absences due to storm

Mass Media
J#2- Respond: What is your group's plan for your presentation? When will you meet to finish? What is each person supposed to do to help prepare?

Teacher checks each students portfolio, which was due in class at the beginning of the week. Teacher checks to make sure students completed their journal today.
Teacher conferences with each group about their plan (written in journal) for presenting.

History and Evolution of (Your Topic) is DUE NEXT CLASS. YOU WILL BE PRESENTING. Remember you will be graded based on the rubric given to you in class. Also you must turn in the following on the day of your presentation:
A1-Searching the web (must have notes taken from teacher instruction or doesn't receive full credit)
15 questions, with all group member's names
4 reliable sources- turned in on index cards, or whatever you've chosen to write them on. Must have information specified: Internet: site and date accessed. Book, etc: Title, Author or Editor (if no author), Publishing Company, City Published, Publication Date. Edition # (if Encyclopedia)

You will have only 10 minutes to meet with your group before presentations

Copy/Captions, Photo/Photoshop sections distributed for yb manual

Yearbook duties explained to remaining staff members. Some duties started today.

Yearbook Tallys from surveys computed by each group (See 9/2 lesson for details)

Portfolio/Manual check by Adviser


9/4 Yearbook

J#2- Free Response (5 minutes)

Finish Class Procedures Test

Student Manuals started (first four sections distributed) and organized.

Class duties explained to some staff members and started.

Last chance to fix the yearbook critique and turn in. A lot of you never turned it in.

Back sheet of class procedures is past due.


9/3 A-9/4 B

English II Honors

J#1-"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day." -Sir Winston Churchill

1)copy quote

2)summarize quote in your own words

3)Give specific examples

*If you don't understand, break a part the quote and explain the parts you understand.

Portfolio Title Page Made today in class: Make sure the following information is in your Portfolio: Your Name, My Name, A-101, English II Honors, Block

For the first journal entry, students will write down the formula above, then respond to the quote following the formula. Make sure you don't number each item in the response, bu.t you include all three steps in your paragraph (or longer) response.

Class discusses and shares journal entries. Teacher reads a model journal response. Students will always follow this format for responding to quotes in their journals.


First reading entry completed today. Students read along with teacher's RA TA TA from The Watson's Go to Birmingham. Teacher modeled how to complete the inference reading strategy in the reading section of the portfolio. An example of the RA TA TA is below. Pay attention to how it is labeled, as you should also label your paper the same way, but with the information from YOUR book.


R#1-Inferences (making predictions or assumptions about the past, present, or future)

Pg 1to Pg 9 Title: The Watson's Go to Birmingham Author: Christopher Paul Curtis

Pg # Quote Inference Extra
2 “Joey” I predict this is Joetta’s nickname. Yes it is
2 “juvenile delinquent” I predict he will get thrown in juvenile detention
3 “we all looked at dad” I infer the mom is giving him a dirty look.
3 “Moses” I predict Moses was a suitor. Yes he was
3 “Hambone” I guess he was a butcher at one point No, he wasn’t, his head is

shaped like a hambone

Group Procedures Reviewed. Remember Class/Group Procedures test this Friday A, Monday B.

Homework: Complete the circles of influence on pg 16 of workbook. In each part of the circle, put two words that describe or remind you of that category. For example, for Friends and Family, if my family is know to gossip on the porch and they are affectionate, I would put in that part of the Circle, "Porch sitters" and "Affectionate". Once completing the circles, come up with a symbol for each category. For example, since my family is know to sit on the porch and gossip, I might use a rocking chair as a symbol for that category.

Mass Media

J#1-Respond: What are some problems that occurred with your research the last class day. What did you find so far?

Class Discussion of journal.

Group Procedures/Rules reviewed with class. Remember test on Classroom/Group Procedures and Rules is Friday (A), Monday (B).

Research Project

Presentations on 9/9 A and 9/10 B
  1. Meet with your group and share information you gathered the last class. Also, plan how you will present, when you will meet to make the poster and PowerPoint, and when you will finish your research outside of class.
  2. Teacher gives a more specific title to research project. New title: History and Evolution of _____________ (Your Media). Now you must show the origins of the media, as well as give an example of the evolution that media has taken since it was created.
  3. As a group, come up with 15 questions that will guide your research. These questions should be things you would want to know about your subject if you were listening to a presentation about it. For example, 1) What year was television invented?
  4. Be sure to answer all questions in your presentation verbally as well as visually. Points will be deducted if you do not answer all of the questions.
  5. Make sure you have a minimum of 4 RELIABLE sources. You may have to toss a source if it isn't reliable.

A#1-Searching the Web

Take notes as the teacher discusses each of the following Internet search tips. Half credit will be given to those who simply copy the tips without taking notes. (only took notes on 1-5 today, 6-10 next class)

  1. Don't waste your time.
  2. Search online versions of print resources. (books, magazines, newspapers)
  3. Use unique terms that will distinguish your document from others
  4. Use +, -, and " " to narrow search
  5. consider spelling variations
  6. search the best sites in depth
  7. If at first you don't succeed, refine your search strategy
  8. Use synonyms to focus your search
  9. Focus on format. Ex: [intitle:television] [inurl:television]
  10. Search the invisible web Ex: Invisible-web.net, Infomine, Complete Planet


J#1- Free Response (Writing for 5 minutes about whatever you want, without stopping, and without talking.)

The following handouts were distributed to place in Yearbook Manual

Yearbook Playbook-workbook, Group Rules/Procedures (Staff Organization section along with Class Procedures and Rules)

Make two title pages for your portfolio. Include My name, Your name, Yearbook, the room location, and the title of the notebook (staff manual or portfolio).

Organize both Manual and Portfolio into sections as specified by the Class Procedures Handout.

Fill out the Staff Questionnaire and turn it into the basket.

Yb Duties sheet is past due. The following duties have been assigned to students who turned the duty sheet in by today. Once you receive your yb duty sheet back with your duty marked, place it inside of your manual, in the staff organization divider.

Shanika-Photo Scheduler, Kendra and Alexis- Motivational Mavens, Sam Epps-Sports Liaison, Kristian-Message checker; Samantha Cope-colophon documentor; Aviance-Index Master; Avery-update GGG poster

Questions allowed for Class Procedures. Class Procedures test taken today.


9/2 Yearbook Sub Lesson Plan

Please allow Editors-in-Chief to lead class and hand them this page

Before Editor’s meeting, tell students that during today’s staff meeting, they will pick at least one yearbook they enjoyed, and share two things about the book which they think we should implement. Have someone document the name of the book, the pg number, and the idea. They must show the book. This will give them time to prepare during your meeting. If they turned in their assignment Friday, it’s in the basket. If they turned it in before that, tell them to present something from memory.

Editor’s Meeting- First 15 minutes of class. Discuss anything on agenda, have someone take notes. You won’t have time to discuss every thing. First meeting should be in class, so staff members can see you.

Yearbook staff meeting:
Make a list of All students who definitely think they will go to Dallas. Field trip forms distributed this week, along with pricing of flight info.Yearbook Critique: Each staff member shares. Follow directions above.

Reminders: Class Procedures/Rules test tomorrow. If they have any questions about the handout, they will be given time to ask before the test. They will need to memorize the class rules.

Each staff member must have their materials and supplies for this class by tomorrow.
Parent Info Sheet due for mandatory grade.

Breakout: Brandi, please give each group surveys. Tell them to keep them organized the way you have them. Have them analyze each information sheet and total up all of the information from their surveys (on separate paper) as follows:
List the types of things students want to see in the 2009 yearbook
List the number of students who plan on purchasing a 2009 yearbook, as well as the students who don’t
Make a list of reasons why they won’t buy one.
Total the amount of all surveys for per week allowance:
Total amount made per week for student jobs:
Total each category they spend money on separately:
List the places they eat out, and come up with an average for how often they eat out and go to the movies.
SHARE IF TIME. Tally due to Destiny.