
9/5 A-9/8B

"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open."

R#2-Inferences (min. of 5)

Portfolio,divider, coversheet check.
P16, homework, checked
Teacher looks at students journals and reading entries to make sure they are completing them correctly.

EA#1-I Am From Poem Rubric distributed to each student. DO NOT LOSE, as it is how you will be graded. If you do lose it, it will cost you 10 points to replace it.

Class listens to George Ella Lyon read her I am From Poem, then using the rubric, labels everything she included in her poem, directly onto poem in book. If not finished in class, must be completed for homework.

Next class: Figurative language and Poetry devices.

Class Procedures/Rules/Group Rules Test next class; cancelled today because of high absences due to storm

Mass Media
J#2- Respond: What is your group's plan for your presentation? When will you meet to finish? What is each person supposed to do to help prepare?

Teacher checks each students portfolio, which was due in class at the beginning of the week. Teacher checks to make sure students completed their journal today.
Teacher conferences with each group about their plan (written in journal) for presenting.

History and Evolution of (Your Topic) is DUE NEXT CLASS. YOU WILL BE PRESENTING. Remember you will be graded based on the rubric given to you in class. Also you must turn in the following on the day of your presentation:
A1-Searching the web (must have notes taken from teacher instruction or doesn't receive full credit)
15 questions, with all group member's names
4 reliable sources- turned in on index cards, or whatever you've chosen to write them on. Must have information specified: Internet: site and date accessed. Book, etc: Title, Author or Editor (if no author), Publishing Company, City Published, Publication Date. Edition # (if Encyclopedia)

You will have only 10 minutes to meet with your group before presentations

Copy/Captions, Photo/Photoshop sections distributed for yb manual

Yearbook duties explained to remaining staff members. Some duties started today.

Yearbook Tallys from surveys computed by each group (See 9/2 lesson for details)

Portfolio/Manual check by Adviser