
1/30 B- 1/31 A English II Honors

J#33- Watching American Idol auditions, grade each contestant on the 6 point scale. Make comments on each of the following: Focus, Organization, Support, Conventions

Group work-student friendly FCAT rubric- each person has their own copy

R#33- CH 2-3 TFA/Achebe Write: see book for marks
In your book mark the following:
F: Anyone's fears, causes of fears, effects of fears
*: references to Okonkwo's compound of culture
C: conflicts that occur externally or internally
I: all imagery (also, identify any figurative language you see. EX: metaphor, simile etc

If you don't have your own book, use post it notes. On post it notes include pg #s and stick them inside of reading entry.


1/28 B- 1/29 A English II Honors

J#32 Look at pg 151 and choose 5 of the most interesting words, in your opinion. Now, write a paragraph using these 5 words.

R#32 TFA/Achebe- CH 1
After marking in your book, do reading log on pg 154- to be checked
In Ch 1 mark:

references to Okonkwo-O
references to Okonkwo's fears, reasons for those fears, or effects of his fears- F

Don't have your own book: use post it notes, make sure pg # is written on post it and stick them in reading entry

After reading CH 1, draw a picture of Okonkwo, put his name at the top, and include a quote from Ch 1 which triggers your drawing of him. Make sure the picture and his name are large enough to see from a distance.

Finish IBO bookmark

Finish presenations

Finish before WED/THURS- Pg 154/R#32-marking
-Drawing as specified
-IBO bookmark


Mass Media 1/24-1/25

Layout Priorities
1- Deadline 3- fix problems
2- Proofs must be in Friday
3- new deadline

2-new deadline

1- all Orange pages are assigned to a photographer
2- all Orange pages have pictures in or pictures coming in
3- if you are a photographer and have spreads assigned to you, you have not only taken all of the pictures, you have also followed the spread checklist in regards to what to do with those pictures. Deadline 1/25

1/24 B-1/25 B

J#31 Look at the cover of Things Fall Apart and predict what the novel will be about. Elaborate.

R#31- Pre-reading TFA

5 minutes review with group presentation information


Start Ibo bookmarks- using pg 150 to document pronunciations of names and the glossary to record important words on both sides.

Listen to CD version of book while making bookmarks and practice pronouncing Ibo words.


1/22 B-1/23 A Eng II Honors

J#30- Write down the names of everyone in your group and what each of you brought in for your research topic. If they brought nothing, write that. If they were absent for the assignment write that. If they are absent today, and didn't deliver the research, write that.

R#30- Pre-reading "Things Fall Apart"

Half of class period- prepare for presentation by
1) reading over materials brought by group- or provided by Ms. Batten
2) planning an effective way of presenting the information to the class besides simply reading it out loud. Everyone in the group must speak at least once.


Students will take notes during presentations on pg 149 of their workbook

Extra credit will be given for any Reading FCAT exercises turned in showing practice


Mass Media 1/21-1/25

Louvennia/Tiffany- review their layout pet peeves with class. All reporters sign and turn into basket for grade.

Class takes notes on next deadline and Ad information. Due to in basket for grade. Make sure you right your specific deadline information on notes before turning them in.

$500 Ad grade going on this 3rd grading term-
1/4, 1/2, full page ads always available for sell until March. You must get the payment and artwork when you sell the ad for credit.

Also remember that your ads won't count towards your grade unless you have their artwork in for seniors and their artwork and payment in for businesses.

Layout Test coming soon- You will be tested on all of the things you should already know such as:

Main headlines-48 pt Official Tyrant- apply effects to text only and colors according to the section

Captions- all in 10 pt Genesis- you can never change the size to a smaller or larger one-you can change the type of caption if you need more room

sidebar/alternative copy- 12 pt Genesis(except for underclass section- quotes are in 10 pt to fit)

Lead Ins- In 90 percent color of section. Title just as you would a book. EX: Things Fall Apart, Line Up, In Perfect Rhythm, In the Mood. Ideally, should be separate from caption

Photo Bys: 6 pt Genesis- bottom right hand of picture- name only- should hug picture

Colors for in-red, up-blue, green-out - codes are posted

Sidebar headline- must contain section title, must be in correct color, and must have effects applied to text only. It is in 24 pt.

Dominant picture- apply effect- object only.

Any solid object, apply effects of that section as long as it doesn't distort the writing on that object.

Cannot bleed objects over gutter such as faces in dominant pictures, captions, or move lines.

Use the percentages given to you on the handout templates labeled for each section. For example, the big curved bar will be at 60 percent on whatever section, in whatever color, always. The colored caption boxes will be at 20 percent on all spreads always. The dominant pictures without a caption box, should have a caption box added on top of the dominant in an obscure location in transparency, paper, 40 percent, no stroke.

Strokes should be removed from all items which don't require one. This is almost anything you have a stroke on.h

Move line at bottom- 12 pt Genesis, cannot bleed over gutter. When you use the surveys, be careful to spell things correctly, especially the names. Make sure you put Used on the surveys and return them to Megan.

Main headline- must- relate to dominant picture. It doesn't have to have the section name in it (ex:in, out). The sidebar headline does have to have the section name- and its already been decided for you. Ask me if you don't know what yours is. (ex: Whats In)

Whenever you take information from your reporter, you should always verify that they have their reporter checklist completely filled out beforehand, and that they've had Andrew- the copy editor sign the checklist giving them approval.

Reporters information should be typed when it comes to you, and ideally you should have them save it directly into your page file. This way you can copy and paste the information and you'll never lose it.

There is a spell check in InDesign and you MUST USE IT.

Reporters- Test coming soon-
You need to know things like
ALL Captions have Lead Ins. They are caption titles and are separate from the caption themselves. Line Up is an example of a Lead In.
Captions (separate from their Lead Ins) CANNOT start with names, titles, or group references. You must use one of the many ways given to you for how to start a caption.

You have to pay attention and sincerely fill out your spread checklist, as it determines whether you do what you need to for your final grade. Things like check the electronic alpha list- are on that checklist. If you haven't been doing this, points have been coming off your grade.

Copy, the story that goes with many spreads, is in the past tense. You won't say things like. The girl's basketball team is doing great this season, because that would be an opinion and its in the present tense. If you have a problem doing this see Andrew or Ms. Batten.

You must feature quotes from at least 2 adults, and 3 students from different backgrounds in your copy. Its not just something we made up on your observation sheet, there is a reason. Those quotes should go in your copy. Your copy should always be long enough to allow the layout person plenty of copy to fill up their spread.

Don't interview your friends, people that will be all over the yearbook, and siblings or friends of people you know. That isn't being a reporter its being a jerk.

Don't ever say: When asked why.... just put the persons quote and then use an exclamatory phrase. Remember said is dead, try using other things. Also don't start with the exclamatory phrase.
EX: Don't: Cindy Lauper exclaimed, "I like to sing."
Instead: "I like to sing, " Cindy Lauper exclaimed. "I also enjoy dancing and playing the piano."

Identification captions: The name of individuals featured up to five, sometimes includes grade level and titles. The only caption which doesn't require a Lead In.

Basic Captions- In present tense only and describe action only.

Expanded: Basic caption (present tense)+extra information in past tense. Must include quote and go beyond the picture

YOU MUST HAVE Andrew check your copy before you give it to your Layout person in the spread envelope.

Always keep your signed interviews, and information related to the spread in the copy envelope for spread or in your own folder. You will probably need it one day.

All students up to five must be identified by first and last name in pictures. If there are five or more students in the picture, then you can refer to them as a group. So, if you have a picture of students in class, and you only put the names of the two students in the center of the picture, but not the kid sitting behind him visibly, then you've messed up, majorly.
-Review the way you should start your copy/story- Getting the Story Straight handout
-Review the things you should leave out of copy- Getting the Story Straight handout

Proof Correction- A lot of you will be given proofs for corrections. It is vital that you do not lose the proof page, and that you protect it. Don't go around showing it to everyone. Get your proof corrections in immediately so that they don't publish those pages with those mistakes.

New Deadlines Given
Photo 1/25
Layout Prints pictures by 1/29
Reporters all work in by 2/6
Layout- completed by 2/10
Editors-must be edited by 2/11

Clerical- Id pictures/names. Verify all students in underclass section are underclass, not graduates. Verify that all underclassmen in the correct grade according to alpha list. Verify the spelling of all underclass names.

Begin YB sale advertising

Kiarra-Begin working on DVD pictures. See Ms. Batten



1/16 B-1/17 A Eng II Hon

J#29- "Proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten."
1)Predict possible meanings of this proverb
2)With group, define the word proverb and write in journal
3)With group, think of 3 examples of proverbs from your culture

Proverbs group work
1)Try to put the proverbs together in the correct order (9 proverbs)
2)Write out your 9 proverbs with explanations on workbook pg provided
3)Choose 1 proverb to illustrate. Make the picture large enough so people can see it, and write the proverb on the drawing.

Group Research
1)with your topic, first formulate 10 questions that will focus your research and make it more effective
2)Each person in group is responsible for bringing information from a different source EX: books, periodicals, documentary, encyclopedias, Internet resources
3) Teach your subject to the class in a creative way.


1/14 B-1/15 A Eng II Honors

First 10 minutes- Study for exam

Midterm Exam

Model Papers given of 1, 3, 5 of Bend it Like Beckham paper and discussed. Outline template, model outline, and rubric given. Paper thoroughly explained.

Due 1/22 B Day
Due 1/23 A Day

E5-Anlyzing a Conflict in Bend it Like Beckham
-Final Paper Typed
-Rough Draft with proofreading marks-ALL OVER
-Outline- follow format

Mass Media 1/14-1/17

Deadline not met- Continue to work

Remember artwork/payment for business ads due 1/22 for guaranteed placement. All artwork for seniors in by 1/22 for guaranteed placement.

Make sure you turn in the notes you took on what you need to know after the deadline.
EX: All captions have lead ins.


1/10 B-1/11 A English II Honors

J#28 How do you think the film will end?

R#28- Viewing BIB

Turn in A50 Mothers and Daughters poem

Bring in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe by the end of next week for 50 extra credit points.
Complete pg 110 in wkbk
Discussion film
Review handouts, study guide for Midterm Exam.
Jan 14th B day
Jan 15th A day


1/8 B-1/9 A English II Honors

Reviewed Part 2 BIB-Discussion

reviewed Found poem and assignment

Watched part 3-take notes on pg 108; Then did pg 109- completely

J#27 Name 2 main conflicts in the film, their causes, and how you predict they might be resolved.

R#27- write Watching Bend it Like Beckham


12/7-12/11 Mass Media

Yearbook Deadline- Don't be ABSENT

12/7-Layout must print out pictures (Any problems with photos, write it on envelope)

12/8-12/9-Reporters work due for deadline

12/10-12/11- Layout work due for deadline

12/11-editor edits all spreads and sends them to plant.

Make sure you fill out the spread checklists.

Remember all captions have lead ins, you must write copy for all spreads except underclass. Sidebar information must be fully researched. Stop interviewing, taking pictures of, or choosing pictures of yourself, your friends, your siblings, or your friend's siblings.

1/4 B- 1/7 A Eng II Honors

J#26- What does it mean to Bend it Like Beckham? If you don't know, predict what it means.

Think-pair-share with group

R#26- Write-Watching segment 2 Bend it Like Beckham-ends right after they return from Germany

Watch segment 2 while taking detailed notes on pg 105. Read found poem on pg 107
do pg 106 part 1-3 (read handout on Found poems for help)
Finish for homework if you don't finish in class.

1/2 B- 1/3 A Eng II Honors

J#25 Would you ever agree to be placed in an arranged marriage? Why or Why not?

View segment 1- Bend it Like Beckham- to dress fitting

While watching, students are to take detailed notes on pg 100.

After watching, class discusses segment.

Students think-pair-share journal entries about arranged marriages and do the top part of pg 101 together.

Class reads pg 102-104 together and as they read it they will mark all of the positive things about arranged marriages with a plus and all of the negative things about arranged marriages with a minus.

Students must fill out the rest of pg 101 with the remaining class time or for homework if they don't finish in class.

12/13 B- 12/14 A Eng II Honors

Take notes on pg 99 of the theatrical and cultural elements in the film clips shown
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Chocolat

Class reviews detailed note taking and theatrical/literary elements. Bend it Like Beckham after Winter Break.


1/2-1/17 Yearbook

Work on Deadline 3- Assignments Given

Photo Deadline-All photos organized, flipped and moved over by 1/4
Reported Deadline- All work in by 1/9
Layout Deadline-All work done by 1/11
Editor- All edited by 1/11

Do not miss 1/7-1/11- Deadline Week. Minimum letter grade deduction for absences during deadlines.

$500 Ad Deadline due 1/22. If you haven't been able to sell ads, you must bring in the assignment contact information that shows you've tried to sell Ads.

PLEASE make sure all Ad artwork and payment is in for Business Ads by 1/22. All senior artwork must be in by 1/22 as well. If this artwork/payment isn't in, you do not receive credit for the ads until its in.

Faculty Adoption- Due 1/11 Write down what you did for your faculty member and turn it into the basket for credit.

Proof corrections
Brittany Lester, Antwan- alpha check, documentation of pages for each person featured
Meghan-Move Line-check
Andrew-All copy
Nicole-Layout elements
Brandi-technical congruency

1/2B-1/3A Mass Media

Deadline 3- 12/7-12/11- DON'T BE ABSENT- Remember minimum punishment for missing a day during a deadline is 1 letter grade deducted from final semester grade. If we have to do your work for you, you will receive a zero.

Ad Deadline- Artwork must be in by January 11th for guaranteed placement. Seniors don't have to pay yet, but we do have to have their artwork. We may still have room after January 11th, but we cannot guarantee it at this time. Your $500 should be in by this date, however, if we still have room in the yearbook you will have some more time to fulfill this deadline.

Tshirts- if ordering a faculty shirt, get it in by January 4th along with your money. Remember you are graded on doing something for your faculty member. You don't have to buy them anything, you can simply do something for them. If you do this, write what you did on a piece of paper and turn it in to the basket. If you've missed months and need to makeup a month, do something extra for them and I'll give you credit. Make sure you document it and turn it in.

Take Notes for grade on this deadline, what you need to know, the process a spread must go through, each groups individual deadlines, etc. Turn in the same day for a grade.

Put together copy envelopes with spread materials for deadline 1 and 2. Even though I said it a million times, some of you never filled out or even looked at the spread checklist.

Envelopes must contain the following for me to check them. All spread materials ever associated with this assignment stapled together with the most recent spread computer printout on top placed inside envelope. Spread checklist separated from all other materials by itself (stapled together 1-6) filled out completely by all students working on spread and also placed inside of envelope.

Layout- if you had do work for reporters that didn't do it, or never showed up, put what you had to do on the outside of your envelope.

Turn all envelopes in the basket. Make sure they are put together the way I've specified or I won't grade them.

Clerical- Deposit money- write receipts. Finish getting senior signatures for those whom had no picture taken.
******Finish underclass list of all students not photographed and take to Mrs. Peters. We need their pictures.
Brainstorm new yb sale launching and ending date. Straighten papers. Collect money and orders for tshirts.

Spell check all of deadline 1 and 2 with faculty alpha list then student alpha.

Reporters- if you find any mistakes with deadlines 1 and 2, write them down for your layout person to fix on proofs. Layout, you cannot fix the mistakes until the proof documents come back.