
2/27 English III

Silent reading 20 minutes- MORD- R14-R15-visualizing

4th-Ra Ta Ta pg 83-91. If absent for Ra Ta Ta, show Ms. Batten an excuse for being absent. She can excuse the Ra Ta Ta until the next one you do, and then replace the grade.


Prefix: re: again                Root: stit: to set, place           Suffix: tion: noun, verbs

Some feel women still haven't received restitution comparable to men.

restitution: compensation, payment typically for a loss or suffering
Write your own sentence using this word in context.

48. perfidious n.

Prefix: per: through           Root: fid: to split, faith         Suffix: ous: adj

It upsets teachers when perfidious students don't just do their own work, rather than copy from others.

perfidious: deceptive, dishonest, disloyal

Turn in MORD packet today (20%) with markings and Exit 9 (80%)

Copy Exit 10: MORD Plot, Theme, Irony 80% (Batten reviews what she expects when answering with 4th block. She will do this with 5th block on 3/1
1. What is the climax of MORD? (2)
2)Explain the difference between stated, implied and universal theme. Be sure to use contrast transitions. (4)
3)What is the theme of MORD? (2)
4)Define irony in your own words and give an example from MORD. (2)

5th-progress reports

5th block only-setup Cnotes for R16
R16-Figurative Language/Sound Device Cntes
EQ: How does an author's use of figurative language and sound devices help engage the reader? (remember to record the EQ and leave room to answer in 3 to 4 sentences for full credit)

Ms. Batten walks students through setting up Cnotes. Each section is different.

For Plot

On the left-Put A-E down the paper and                                           On the right, take notes,
leave room for labels/definitions                                                       and leave room to write
                                                                                                            the plot diagram for MORD

A Exposition                                                                                                  A in MORD 

B Rising Action                                                                                              B in MORD

C Climax                                                                                                       C in MORD

D  Falling Action                                                                                            D in MORD

E  Resolution                                                                                                  E in MORD

Students take notes on plot.

Plot diagram  Use the plot diagram to take notes on the left side of your cnotes, and to help you map out the plot of Masque of the Red Death. Make sure once you've finalized the plot, you add the plot parts to the right side of your Cnotes. Turn in the plot diagram (was group work in class).

Theme: setup only

On left put #s for the steps for                                                         On right leave room for notes and
detecting theme                                                                               Complete the theme steps for MORD

Ms. Batten checks to make sure everyone added plot cnotes and setup for Theme Cnotes appropriately.


2/25 English III

 M & M 46: destitute:adj, verb
Prefix: de: from, away from, out of     Root: stit: to place, make firm   suffix:tut: makes adj, verb

Model verb use: Some students destitute their grade by not going to class, not doing their work or listening to lectures.

Model adj use:
The orphan was destitute and didn't have a stitch of clothing, any food or a place to live.

definition: adj: deprived of, lacking food, shelter, clothing, V: to leave deprived

You write your own sentence, using the word either as a very or adj. 

M & M 47: restitution

Prefix: re: again    Root: stit: to place, set       Suffix: tion: noun, verb

Model: Some feel women still haven't received restitution comparable to men.

payment or compensation typically for loss, damage or injury, the restoring of property or rights previously taken away

Ra Ta Ta-Ms.Batten teaches visualizing strategy. Students do not have to take notes unless needed.

Class reads with Ms. Batten pgs 80-82 APOM

Page              Quote                                                Visualizing                                   Extra
Pg 80          "further disorientation"             I feel myself waking up in a confused,        his mom just died and
                                                                 dreary state                                               he is used to Dan's

80             "lowest gear..carry granite"       I hear the truck whine and grind.                 Why would Owen's
                                                                                                                                   dad be delivering
                                                                                                                                   gravestones now?

80             "indignation"                           I feel furious about their in compassion          It's poor taste. Her
                                                                                                                                   daughter just died.

80            "several large cartons"            I see tiny Owen struggling with large cartons  

81           "that little guy"                         I'm disgusted that she is so uncaring              She is old enough
                                                                                                                                 to know better.

80-90  Johnny describes the trauma experienced after his mother death and how Owen attempts to apologize for her death.

Key words to use: I see, I hear, I smell, I taste, I feel
Use extra: by commenting, using another strategy on the same quote, using a different visualization on the same quote

R14-R15 Visualizing Due 3/7-80%

MORD Exit 9 review-Due Today-80%
Class reviews the 3 main purposes and how MORD is to tell a story or entertain, but for full credit for question 1, students must tell me what he was telling the story about or how he was trying to entertain his audience. For 2, the class discusses specific Gothic elements in MORD. Class is told not to just list Gothic elements in any story, but specifically what is Gothic in this story. For 3, the class discusses many potential symbols: Prospero: ignorance, denial   masks: denial   tripods which expired when the people died: life  window: freedom, lack thereof     clock: reality, remaining life, inevitable death. The meaning of the 7 rooms is discussed again, this time students are reminded they must mention each room and how it relates to their theory of the deep meaning behind the rooms.

MORD packet due next class completely marked.


2/19 English III

Read 20 minutes for R11-R12 Inferences pgs 60-80-A Prayer for Owen Meany. Due today in class. 80%. You've had 6 classes and over 16 days for this reading entry.

M & M 45. advocate-n,v

prefix: ad: to      root: voc: to voice, speak      suffix: ate: forms nouns and verbs

advocate: a person who speaks in support, to speak in support of a cause, organization etc.

Noun use:
The victim's advocate spoke out against the senseless crimes.
Verb use:
When one doesn't like something, they should advocate their feelings in an appropriate manner.

Write your own sentence using context clues. Ms. Batten walked around and checked sentences.

Finish Masque of the Red Death:
Audio continued starting with the description of the 7 rooms. Students asked to add colors to the diagram on pg 55, and with their group answer what the rooms represent providing support of why they feel this way. Class Discusses. Students continue to mark diction, repetition and symbols using the key established.

During discussion:
-Class discusses why everyone pauses at the striking of the clock and how the clock might symbolize death, their own inevitable deaths, reality
-the masks could represent denial-how they are in denial that they will eventually die from the Red Death or denial of whats going on in the world around them
-ebony was mentioned as a diction word used on purpose to indicate not only a dark color for the clock but also a peculiarity and the expensive taste of the prince
-the prince is seen as mad by others, but not his followers, most likely because to admit he is insane would be to admit they won't be able to escape
-dreams is used with diction such as stalked, writhed, stiff-frozen and stand. These are not pleasant words, so perhaps in the castle dreams are a negative thing, whereas typically we would desire them. They stalk because you cannot escape them, they writhe because they are painful, they are stiff-frozen because they stand still and the people in the castle will not move forward with them if locked in a castle, and they stand, because there is no chance for them to move one way or the other. These people are isolated and have planned to live out their days in the castle.
-There is a shift in the story on pg 57 with the chiming of midnight. This is where the masked figure of the Red Death appears.

Exit 9/MORD very end and discussion-next class.

Ra Ta Ta next class for visualizing and R14 and R15


2/14 English III

Start with 20 min of reading of A Prayer for Owen Meany for R11-R12-Inferences-80%

41. tenable

Prefix: Ten: grasp       Suffix: Able: Able

Model: Many seniors see a high school diplomas as tenable after years of hard work and dedication to their studies.

tenable means capable of holding onto, defending, enjoying, obtaining

Write your own sentence, using context clues.

Take out R13 MORD packet
Class reviews symbolism and diction and how to spot each.

Student read through pg 54 in 4th block and 55 in 5th block.

Class discusses diction marked: patterns of light, gothic mood words, pleasant mood words, words that continue the isolation pattern

Class discusses possible symbols: 7 rooms and each color, clock, Gothic Window, Light, East, West) 5th block brought up the possibility that each room could represent the 7 deadly sins.

Class to finish reading the next class.


2/12 English III

Read 20 minutes- A Prayer for Owen Meany. Work on  R11-R12 pgs 61-80. Due on 2/19, 2 more classes from now.

Copy new word. Words are different now, because only your 3rd and 6th block teacher are supposed to teach them. You will still take quizzes and only 5 words will be given per word set, rather than 20. This means it should be extra easy to pass quizzes now. We will no longer do the peer review, but students will need to learn from comments added to their papers by me and not continue to make the same mistakes. For example, If I say, not enough context clues, then the student should start using them.

43)Transgress (v.) Words 38-42, past due.

PREFIX: trans: through, across   ROOT: gres: take steps, move around

Model: Some students seem to transgress often by constantly violating rules and procedures.

You write your own sentence using context clues.

R10-Makeup Quiz allowed for anyone absent the last class. They can take the quiz during reading or after school before the Thursday, following their absence.

Ms. Batten reviews inferences for pages 40-60. For 40-50 she reviews the main idea with the class: Johnny's mom meets Dan Needham on the train and introduces him to her family. Then on page 40 and 41, several inferences are reviewed with the class to make sure they aren't skipping over things that could be written on their chart. The class reviews the main idea for 51-60: Johnny' visits his wild, crazy cousins, who is feels comfortable with. Then on pg 52 and 53, inferences are reviewed with the class which could have been recorded for R8-R9. This is meant to especially help those who have struggled submitting R8 or R9 or who didn't do them properly.

Copy Exit 9-MORD (Masque of the Red Death)-16 pts. Due at end of reading, not this class.
1. What was Poe's purpose for writing M.O.R.D.? (2 pts) must be a complete sentence
2. Name 3 Gothic Elements present in this story. (Be specific) (3) must name specific story elements
3. Name 2 symbols and what they might represent. (4) Make sure you think on symbolic level
4. Explain the significance of the 7 rooms. Be sure to mention each room in your response. (7) You must
    mention each room and its significance in your response

Take out R13-MORD Packet-Students directed to label packet as R13 MORD and to make a key on their packet for how to mark the text:
*words you don't know
~~~~~ under diction and repetition
box around symbols

Ms. Batten reminds students of the meaning of diction.

Diction: word choice. Words authors use on purpose, when there are other words they could have used. In gothic fiction, you will definately see a lot of gloomy, depressing words which are a part of that diction.
Ex: shack vs. cabin
If I was writing a scary story, I would be more likely to use shack.
If I was writing a pleasant story about my childhood vacation spot, I would be more likely to use cabin.

Ms. Batten reveals the meaning of symbolism and the ways to spot it in the text.

Symbolism: when something represents something larger than itself
How to spot it:
-repetition (sometimes symbols are objects or ideas that repeat)
-unusual placement or unusual name
-words that don't belong together (like if I said Mr. Samson was steaming smoke from his forehead.) Sometimes this reveals a metaphor instead of a symbol.
-patterns in diction (like if words all associate with a color, lightness, darkness or are related some how)
-long, drawn out, wordy descriptions. (For example, in Their Eyes Were Watching God, the chapter all about the street lamp. You hear about the lamp so much, it is obviously a symbol)

Students read the first page of packet, pg 53 and mark the text using the key Ms. Batten has given to them. Class discusses first page.

Diction on first page mentioned: pestilence, fatal, hideous, profuse, termination, dauntless, sagacious
For explanation of why marked, look at the 1st and 2nd line "No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous." pestilence is used to reveal this is a plague, disease, not just an illness. Fatal is used to show that it is deadly. The author could have said harmful there. Hideous is used because the symptoms of the disease are horrifying and disgusting.

Symbols on first page mentioned:
Prince Prospero: marked because its an unusual name for a person. People aren't named after adjectives.
Red: pattern in diction reflects words that are associated with the color such as Red, Blood, bleeding, scarlet

Diction on 2nd page (54) mentioned: seclusion, girdled, ingress, egress, appliances, Beauty, security
Explanation: Girdled is unusual to use with a wall, so its obviously used on purpose. Ingess and Egress means entry and exit, so he could have just used those words. He uses these more sophisticated words to reflect the time period.

Possible Symbols on 2nd page (54) mentioned: The castle is constantly referred to using a similar pattern of diction referring to isolation such as seclusion, strong and lofty wall, gates of iron, welded the bolts. It is described in detail and mentioned many times how the castle isolates Prospero and his guests, so its most likely a symbol.

We will finish reading this story the next class. Make sure you have your packet with you.

Students reminded that Exit 8 will not be given more than 50% credit if submitted after 2/12. It was due 1/31 and is now 2 weeks past due. Exit slips cannot be turned in at any time, but should be submitted before the next Exit slip is given to students.


2/8 English III

Read 15 minutes. A Prayer for Owen Meany. R11-R12-Inferences Due 2/19.

Ms. Batten finishes review of R10 cnotes, making sure to review each section before the quiz.

R10-Quiz-80% (quiz on Cnotes taken)-If absent, you must make up the quiz by the Thursday following your absence in the classroom during lunch, or after school. Students absent for quiz are not allowed to use their Cnotes and can prepare by taking their own notes from the 4 sections: p287 Gothic Fiction, transcedentalist, Gothic Short story p317 Strategies for Understanding Poe  p318 Poe Early years
p319 Poe end  If going to the online Holt book, the login is tparker806 and the password is braves

After quiz, work on reading entries R11-R12, or finishing R10 Cnotes.

R10-Cnotes-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-Due today. Make sure you answer the essential question and have 2 questions for each section, besides the one your group presented on.

R13-MORD packets  (Masque of the Red Death)-distributed to all students present. Students asked to make sure they have them the next class.

Students reminded to return the student diagnostic alignment guide and answer sheet and complete calculations.

Expectations from students reviewed. Papers returned.
27 students have made it impossible to pass thus far because they didn't submit either assessment for this term, they only submitted one, which is the equivalent of 50%, or they are never in class. Students  were encouraged to take charge of their own grade and stop making excuses for their lack of effort. Out of the 25 students who turn in the assessments, the majority, 18 have received 70% or above.

Students in 5th block watched Mini-Poe Biography. Both classes brainstormed current Gothic Tv shows and movies.


English III 2/6 Early Release

Reading 15 minutes-R 11-R12-Inferences.

Turn in words 38-42 today. Make sure they are in order.

Finish group jigsaws on R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction if needed. Continue to add to R10 Cnotes.

Add to notes from Batten's lecture.
4th (Gothic Fiction setting, common characters, common plots, mood, diction, short story, difference between transcedentalist and dark romantics/Gothic Fiction and symbolism reviewed in detail.)
5th (Gothic Fiction setting, common characters, common plots, mood, diction, short story, difference between transcedentalist and dark romantics/Gothic Fiction and symbolism reviewed in detail.) (Strategies for understanding Poe-extra strategy revealled)

R10 Poe/Gothic Fiction quiz-next class. -80%


1/31-2/4 B Day


Read 20 minutes, A Prayer for Owen Meany. Remember R8-R9-Inferences (part of your 80% assessments) is Due today. If late, 2 points will be deducted for each class day not submitted.

Turn in R8-R9 Inferences-Due Today

41. susceptible- (add to M&M assignment 38-42)

prefix: sus: under, up from       root: cep: to take, catch, hold, receive        suffix: able: able, forms adj

definition: liable to be afflicted by, easily impressed emotionally, vulnerable, defenseless
Model: Students who don't come to class, are habitually tardy and who don't listen, leave themselves susceptible to failing grades.
Do: Your own sentence and have a peer review.

R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes- groups finish preparing jigsaw assignments for presentations. The bolded groups below presented this class. The non-bolded students, will present the next class. If absent for your group presentation, you can present your material upon your return or if after we are finished, write down on a piece of paper what you would have presented and how you planned to present it to the class in a creative manner.

From Holt Book-
-Gothic Fiction pg 287 characteristics, novel, common setting, short story, transcendentalist
(Kwenessia, Alex, Dominique-asked to re-present next class) (Ian, Ray, Carl, Xaynah)
-Strategies for Understanding Poe p317 (Tanaysha,Rajym, Victoria,Nicole) (Josh, Trey, Harvey, Shawn)
-Poe, Dark Beginnings/Breaking Away p318 (Terrell, Edwin,Denis, Kalise)
(Tyler, Akiya, Brandi, Julian, Nate)
-Poe, Exploring Depths/Triumphs/Tragedy p319 (Morgan, Barry, Kaos)(Andre, Tracy, Roberto, Cody

R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-While groups present, students are to take Cnotes. For each group, on the left, they should put the page number and heading for each group jigsaw and 2 questions that pop in their head during the presentations or that would make good exit slip questions on that section. On the right side, they should take detailed notes on what each group presents. If absent or you don't feel you have enough notes, go to the online holt book and take notes on each groups section on your own. Remember login: tparker806 Password: braves Click on orange book and type page numbers at the top.

Make sure you take detailed notes, as you will be taking a quiz on everything presented to you. This quiz will be part of your 80% assessment grade.
Exit 8-is past due and is late if you haven't yet submitted it. Be sure to turn it in, however, as it counts toward your 80-% assessments.


Reading 20 minutes A Prayer for Owen Meany-R11-R12-Inferences-(counts toward 80%)-
Due 2/19. If you didn't submit R8-R9 which was due 1/31, remember you lose 2 points each day you are late. If late, please submit that today, to avoid losing more points.

42. adjudicate: v (add to M&M 38-42, and submit completed words today or Wed. Feb. 6)
prefix: ad: toward    root: jud/judge: to declare to be, to interpret law, to decide  suffix: ate: forms

definition: to settle or determine and issue and give a formal decision, to judge
Model: Sometimes a mediator is asked to adjudicate disputes before they make it to the courtroom.
Do: Your own sentence, and have a peer review.
Remember words 38-42 are due today or Wed, Feb. 6. Your M&M quiz is Feb. 6 in 6th block. If you teacher doesn't give you the quiz and you want to take it, see me. Extra credit given for each point over 80.
Extra time given today to make sure all words have sentences and peer reviews.

Remember: Owen Meany book can be purchased and brought in for your use for 25 extra credit points.

Group Jigsaws for R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-continue.
directions reexplained-Groups are to put heading, pg # and 2 questions for each group on the left and notes, an extra space for Ms. Batten's addition to notes on right. Draw a line after each jigsaw to separate into 4 parts.

Groups bolded below presented this day. If absent for presentations, go to online holt book and take notes from the sections you missed. Remember login: tparker806 Password: braves  Click on orange book and type page numbers at the top.
From Holt Book

-Gothic Fiction pg 287 characteristics, novel, common setting, short story, transcendentalist
(Kwenessia, Alex, Dominique)
-Strategies for Understanding Poe p317 (Tanaysha,Rajym, Victoria,Nicole)
-Poe, Dark Beginnings/Breaking Away p318 (Terrell, Edwin,Denis, Kalise)
  (Tyler, Akiya, Brandi, Julian, Nate)
-Poe, Exploring Depths/Triumphs/Tragedy p319 (Morgan, Barry, Kaos)(Andre, Tracy, Shayla Roberto, Cody)

R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-While groups present, students are to take Cnotes. For each group, on the left, they should put the page number and heading for each group jigsaw and 2 questions that pop in their head during the presentations or that would make good exit slip questions on that section. On the right side, they should take detailed notes on what each group presents. If absent or you don't feel you have enough notes, go to the online holt book and take notes on each groups section on your own. Remember login: tparker806 Password: braves Click on orange book and type page numbers at the top.

Make sure you take detailed notes, as you will be taking a quiz on everything presented to you. This quiz will be part of your 80% assessment grade.

Ms. Batten will review each groups jigsaw the next class, and add to their notes. Students will take a quiz which will count toward the 80% assessment grade the next class, after this review.