
2/19 English III

Read 20 minutes for R11-R12 Inferences pgs 60-80-A Prayer for Owen Meany. Due today in class. 80%. You've had 6 classes and over 16 days for this reading entry.

M & M 45. advocate-n,v

prefix: ad: to      root: voc: to voice, speak      suffix: ate: forms nouns and verbs

advocate: a person who speaks in support, to speak in support of a cause, organization etc.

Noun use:
The victim's advocate spoke out against the senseless crimes.
Verb use:
When one doesn't like something, they should advocate their feelings in an appropriate manner.

Write your own sentence using context clues. Ms. Batten walked around and checked sentences.

Finish Masque of the Red Death:
Audio continued starting with the description of the 7 rooms. Students asked to add colors to the diagram on pg 55, and with their group answer what the rooms represent providing support of why they feel this way. Class Discusses. Students continue to mark diction, repetition and symbols using the key established.

During discussion:
-Class discusses why everyone pauses at the striking of the clock and how the clock might symbolize death, their own inevitable deaths, reality
-the masks could represent denial-how they are in denial that they will eventually die from the Red Death or denial of whats going on in the world around them
-ebony was mentioned as a diction word used on purpose to indicate not only a dark color for the clock but also a peculiarity and the expensive taste of the prince
-the prince is seen as mad by others, but not his followers, most likely because to admit he is insane would be to admit they won't be able to escape
-dreams is used with diction such as stalked, writhed, stiff-frozen and stand. These are not pleasant words, so perhaps in the castle dreams are a negative thing, whereas typically we would desire them. They stalk because you cannot escape them, they writhe because they are painful, they are stiff-frozen because they stand still and the people in the castle will not move forward with them if locked in a castle, and they stand, because there is no chance for them to move one way or the other. These people are isolated and have planned to live out their days in the castle.
-There is a shift in the story on pg 57 with the chiming of midnight. This is where the masked figure of the Red Death appears.

Exit 9/MORD very end and discussion-next class.

Ra Ta Ta next class for visualizing and R14 and R15