
9/3 A-9/4 B

English II Honors

J#1-"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day." -Sir Winston Churchill

1)copy quote

2)summarize quote in your own words

3)Give specific examples

*If you don't understand, break a part the quote and explain the parts you understand.

Portfolio Title Page Made today in class: Make sure the following information is in your Portfolio: Your Name, My Name, A-101, English II Honors, Block

For the first journal entry, students will write down the formula above, then respond to the quote following the formula. Make sure you don't number each item in the response, bu.t you include all three steps in your paragraph (or longer) response.

Class discusses and shares journal entries. Teacher reads a model journal response. Students will always follow this format for responding to quotes in their journals.


First reading entry completed today. Students read along with teacher's RA TA TA from The Watson's Go to Birmingham. Teacher modeled how to complete the inference reading strategy in the reading section of the portfolio. An example of the RA TA TA is below. Pay attention to how it is labeled, as you should also label your paper the same way, but with the information from YOUR book.


R#1-Inferences (making predictions or assumptions about the past, present, or future)

Pg 1to Pg 9 Title: The Watson's Go to Birmingham Author: Christopher Paul Curtis

Pg # Quote Inference Extra
2 “Joey” I predict this is Joetta’s nickname. Yes it is
2 “juvenile delinquent” I predict he will get thrown in juvenile detention
3 “we all looked at dad” I infer the mom is giving him a dirty look.
3 “Moses” I predict Moses was a suitor. Yes he was
3 “Hambone” I guess he was a butcher at one point No, he wasn’t, his head is

shaped like a hambone

Group Procedures Reviewed. Remember Class/Group Procedures test this Friday A, Monday B.

Homework: Complete the circles of influence on pg 16 of workbook. In each part of the circle, put two words that describe or remind you of that category. For example, for Friends and Family, if my family is know to gossip on the porch and they are affectionate, I would put in that part of the Circle, "Porch sitters" and "Affectionate". Once completing the circles, come up with a symbol for each category. For example, since my family is know to sit on the porch and gossip, I might use a rocking chair as a symbol for that category.

Mass Media

J#1-Respond: What are some problems that occurred with your research the last class day. What did you find so far?

Class Discussion of journal.

Group Procedures/Rules reviewed with class. Remember test on Classroom/Group Procedures and Rules is Friday (A), Monday (B).

Research Project

Presentations on 9/9 A and 9/10 B
  1. Meet with your group and share information you gathered the last class. Also, plan how you will present, when you will meet to make the poster and PowerPoint, and when you will finish your research outside of class.
  2. Teacher gives a more specific title to research project. New title: History and Evolution of _____________ (Your Media). Now you must show the origins of the media, as well as give an example of the evolution that media has taken since it was created.
  3. As a group, come up with 15 questions that will guide your research. These questions should be things you would want to know about your subject if you were listening to a presentation about it. For example, 1) What year was television invented?
  4. Be sure to answer all questions in your presentation verbally as well as visually. Points will be deducted if you do not answer all of the questions.
  5. Make sure you have a minimum of 4 RELIABLE sources. You may have to toss a source if it isn't reliable.

A#1-Searching the Web

Take notes as the teacher discusses each of the following Internet search tips. Half credit will be given to those who simply copy the tips without taking notes. (only took notes on 1-5 today, 6-10 next class)

  1. Don't waste your time.
  2. Search online versions of print resources. (books, magazines, newspapers)
  3. Use unique terms that will distinguish your document from others
  4. Use +, -, and " " to narrow search
  5. consider spelling variations
  6. search the best sites in depth
  7. If at first you don't succeed, refine your search strategy
  8. Use synonyms to focus your search
  9. Focus on format. Ex: [intitle:television] [inurl:television]
  10. Search the invisible web Ex: Invisible-web.net, Infomine, Complete Planet


J#1- Free Response (Writing for 5 minutes about whatever you want, without stopping, and without talking.)

The following handouts were distributed to place in Yearbook Manual

Yearbook Playbook-workbook, Group Rules/Procedures (Staff Organization section along with Class Procedures and Rules)

Make two title pages for your portfolio. Include My name, Your name, Yearbook, the room location, and the title of the notebook (staff manual or portfolio).

Organize both Manual and Portfolio into sections as specified by the Class Procedures Handout.

Fill out the Staff Questionnaire and turn it into the basket.

Yb Duties sheet is past due. The following duties have been assigned to students who turned the duty sheet in by today. Once you receive your yb duty sheet back with your duty marked, place it inside of your manual, in the staff organization divider.

Shanika-Photo Scheduler, Kendra and Alexis- Motivational Mavens, Sam Epps-Sports Liaison, Kristian-Message checker; Samantha Cope-colophon documentor; Aviance-Index Master; Avery-update GGG poster

Questions allowed for Class Procedures. Class Procedures test taken today.