
9/19 A -9/20 B

Students were already given the Solzhenitsyn homework assignment, and should know how to complete it.

Please give Class Procedures test on desk to Jacob Lowery

If any new students come to class, sit them with a group with open seats. Please tell the people in that group to help catch the person up with what they’ve missed. There are handouts in the English folder on front table.

J#7"There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and not to give others absurd, maddening claims on it." –Christopher Darlington Morley

Follow formula for responding to quotes (see J1 Example)Journal Check: Tues 9/23 A and Wed 9/24 B
R#7 Connections pg_ to_
At least 2 entries

DoHomework: Due Tues 9/23-A and Wed 9/24-B

Solzhenitsyn PG 22-241.

  1. Read Nobel speech underline or highlight ALL unfamiliar words
  2. Replace unfamiliar words with words that make sense EX: In Russian *proverbs*(sayings) about truth are favorites.
  3. Divide text into chunks and number the chunks. Next to each chunk, summarize what he is saying in one or two sentences. (yes, you can use a separate piece of paper
  4. Reread selection with replacement words, reread over your summaries of each chunk, and then do page 24(SOAPSTone) Note: Describe!!! Don't name Solzhenitsyn instead describe him.

Please remind students about the quiz they have coming up on SB1 (published online for anyone who missed it; they should know the site)

They should know how to do A3, and should finish in class, and should turn it into the basket before leaving. They already have the articles.

Pep Rally- last 45 minutes of class
Journal check 9/23 A, 9/24 B

Quiz on SB1 9/23 A, 9/24 B

J#7 If you were the editor of Terry Parker’s newspaper, would you publish the following: (Write each example below, whether you’d publish, and why you’d make this decision)

  1. If a student was assaulted in the restroom
  2. An article containing “profane” language
  3. And article rating teachers from best to worst
  4. An advertisement for cigarettes
  5. A student suspended for drinking at a school dance

A3-Types of News For each article
Each person in group must have a copy of this assignment. For each article given to your group, take notes on this chart. All articles must be documented on everyone's paper. Everyone should agree on what type of news each is, which will require discussion


You can let Jordan Camacho, Photo Editor and Destiny Cruz, Business Manager instruct class. They are allowed to use all computers. Please tell them what their homework is.J#17Download, Organize Pics, Pep Rally

Homework:Bring in 5 different types of inspiration from anything of a font, design, picture, angle, color, trend that you like. Due Monday. Don’t Forget.