Copy and leave space so you can take notes for each
- Spell things out.
- Don't refer to people as things.
- Don't start sentences with Well, Like, And, Or, Because, But
- Don't use words that are are not needed
- Don't speak to the reader, unless directed to
- Write complete thoughts
- Write more and elaborate
- Use appropriate transitions to introduce and connect ideas
- Avoid slang and writing how you speak
- Just say no to run-ons
Take notes while teacher instructs on above 10 items.
R#9-Visualizing Pg ___ to Pg ___
At least 5 visualizations every time.
EA1- I Am From- Poem
- Typed
- Must turn in blank CD (to record poem on) or a recording of your poem
- Attach rubric. A lost rubric=-10; Late=-10 per class
Coming up the next class:
Discuss Solzhenitsyn homework
Edit your REF#1 using the editing marks, then have a peer edit it
Persuasive Essay
Mass Media
What are the differences between broadcast news and print news? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?
What I like to read- Class exercise
Journal Check 1-8 (40 points)
Review Parts of the Paper with group and instructor
Parts of the Paper-Quiz
Redo A3; Types of News reviewed. Groups instructed to actually work as groups this time, not just copy each other's wrong answers.
Papers given back. Students organize portfolios.
Radio Project- Next Class
Bring a printed out radio script to class. Make sure its entertaining and it has places to add sound effects.
A4- Rubric for Presentation
Group work- ON a piece of paper, put all group member names. Make a chart which points out the disadvantages and advantages of print news and broadcast news. Keep group paper until the next class.