
3/19 English III

Read 20 min R17-R18 visualizing
Pgs 111-130 Owen Meany

Copy Exit 11: “Mirror” (7 pt)
  1. Name 1 pattern of diction in Mirror. Why do you think this pattern was used?
  2. What is the mood/tone of this poem? Label both
  3. Who is the speaker? (don’t put author’s name)
  4. What is the theme? Must be 1 sentence.
       Bonus: What is ironic in this poem?

Add to R16 Figurative Device Cnotes: pattern, diction, mood, tone, and speaker. Take notes on the right, leave the left side of your notes blank until later in class.

Diction: author’s word choice. These are words chosen on purpose by the author for a specific purpose. For example, in MORD, Poe used fatal to describe the disease when he could have used a less severe word. To describe the castle he said “the wall girdled it in”
Pattern: When there are words that have a relationship or similarity to one another. For example in The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel, there are words that reflect light: halo, street lamp, neon, naked light, neon god  there are also patterns of religions/spiritual words:vision, god, prophet.
Mood: The way the reader is supposed to feel in a story. Mood will most likely shift throughout the story, and typically can be associated with the main character’s feelings. For example, in MORD the mood is whimsical, secure, confident, uncomfortable, uneasy, horrified, frantic
Tone: The way the author feels about the what they’ve written about. It is not the same as mood. For example, Poe’s tone in MORD was skeptical, cynical, harsh.
An example of why tone and mood aren’t the same would be in shows such as Southpark or the Simpsons. The mood in each episode alters, but will always be humorous. The tone on the other hand isn’t humorous, but is sarcastic, mocking
Speaker: The person/object speaking in piece. It is NOT the author. If a name isn’t given, you would describe the speaker. In MORD, the speaker is an objective narrator.

3/21 Reading Mirror explanation, Exit 11. Deadline Grading term 3, all late work

Some students testing.
“Mirror” by Sylvia Plath discussed with class.

Discussion notes:
There are patterns of positive, negative, water, and religion/spiritual, relationship
The mirror or a reflection is telling the story about themselves.
The tone seems direct, meditative, harsh, bitter, while the mood is confident, loving, insecure, and fearful
The theme might be not to get caught up in superficial things, Age/Looks don’t define beauty. There are more important things in life besides looks.


3/15 English III

Silent Reading-20 minutes. Work on R17-R18 visualizing-Due 4/4-80%

Turn in words M & M 43-52 (10 words). Make sure they are labelled and in order before submitting.

Take out R16-Figurative Language notes to add to them


On left                                                                             On Right

Take Symbolism Notes                                             2 Symbols in MORD and why they are symbols

For the note portion:
Symbolism: using objects, items, characters or elements to represent something larger than themselves.

How to spot Symbols in the text
-unusual placement or name
-words that don't go together or seem they don't belong
-patterns in diction
-long descriptions
-shifts/changes in the poem

On left                                                                     On right
Take Diction Notes,                                        List 2 patterns of diction in MORD and
Patterns in Diction,                                          explain why the pattern was used
what diction reveals/importance

For the note portion: Diction is the word choice used by the author for a deeper purpose. When you are looking for diction, you are looking for words that author used that others may not have.

For example: shack and cabin have the same meaning, they are both small living corridors. But if I was an author and was writing a scary story, if I could only choose between those two words, I would use shack. If I was an author and was writing about a vacation home, and could only choose between those two words, I would choose cabin. Shack has a negative feeling or connotation, whereas cabin has a warm, comfortable feeling to it.

Patterns in diction: A pattern is when words used throughout the story or poem have a relation to one another or they are similar. It isn't when the same word is repeated, rather its when words are repeated that have some type of association.

For example: In Masque of the Red Death, there is a pattern of red. Red, Scarlet, blood, bleeding, etc. It carries throughout the story. The reason Poe may have used words that all are associated with red in a negative manner, might be to keep the Gothic mood alive and to keep the reader feeling uneasy. He also has patterns of light in parts of the story and a pattern of negativity associated with dreams. On pg 55 of your story, the first paragraph has many words that are light sources or describe light, such as light, candelabrum, braziers, firelight, etc. This is obviously a pattern. Perhaps they represent the glimmer of hope in the castle, perhaps they symbolize the remaining life or fading life in the castle. But there is obviously a reason he used this pattern. Dream has negative words associated with it on pg 56, line 98, such as stalked, writhed, stiff-frozen. If you ask yourself why are they referring to dreams in a negative way, you might stumble upon a deeper meaning. Perhaps dreams are painful, haunt the masqueraders and are stuck because they are stuck and can't really live out their dreams. A dream of future longings might become painful and scary if you were never going to be able to pursue that dream.


On the left                                                    On the right
Take allusion notes                                          List 1 allusion used in MORD
                                                                       and explain why it was used/
                                                                       how it contributes to the story
                                                                       You can use the internet for this.

For note portion: An allusion is a reference to something well known. Allusions are used by authors to save time, to give the reader something to immediately connect with and for them to get immediate background information, without the author having to take time out to explain

4th: Watched The Following, The Raven Clip

Next class: mood, tone, speaker notes. Analysis of "Mirror" by Sylvia Plath, Exit 11.

3/13 English III

Before reading, the class receives the visualizing problems and fixes worksheet. Everyone reviews, what students have been doing incorrectly with visualizing and how to fix it. Also class reviews many ways to use extra for the visualizing strategy. Refer to this worksheet to help you be more descriptive and use extra in a purposeful way. Also make sure you are using the correct sense, for example if you said " I see them talking in an angry way" you aren't using the right sense. If they are mostly describing the way they sound, that would be I hear, if they are mostly talking about their anger, that would be I feel.

Students given 25 minutes to read to finish an older reading entry, past due, or work on the new one.
R17-R18-visualizing- due 4/4-80%

52. gradient
Prefix: x             Root: grad: to walk, step, degree, move          Suffix: ent/ant: forms nouns & adj

gradient: inclined surface,degree of inclination, rate of ascent and descent

Model: The gradient leading to my grandmother's house was steep and intimidating.
You Do: Your own sentence using context clues.

This is the last word of the set. Class reviews each word for quiz today during 6th block. Remember anything over an 80% is extra credit.

Remember to fix and resubmit Exit 9 (80%), which was reviewed and discussed the last class

Turn in the following wkshts if you haven't yet: R16: Irony, Allusion handouts
Finish: R16 Irony/Allusion-Pop Quiz-80%

4th Started Symbolism notes. See next blog for notes.
5th watch The Following clip-allusion to The Raven by Poe


3/11 English III

Start with 20 to 30 minutes of silent work time
Finish R14-R15-visualizing if not done (can submit today) OR finish 2 worksheets given to you the last class (Irony, Allusion)

51. sustenance n.

Prefix: sus/sub: up from below     root: tenenre: to hold    suffix: ance: forms nouns

Model: Students must provide sustenance to their schooling by going to school, listening carefully, submitting work on time and monitoring their grades.

Do your own sentence using context clues

definition: Maintenance of life, providing nourishment, livelihood.

Quick check R16-Cnotes. Ms. Batten walks around to make sure all students have completed the plot, theme and irony notes as directed. If they haven't, she instructs them on what to fix or add. Any suggestions she makes will be looked for when she grades the cnotes. Do not submit them yet. We still have more terms to take notes on.

Exit 10 is past due. If you didn't submit exit 10 the last class, do so today.

Exit 9 is returned to class to fix. Universally a lot of students didn't answer the questions appropriately. See red notes below for how to fix exit 9. Submit fixes by 3/13. Time given in class to fix Exit 9 and resubmit.
Copy Exit 9-MORD (Masque of the Red Death)-16 pts. Due at end of reading, not this class.
1. What was Poe's purpose for writing M.O.R.D.? (2 pts) must be a complete sentence Make sure you included the purpose, its a complete thought and its why you think Poe wrote it. Do not just put to inform you, tell a story about, persuade you about the red death. He clearly didn't just write this to talk about a disease, so take it a step further.
2. Name 3 Gothic Elements present in this story. (Be specific) (3) must name specific story elements
Make sure you put how your elements are Gothic. For example, if I was giving you a Gothic Element of Dexter I might say. Psychotic killer: Dexter Morgan is a serial killer who kills other criminals. He is clearly insane. Some of you put elements that weren't Gothic, so explain how they are to me.
3. Name 2 symbols and what they might represent. (4) Make sure you think on symbolic level Some of you didn't think symbolically. So if you put a clock represents time, that's literal, not symbolic. If you put blood represents death or pain, again that is not symbolic, its literal. Also, make sure you put a word down for the symbol, not a phrase. So if you were telling me what the light post represents in Their Eyes Were Watching God, you wouldn't say, it represents the shining of the good things to come for the village, you would simply say, enlightenment.
4. Explain the significance of the 7 rooms. Be sure to mention each room in your response. (7) You must
    mention each room and its significance in your response  Make sure you actually give a significance first, then when describing the rooms, make sure they support that theory. For example if you said you thought the importance of the rooms was that they represent the 7 deadly sins, they for each color room, you must prove how that room is a deadly sin. Likewise, if you say, the rooms represent the stages of life, then each room should represent a stage of life. If you put royalty for purple, that wouldn't support either of the above theories.

Students reminded not to copy each others work. Exit slips and reading entries should never be copied or even given to someone to look at. Students have been copying exit slip answers and reading entries, and its obvious they have been. If you let someone else copy your work, you will not get credit for it. Is it worth it?

Irony and Allusion wkshts reviewed. Submit worksheets for full credit today.

Pop Assessment-Irony and Allusions given-80% 30 pts
Students start assessment this class, and will finish the next class

Remember to submit your group reading entry fixes for visualizing if you haven't yet. Remember this was a visualizing entry done on pages 80 to 90 in which you and your group were supposed to fix the strategy and extra. Some of you never submitted this, and others submitted, but needed to make corrections and resubmit.

3/7 English III

50. equivocal-adj   allowing possibility of several different meaning, often to deceive, deliberately.

Prefix: equi: equal    Root: voc: voice, speak, word      Suffix: al: forms nouns, adj

Model: Some students use M&M words in an equivocal manner, deliberately to avoid the extra step of providing context clues.

YOU DO: Your own sentence using context clues.

-Copy words 49 and 50 and write sentences for both
4th only
CNotes- listen to directions for setup. If absent go to battensclasses.blogspot.com
Theme, Irony (If absent, look back at last couple of blogs for notes)
4th/5th Discuss as a class the climax for MORD and the irony. Submit Exit 10. Do not copy others. This is an 80% assessment. It should be in your words, reflect your learning.

Independent Reading-R14-R15 Visualizing Due today. 15-20 minutes for 4th block, 30-40 minutes 5th block, dependent on time. Submit R14-R15 today to Mrs. Ricks.

Worksheets-Complete in class or do for homework: Allusion 1-8 (A and B), Irony 1-6 (Type and Explanation)-Due by 3/11/next class. Both of these worksheets have questions that will be on the Pop Assessment 80% the next class

Fix group work on visualizing problems if handed back by Mrs. Ricks and submit to basket by next class. If absent last class for this, see battensclasses.blogspot.com and fix the entry on your own.


3/5 English III

Silent Reading-R14-R15-APOM visualizing due 3/7

Each group was asked to fix the following reading entry. If absent, copy the entry below, but instead of writing the red/incorrect parts, fix the strategy and extra column. Make sure you are descriptive, you use the appropriate sense, and you are using extra in a way that is helpful to you and requires a deeper level of thinking. The errors made might be that the student may have used the wrong sense, may not have been descriptive at all, may have misread or didn't read at all or didn't use extra in a way that really helped.

Pg    / Quote                     /  Visualizing                     /Extra
83 / "forest green..           I see a car                         I smell the fish

83/ "crying all night"       He is sad                           He looks awful

85/ "I was so outraged"   I'm angry                          The dog may eat the 


88/ "brick houses white"  Maybe its snowing          Why is it cold? 
                                           on the houses

89/ "given in to anger,     I hear him talking              nuclear missiles

In these 10 pages I just read about Johnny giving the armadillo to Owen, he and Dan dealing with the loss of Tabitha, his days in Canada, his dislike of Reagan, and the Vietnam war. 

Each group submitted their fixed reading entry and presented 1 item from the chart to the class. If absent, be prepared to explain your fixed entry. Class discussed in detail what was wrong with entry. Handouts discussing problems and fixes will be distributed the next class. 

Mrs. Ricks will be here on Thursday. 4th block will be catching up on missing notes and submitting R14-15. They will have handouts for homework. 5th block will be given extra time to read for R14-R15 and have activities to complete in class, based on the notes


3/1 English III

Start with silent reading-4th  End with silent reading 5th. Students read A Prayer for Owen Meany for 20 minutes, working on visualizing. Ms. Batten checks each students R14-15 log for visualizing/pg 91-110 if they have it in class, to make sure they understand the strategy. R14-R15 due 3/-80%

49. juxtapose (v).

Prefix: Juxta: next to     Root: pose: placement, position

Model: In a perfect classroom setting, teachers would juxtapose disruptive students next to well behaved ones, to avoid chaos.

Write your own sentence using context clues. 

Take out R16 Figurative Language/Sound Device Cnotes-5th, Setup R16 Cnotes 4th (see last blog entry for setup).

4th-Take notes on Plot (see last blog entry for notes and assignment). Groups complete a plot diagram, then record the plot on their paper.

5th-Add Theme and Irony notes. See below: 

On left side:                                                            On right side
Put 5 steps for detecting theme                        Take notes on theme and the different 
                                                                            types of theme. 
                                                                            Also go through the steps for MORD

Step 1                                                                  Step 1 for MORD

Step 2                                                                  Step 2 for MORD

Step 3                                                                  Step 3 for MORD

Step 4                                                                  Step 4 for MORD

Step 5                                                                  Step 5 for MORD

Theme notes:

       The message the author is trying to send the reader. Atruth about life.
       the central moral or life lesson that the character(s) and/or reader learns.
       The theme is a sentence; it is NOT a word!!!
       Example: “You can’t always get what you want.”
       A stated theme is expressed directly by the author.
       Example: Title of article: “The Trouble with Television”. Theme: “There are problems with television.”
        An implied theme is suggested, or state indirectly through what happens to the characters.
       Example: The Masque of the Red Death theme
        A universal theme is a message about life that is expressed regularly in many different cultures and time periods.
       Example: “Love always conquers evil.” 
Universal theme can be stated or implied, but a stated or implied theme isn't always universal.

       Step 1: Identify the major characters
       Step 2: Identify the character(s) beginning situation
       What is the character(s) thinking or doing at the beginning of the story?
       Step 3: Identify the character(s) end situation
       What is the character(s) thinking or doing at the end of the story?
       Step 4: Ask yourselves what the character(s) learn throughout the story
       Step 5: State theme in a sentence

Irony notes:  Take notes on irony on either side of cnotes.

On left side put answers to questions                      On right side put the irony
1-3 from the power-point.                                      you find in MORD.

§   the use of words to express a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
§   OR when what ACTUALLY happens is the opposite of what is EXPECTED to happen. 

Situational Irony: Something happens that is the opposite of what the audience expects
§   Ex: A firehouse burns down.
§   At the end of a love story, the couple breaks up and never sees one another again.
§   The criminal triumphs over the superhero.
Verbal Irony: A person/character says one thing, but means another.  Or, when the words make you imagine something, but that isn’t the case.
§   AKA: Sarcasm, but its not always sarcasm.
§   Ex: “You are in a good mood today” to someone who is being rude.
§   Nicknaming a huge, seven-foot tall football player “Tiny”
§   You eat a huge meal and then go straight to the kitchen to get a bag of chips for a snack and your mom says, “I can see you weren’t hungry tonight.”
§   When a teacher says that a test has been canceled, and her students say, “Oh, no; too bad! We couldn’t wait to take it!”
Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows something that a character does not
§   Ex: In Romeo and Juliet, we know Juliet took a pill which makes her sleep, but Romeo doesn’t know that. 
§                                      In a scary movie when there is a killer on the loose and you know that the teenagers should NOT go walking in the woods late at 
                           night, but THEY think it is a good idea. Needless to say, the teens become the next victims.
§   You receive a note that says you should immediately go to the Principal’s Office.  When you get there, rather than receiving detention, the Principal gives you an award. Which irony is this?
§   Your Uncle Sam asks you to clean your room, and you say “Gee thanks Uncle Sam, cleaning my room is my favorite thing in the world.”  Deep down, you really hate cleaning your room. Which irony is this?
§   In the movie Titanic the characters board the state of the art vessel with enthusiasm, because they were the first to board this “unsinkable ship” and would be able to relax, dine and enjoy themselves without having to worry about safety, such as lifeboats.  Which irony is this?
Write the type of irony found in each example on the left side of your Cnotes. Also explain why it’s this type of irony.
1. Michael Phelps, a 16-time Olympic gold medalist, drowns.
        2. Your sister’s boyfriend shows up in ripped up jeans and a stained t-shirt. You say, "Oh! I see you dressed up for your date. You must be 
            taking her to a fancy restaurant.” 
            3. Throughout Poe’s Pit and the Pendulum, the Prisoner was condemned to death and endured many tortures. In the end he was saved 
            from death out of nowhere by the French.