
3/13 English III

Before reading, the class receives the visualizing problems and fixes worksheet. Everyone reviews, what students have been doing incorrectly with visualizing and how to fix it. Also class reviews many ways to use extra for the visualizing strategy. Refer to this worksheet to help you be more descriptive and use extra in a purposeful way. Also make sure you are using the correct sense, for example if you said " I see them talking in an angry way" you aren't using the right sense. If they are mostly describing the way they sound, that would be I hear, if they are mostly talking about their anger, that would be I feel.

Students given 25 minutes to read to finish an older reading entry, past due, or work on the new one.
R17-R18-visualizing- due 4/4-80%

52. gradient
Prefix: x             Root: grad: to walk, step, degree, move          Suffix: ent/ant: forms nouns & adj

gradient: inclined surface,degree of inclination, rate of ascent and descent

Model: The gradient leading to my grandmother's house was steep and intimidating.
You Do: Your own sentence using context clues.

This is the last word of the set. Class reviews each word for quiz today during 6th block. Remember anything over an 80% is extra credit.

Remember to fix and resubmit Exit 9 (80%), which was reviewed and discussed the last class

Turn in the following wkshts if you haven't yet: R16: Irony, Allusion handouts
Finish: R16 Irony/Allusion-Pop Quiz-80%

4th Started Symbolism notes. See next blog for notes.
5th watch The Following clip-allusion to The Raven by Poe