
1/30 B- 1/31 A English II Honors

J#33- Watching American Idol auditions, grade each contestant on the 6 point scale. Make comments on each of the following: Focus, Organization, Support, Conventions

Group work-student friendly FCAT rubric- each person has their own copy

R#33- CH 2-3 TFA/Achebe Write: see book for marks
In your book mark the following:
F: Anyone's fears, causes of fears, effects of fears
*: references to Okonkwo's compound of culture
C: conflicts that occur externally or internally
I: all imagery (also, identify any figurative language you see. EX: metaphor, simile etc

If you don't have your own book, use post it notes. On post it notes include pg #s and stick them inside of reading entry.