
1/31-2/4 B Day


Read 20 minutes, A Prayer for Owen Meany. Remember R8-R9-Inferences (part of your 80% assessments) is Due today. If late, 2 points will be deducted for each class day not submitted.

Turn in R8-R9 Inferences-Due Today

41. susceptible- (add to M&M assignment 38-42)

prefix: sus: under, up from       root: cep: to take, catch, hold, receive        suffix: able: able, forms adj

definition: liable to be afflicted by, easily impressed emotionally, vulnerable, defenseless
Model: Students who don't come to class, are habitually tardy and who don't listen, leave themselves susceptible to failing grades.
Do: Your own sentence and have a peer review.

R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes- groups finish preparing jigsaw assignments for presentations. The bolded groups below presented this class. The non-bolded students, will present the next class. If absent for your group presentation, you can present your material upon your return or if after we are finished, write down on a piece of paper what you would have presented and how you planned to present it to the class in a creative manner.

From Holt Book-
-Gothic Fiction pg 287 characteristics, novel, common setting, short story, transcendentalist
(Kwenessia, Alex, Dominique-asked to re-present next class) (Ian, Ray, Carl, Xaynah)
-Strategies for Understanding Poe p317 (Tanaysha,Rajym, Victoria,Nicole) (Josh, Trey, Harvey, Shawn)
-Poe, Dark Beginnings/Breaking Away p318 (Terrell, Edwin,Denis, Kalise)
(Tyler, Akiya, Brandi, Julian, Nate)
-Poe, Exploring Depths/Triumphs/Tragedy p319 (Morgan, Barry, Kaos)(Andre, Tracy, Roberto, Cody

R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-While groups present, students are to take Cnotes. For each group, on the left, they should put the page number and heading for each group jigsaw and 2 questions that pop in their head during the presentations or that would make good exit slip questions on that section. On the right side, they should take detailed notes on what each group presents. If absent or you don't feel you have enough notes, go to the online holt book and take notes on each groups section on your own. Remember login: tparker806 Password: braves Click on orange book and type page numbers at the top.

Make sure you take detailed notes, as you will be taking a quiz on everything presented to you. This quiz will be part of your 80% assessment grade.
Exit 8-is past due and is late if you haven't yet submitted it. Be sure to turn it in, however, as it counts toward your 80-% assessments.


Reading 20 minutes A Prayer for Owen Meany-R11-R12-Inferences-(counts toward 80%)-
Due 2/19. If you didn't submit R8-R9 which was due 1/31, remember you lose 2 points each day you are late. If late, please submit that today, to avoid losing more points.

42. adjudicate: v (add to M&M 38-42, and submit completed words today or Wed. Feb. 6)
prefix: ad: toward    root: jud/judge: to declare to be, to interpret law, to decide  suffix: ate: forms

definition: to settle or determine and issue and give a formal decision, to judge
Model: Sometimes a mediator is asked to adjudicate disputes before they make it to the courtroom.
Do: Your own sentence, and have a peer review.
Remember words 38-42 are due today or Wed, Feb. 6. Your M&M quiz is Feb. 6 in 6th block. If you teacher doesn't give you the quiz and you want to take it, see me. Extra credit given for each point over 80.
Extra time given today to make sure all words have sentences and peer reviews.

Remember: Owen Meany book can be purchased and brought in for your use for 25 extra credit points.

Group Jigsaws for R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-continue.
directions reexplained-Groups are to put heading, pg # and 2 questions for each group on the left and notes, an extra space for Ms. Batten's addition to notes on right. Draw a line after each jigsaw to separate into 4 parts.

Groups bolded below presented this day. If absent for presentations, go to online holt book and take notes from the sections you missed. Remember login: tparker806 Password: braves  Click on orange book and type page numbers at the top.
From Holt Book

-Gothic Fiction pg 287 characteristics, novel, common setting, short story, transcendentalist
(Kwenessia, Alex, Dominique)
-Strategies for Understanding Poe p317 (Tanaysha,Rajym, Victoria,Nicole)
-Poe, Dark Beginnings/Breaking Away p318 (Terrell, Edwin,Denis, Kalise)
  (Tyler, Akiya, Brandi, Julian, Nate)
-Poe, Exploring Depths/Triumphs/Tragedy p319 (Morgan, Barry, Kaos)(Andre, Tracy, Shayla Roberto, Cody)

R10-Poe/Gothic Fiction Cnotes-While groups present, students are to take Cnotes. For each group, on the left, they should put the page number and heading for each group jigsaw and 2 questions that pop in their head during the presentations or that would make good exit slip questions on that section. On the right side, they should take detailed notes on what each group presents. If absent or you don't feel you have enough notes, go to the online holt book and take notes on each groups section on your own. Remember login: tparker806 Password: braves Click on orange book and type page numbers at the top.

Make sure you take detailed notes, as you will be taking a quiz on everything presented to you. This quiz will be part of your 80% assessment grade.

Ms. Batten will review each groups jigsaw the next class, and add to their notes. Students will take a quiz which will count toward the 80% assessment grade the next class, after this review.