
11/21A-11/22 B

Independent Reading-15 minutes-Turn in R20-22 Connections-today 11/21 A-11/22 B-80%

Class survey: Answer the following and turn in to basket. 1)Make the following a 2 sentence response: I go to school because.. 2)Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who skip school are.. 3)Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who disrupt class are.. 4) Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who make good grades are.. 5) Rate how much you think high school will impact your future from 1 to 5 and explain your rating (5 being the most impact). 6)List the advantages of graduating high school versus not graduating. List the advantages of getting a college degree versus not getting a degree. 7) In 10 years from now, what job do you see yourself with and what steps will it take you to get there?

View Persuasive speeches: Why Hip hop is the Devil and Drunk Driving and take notes on the positive and negatives of both speeches. Then with your group, on a paper with all of your names, list both the positive and negative aspects of both speeches. Also as a group list 5 categories you think I will grade you on when evaluating your speech. If absent do this on your own by watching both speeches here. Why hip hop is the Devil and Drunk Driving.

At the end of class, Unit 1-Comparison/Contrast essays returned
. Students given a model and encouraged to write or rewrite this paper if they didn't do it or didn't like their score. This essay is 100 points-part of the 80% assessment grade.


11/15 A-11/18 B English III

2 day lesson

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections-80%-Due 11/21 A-11/22 B

Finish R23-Letter to Birmingham-chart-p281-282.
Logos/Pathos/Ethos with explanation. Background info for this assignment available on 268, 276 and 280. Turn in this assignment to the basket today.

Class draws numbers to choose thier persuasive topics. They are allowed to work with a partner or by themselves. Once a topic is taken for the class, no one else can sign up for it.

So far the groups are as follows. Name(s) followed by topic #:
1st A day-Darrion-7, Briana/Akiera-9, Kenneth-11, Nick/Jarvis-12, Amy-16, Tyler-18, Solynn/Prentis-24, Tim-25, Randy/Alex-27, Zach-33, Roshawn-39, Rick-42, Jacob-43, Pat-44

2nd/A day-
Teyonna/Cheyene-9, Kayla/Yolanda-11, Wilbert/Darren-12, Mayra/Xiomara-16, Briana/Latavia-18, Tristan/Jeremy-24, Fernando/Sau-25, Raven-26, Joel/Chase-27, Devaughnte/Andre-30, Mitsu/Kamal-2, Alyssa/Chrissy-39, Jazmine/Ricardo-42- NEW- Bam (2), Andrew (5),

5th/B day- To be determined.

Review-R19/R23 started
. All exit slip questions reviewed in class. Stanton uses more emotion in her speech because she is speaking to women at a women's rights convention. Emotion would appeal to them the most because they are by nature more emotional than they are logical. Also, she wants to get them to feel something about women's rights because they've remained passive for so long. If she can get them to feel angry, neglected, abused, oppressed, then they should want to also stand up and join her cause. King uses more logical argument because his audience is the government or those who can and do make laws. Obviously he uses more logic because they are lawmakers, and should be very rational, logically thinking beings. Emotion wouldn't work as well on this audience, but he still uses it a bit to appeal to their human nature.

2nd part of lesson posted after it is taught-

2nd Part of Lesson
Independent reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections due 11/21 A-11/22 B

Students must finish R23-Letter from Birmingham and turn in

Finish review R19-R23-Class discussion. R19 and R23 returned for this review.

Absent students choose persuasive topics for Performance Task 2-Unit 2-Social Conflict. Assignment, go ask 5 students for their opinion of your topic. If they do not agree with you, get a reason why. Each person or group presents their topic and how many people agree/disagree with them. This is important so you know what type of audience you will be persuading. If more than half of the class disagrees with you, your audience could be hostile, if most of the class agrees with you, you are dealing with a supportive audience. You must keep this in mind as you plan your presentation.

5th-Chooses Topics:
Donnel/Fabi (9), Justin/Nate (11), Vance (20), Ron/Destiny (24), Krystal-for (27), Andre/Alante-against (27), Jasmine/Ashley (30), Kayla/Taran (42), Baraka/Maurkeisha(44)

11/10 A-11/14 B English III

Copy Exit 13: 1)What was MLK Jr's purpose in writing "Letter from Birmingham.."? (Answer in a complete sentence)2. Contrast "Declaration of Sentiments with "Letter from Birmingham." Which one uses more logic? Which one uses more emotion?? Explain why each author uses more of this type of persuasion in their writing? (consider audience)

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections Due 11/21 A-11/22 B-80%

Turn in Exit 12 if you haven't already. Exit 12 returned to some students for corrections.

Finish R19-Women's Rights with your group. Turn in by stapling the individual assignments to the group assignment.

Start R23-Letter to Birmingham- First, read pg 286 paradox and Reading Focus: logos, ethos, pathos. Class reviews the types of persuasion together.

Then read p276 MLK Jr. short Biography. Read to learn why he wrote this letter from jail in the first place.

Then read p280 Rhetorical question-Class discussed that when using rhetorical questions the author is most likely appealing to someones logic.

Setup a chart like the last one you did for R19, but this time add Ethos/Ethics.

R23-Letter to Birminham-Document on the chart all persuasive devices used and if these devices are logos/logic, pathos/emotion, or ethos/ethics or more than one. Provide an explanation for each of your choices. Due the next class.

Class given compare/contrast essay model for W4-Performance Task-past due. Student told that they can redo their essay if they do not like their score. If they never turned in an essay, they should use the model to help them, as the essay is 100 points and 80% of their grade. If they don't turn it in, they cannot pass.

Class given persuasive topics to choose from for their Unit 2-Performance Task-Present a persuasive speech on a social conflict-80%-100 points.


11/8 A-11/9 B English III

Ra Ta Ta-Connections
Example done in class.

Independent Reading-20 minutes.
R16-18 Connections-80% due today. R20-22 Connections Due 11/21 A-11/22 B. Students reminded that for each set of reading entries, they were given 13 to 14 days and 5-6 days inside of class to complete. They had a minimum of 100 minutes given to them to use for these entries in class. There is no reason they shouldn't be turning them in.

Finish Group Work-R19-Women's Rights-Remember to turn in the group assignment with your individual assignment.

Start new Holt assignment if finished.

11/4 A-11/7B

Independent Reading-20 minutes. R16-R18 Connections-80%
Due 11/8 A-11/9 B

Turn in Exit 12.

When finished work on independent assignment R19-Women's Rights. Holt pg 159-160. Go through the speech and identify any persuasive technique used by Elizabeth Cady Stanton as Logical or Emotional and explain why. Turn in to basket.

Teacher returns all R19 assignments.Class review R19 pg 159. Ms. Batten displays her chart. For example on pg 159, the author quotes the Declaration of Independence which is logos. It cannot be disputed that this historical document exists or that it was created to establish equal rights. It is also pathos because the author purposely placed the word women in the speech to stir up emotion in the audience.

Ms. Batten stops the review on p160 2nd paragraph. Now with your group finish, going through the speech together. Look at what you did individually, see what you should combine, add or take away from your group chart. From the 3rd paragraph on pg 160 on, your group is to record everything that appeals to logical and/or emotional appeal and explain why. Staple the individual assignment to the group assignment and be prepared for me to ask questions of all group members about why you labelled something as logical or emotional. Turn in.

Last 10 minutes-Review Author's Purpose Post Test with student example. Students told that this is an 80% assessment grade and if they didn't get a passing score, to come in after school or during lunch for tutoring so they can retest.


10/31A-11/3 B English III

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R16-18 Connections- Due 11/8 A-11/9 B-80 percent. 20 minutes.

Turn in W4-Performance Task-Compare/Contrast essay-100 pts/80% if turning in late. Remember 10 points is deducted each day its late.

Finish W5-Vocab 2 foldable and turn in to basket. Turn to p158 and read about emotional and logical argument.

Logical/Logos: facts, statistics, not to be disputed, or appeals to someones reasoning and ability to make sense

Emotional/Pathos: anything chosen on purpose to trigger emotions, such as diction, word choice

PowerPoint/examples shown to students.

Make the chart from p158 with Arguments on the left and the type of argument on the right. On the right, you must put whether the argument is Logical/Emotional or Both and you must you explain.

Read the speech from 159-160 including the background of the author Elizabeth Cady Stanton and complete this chart.

2nd day- Ms. Batten reviews p159 with students and how she would document on the chart. Students continue working. Work on independent reading if you finish before others.

on p159 where Stanton quotes the Declaration of Independence she uses both logos and pathos. Its logos because she is quoting a historical document. It cannot be disputed that this document exists or that is says this. Its also logic because referring to a document which was created with the rights of mankind in mind should appeal to the reasoning of those who say women shouldn't vote. Why have a document establishing equal rights and exclude one group of society? That doesn't seem to make much sense. Its also pathos because she purposely placed the word women into her excerpt from the historical document. This was probably done to make women feel like they aren't being excluded any more.

You really need to understand logos (logic) and pathos (emotion) because for your Unit 2-Performance Task you will have to present on a social conflict using both types of argument.