
9/25 A - 9/26 B

Copy and leave space so you can take notes for each
  1. Spell things out.
  2. Don't refer to people as things.
  3. Don't start sentences with Well, Like, And, Or, Because, But
  4. Don't use words that are are not needed
  5. Don't speak to the reader, unless directed to
  6. Write complete thoughts
  7. Write more and elaborate
  8. Use appropriate transitions to introduce and connect ideas
  9. Avoid slang and writing how you speak
  10. Just say no to run-ons

Take notes while teacher instructs on above 10 items.

R#9-Visualizing Pg ___ to Pg ___

At least 5 visualizations every time.

EA1- I Am From- Poem

  • Typed
  • Must turn in blank CD (to record poem on) or a recording of your poem
  • Attach rubric. A lost rubric=-10; Late=-10 per class

Coming up the next class:

Discuss Solzhenitsyn homework

Edit your REF#1 using the editing marks, then have a peer edit it

Persuasive Essay

Mass Media

What are the differences between broadcast news and print news? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

What I like to read- Class exercise
Journal Check 1-8 (40 points)
Review Parts of the Paper with group and instructor
Parts of the Paper-Quiz
Redo A3; Types of News reviewed. Groups instructed to actually work as groups this time, not just copy each other's wrong answers.
Papers given back. Students organize portfolios.

Radio Project- Next Class
Bring a printed out radio script to class. Make sure its entertaining and it has places to add sound effects.

A4- Rubric for Presentation

Group work- ON a piece of paper, put all group member names. Make a chart which points out the disadvantages and advantages of print news and broadcast news. Keep group paper until the next class.