
1/28 B- 1/29 A English II Honors

J#32 Look at pg 151 and choose 5 of the most interesting words, in your opinion. Now, write a paragraph using these 5 words.

R#32 TFA/Achebe- CH 1
After marking in your book, do reading log on pg 154- to be checked
In Ch 1 mark:

references to Okonkwo-O
references to Okonkwo's fears, reasons for those fears, or effects of his fears- F

Don't have your own book: use post it notes, make sure pg # is written on post it and stick them in reading entry

After reading CH 1, draw a picture of Okonkwo, put his name at the top, and include a quote from Ch 1 which triggers your drawing of him. Make sure the picture and his name are large enough to see from a distance.

Finish IBO bookmark

Finish presenations

Finish before WED/THURS- Pg 154/R#32-marking
-Drawing as specified
-IBO bookmark